236 research outputs found

    Differentiability of correlations in Realistic Quantum Mechanics

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    We prove a version of Bell's Theorem in which the Locality assumption is weakened. We start by assuming theoretical quantum mechanics and weak forms of relativistic causality and of realism (essentially the fact that observable values are well defined independently of whether or not they are measured). Under these hypotheses, we show that only one of the correlation functions that can be formulated in the framework of the usual Bell theorem is unknown. We prove that this unknown function must be differentiable at certain angular configuration points that include the origin. We also prove that, if this correlation is assumed to be twice differentiable at the origin, then we arrive at a version of Bell's theorem. On the one hand, we are showing that any realistic theory of quantum mechanics which incorporates the kinematic aspects of relativity must lead to this type of \emph{rough} correlation function that is once but not twice differentiable. On the other hand, this study brings us a single degree of differentiability away from a relativistic von Neumann no hidden variables theorem.Comment: Final version, published in JM

    Opportunistic Infections and Associated Factors among HIV Infected Patients on Anti-Retroviral Treatment at Bombo Hospital in Tanga Region, Tanzania

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    Background: A substantive number of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) develop Opportunistic Infections (OIs). The introduction of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) in Tanzania led to a significant decline in opportunistic infections and a slower progression to AIDS, but OIs are still prevalent. This study was set to determine the magnitude of OIs and associated factors among HIV/AIDS patients on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) attending care and treatment clinic at Bombo Regional Referral hospital, Tanga region. Materials and Methods: A cross‐sectional descriptive study was conducted on HIV/AIDS patients on ART attending Bombo Hospital in Tanga from July to October 2019. A non-probability, consecutive sampling technique was employed to obtain study participants. Data were collected using available data obtained from the patients’ files, hospital record books and interviews of study participants by using semi-structured questionnaires. Data were entered into the computer using Excel 2013, cleaned and analysed using Epi Info version Any p-value of < 0.05, at a 95% confidence interval was regarded as statistically significant. Results: The study showed that out of the 360 participants, 126 cases (35.0%) of OIs were reported. Pulmonary Tuberculosis had the highest prevalence of 18.0% among PLHIV while other opportunistic Infections altogether contributed 17.0%. Late ART initiation (OR=10.9, 95% CI: 6.5 – 18.3, p-value <0.001), Poor drug adherence (OR=19, 95% CI: 9.0 – 39.7, p-value <0.001), female gender (69% vs. 31%), which was however, not statistically significant (p-value – 0.904), Informal and Primary School education (OR = 1.6, 95% CI: 1.1 – 1.6, p-value 0.04) being married (OR=2.1, 95% CI: 1.3 – 3.4, p – value 0.004) and widowed/widower (OR=7.7, 95% CI: 1.7 – 33.7, p – value 0.007) respectively were found to be associated with OIs to PLHIV. Conclusion: The rate of OIs still high among PLHIV, Pulmonary Tuberculosis is the leading disease with 18.0% of all OIs symptomatic patients. Delay in ART initiation after positive test results, poor drug adherence and moderate malnutrition have been identified as major risk factors affecting 66.0%, 70.0%, 71%of PLWHA with OIs. We recommend early initiation of ART, Education on ART adherence and refilling of large quantities of ARV drugs to individuals working far from their homes

    Special Issue: Comparative assessment 1 of compositing and anaerobic digestion of 2 municipal biodegradable waste in Harare, Zimbabwe

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    Abstract : Composting and AD of biodegradable waste were assessed for their benefits from literature and environmental impacts using the life cycle impact assessment procedure. Literature review findings indicate an overall edge for AD over composting largely due to its renewable energy production capabilities, reduced exhaust emissions and cost effectiveness considering the entire MSW life cycle. LCIA results show that both AD and composting leads to increases across the four impact categories considered namely, global warming, human health, eutrophication and acidification. AD however showed lower contributions than composting to global warming, human health and acidification. Composting only showed lower contribution than AD in regards to eutrophication. Overall study results indicate an edge for AD over composting in treating and managing biodegradable fraction of MSW generated in Harare and its surrounding urban and peri urban environments of Chitungwiza, Epworth, Norton and Ruwa

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    The Passing of State Control over Railway Rates; Constitutionality of the New York Workmen\u27s Compensation Act; Must a Passenger Go on the Same Train with His Baggage?; Implied Reservation of Easements; Extent of the City\u27s Right, Under the Power of Eminent Domain, to Exemption from Liability for Consequential Damages Under the Rule of Damnum Absque Injuria


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    A estação de tratamento de água - ETA - Parque da Imprensa, em Caxias do Sul, foi originalmente concebida para tratar 550 litros por segundo. Nos últimos tempos, com a demanda sempre crescente, verificou-se a necessidade de elevar esse valor para até 1300 litros por segundo. Optou-se pela modernização das unidades existentes. A modernização dos filtros mostrou-se especialmente interessante. Tendo em vista que a ETA vinha operando com sobrecarga, a intervenção em cada filtro deveria ser realizada com rapidez e precisão, minimizando o tempo de sua parada. As intervenções foram realizadas utilizando materiais e métodos construtivos próprios e até então inéditos no Brasil. A reforma envolveu a utilização de tubos de polietileno de alta densidade - PEAD - na implantação do novo sistema de drenagem da água filtrada, distribuição da água para a lavagem principal e do ar para a lavagem auxiliar. A tubulação era montada, em sua quase totalidade e sempre sob medida, no exterior de cada filtro. Tão logo as intervenções de engenharia civil estivessem concluídas no filtro em reforma, ela era transferida, fixada e ajustada em seu interior. A reforma dos filtros contemplou também a transformação do sistema de filtração para o tipo de taxa declinante variável, que eliminou a ocorrência das pressões negativas nos leitos filtrantes que vinham ocorrendo até então. O trabalho descreve a situação original em que se encontravam os filtros, as intervenções realizadas - com suas particularidades - e o resultado final obtido, que desafogou a estação de tratamento e permitirá a intervenção nas demais unidades sem prejudicar a qualidade da água tratada

    Retooling Cotton Growers for Improved Productivity in Mozambique: Implications of Integrated Crop Management Practices

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    In Mozambique average yields of seed cotton range from 400-750 kg/ha on smallholders’ farms, while those in research plots average 3,000 kg/ha. To improve productivity, integrated crop management (ICM) practices were promoted in cotton production systems, using farmer field schools (FFS). In addition, relevant information on cotton marketing was provided to the cotton growers. This paper examines the extent to which the initiative contributed to changes in farmer practices, productivity and income. The ICM farmers had significantly larger area (p<0.01) under cotton, which was due to an overall average increase of 0.19 ha above that of non-ICM farmers. Ninety seven per cent of the ICM farmers rated cotton as the key contributor to income compared to 80% of the non-ICM farmers. Net incomes from cotton were significantly higher (p<0.01) for the ICM farmers. The ICM farmers had better access to information and knowledge of cotton production compared to the other farmers. The ICM farmers used significantly (p<0.01) less pesticides by up to US$ 9.27 and realized better seed cotton yields of up to 250 kg/ha above non-ICM farmers. Efficient use of ICM practices contributed to sustained increase in productivity and incomes. Keywords: Productivity, sustainability, yield, income, pesticides