39 research outputs found


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    The study was conducted in May 2001 wlth aims to identifl and examine changes the biotic condition of coastal resources. The study used dual approaches of old and new data collections followed by statistical test of Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menyusun arahan pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berbasis kegiatan budidaya perikanan Kota Bengkulu. Pendekatan dalam menilai kawasan tersebut menggunakan analisis agroekosistem. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa prioritas pengembangan kawasan minapolitan secara berurut adalah: (1) pengembangan infrastruktur, sarana dan prasarana; (2) pengembangan kawasan terpadu budidaya lele dan kelembagaan; (3), restrukturisasi sistem pembinaan dan pelayanan di kawasan minapolitan, dan (4), pengembangan kawasan terpadu budidaya bandeng. Prioritas komoditas yang layak dikembangkan berturut-turut adalah (1) budidaya lele; (2) budidaya nila; (3) budidaya gurami; dan (4) budidaya bandeng. Pengembangan budidaya lele di wilayah kota dan budidaya bandeng di wilayah pesisir merupakan opsi yang terbaik.   This paper has aimed to making some guidelines for the minapolitan area development based on fishpond culture activities in Bengkulu City. An approach used to value the areas was Agroecosystem analysis. Outputs of analysis showed that the development priorities for a minapolitan area respctively are (1) Infrastructure and facility development; (2) integrated areal development for catfish pondculture and institution establisment; (3) education and service systems in a minapolitan area; and (4) integrated areal development for milkfish-pondcultures. Pondculture priorities of commodities feasible developed respectivelly are (1) catfish; (2) nila; (3) gurami, and (4) milkfish


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    Ujicoba bubu bersama terumbu karang buatan dan rumpon di wilayah rehabilitasi perairan Pulau Pari dan Pramuka adalah untuk menentukan kesesuaian paket teknologi alat tangkap dan alat bantu dalam usaha perikanan yang layak dari sisi teknis, sosial dan ekonomi. Tulisan ini merupakan sintesa kebijakan pola pemanfaatan bubu dengan dua alat bantu pengumpul ikan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah analisis kebijakan dengan memformulasikan semua informasi yang relevan dan hasil penelitian terkait. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bubu dalam perikanan multi alat tangkap dengan pemanfaatan alat bantu penangkapan tergolong efektif secara teknis, sosial dan ekonomis. CPUE bubu dari 4 hari perendaman/trip adalah ratarata 1,1 kg/unit/trip untuk nelayan Pulau Pari yang mengoperasikan bubu di dekat terumbu buatan dan 2,4 kg/unit/trip untuk nelayan Pulau Pulau Pramuka yang menaruh bubu di bawah rumpon. Perikanan bubu tergolong layak ekonomi jika terintegrasi dengan perikanan multi alat tangkap. Nilai tambah pendapatan dari penggunaan bubu berkisar pada Rp. 196.000–Rp. 400.000 per trip. Perikanan bubu memiliki prospek yang baik untuk dikembangkan dalam skala besar melalui diversifikasi usaha perikanan di wilayah perairan yang direhabilitasi dan aplikasinya dapat diterima nelayan. Alat bantu rumpon memberikan pengaruh lebih besar pada hasil tangkap bubu dibanding hanya penggunaan karang buatan.   The pot application by using artificial reefs and payaos as rehabilited fishing grounds in the waters of Pari and Pramuka Islands was to determine technological, social and economical feasible fisheries used pots and the both of fish aggregation divices (FAD). This paper is policy making of pot utility design using two kinds of the FAD. Policy analysis is an approach used to formulate any relevant information and related study results. The analysis showed that pot applications in multi gears fisheries using FAD were effective by technical, social and economical senses. Cacth Per Unit of Effort (CPUE) average of pots set 4 days per trip in the adjacent area of artificial reefs by the Pari island fisherfolks was 1.1 kg/unit/trip and those were operated under payaos by Pramuka Island fisherfolks was 2.4 kg/unit/trip. Pot fishery was feasible economic if it’s fishing had been integrated with multi gear fishery. Added values of the pot fishing income ranged from Rp. 196,000 to Rp. 400,000 per fishing trip. Pot fishery was propective to be intensively developed throught diversity fisheries in rehabilited water regions and it’s application get fisherfolk positive responses


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    Penerapan regulasi pengelolaan ikan Napoleon memerlukan informasi lain seperti kriteria kepadatan populasi. Tulisan ini adalah sisntesa atas kriteria tersebut yang bermanfaat untuk menilai tingkat status populasi ikan ini di alam, sehingga dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam pengelolaannya. Hasil sintesa menunjukkan bahwa kriteria kepadatan dapat dibagi menjadi 5 kategori, yaitu 1). Status dalam kategori sangat kritis, dimana populasi dengan kepadatan sangat rendah (0–2 ekor/ha); 2). Status dalam kategori masih rentan dan mulai membaik, dimana populasi dengan kepadatan rendah (2,1 - 4 ekor/ha); 3). Status dalam kategori membaik, dimana populasi dengan kepadatan sedang 4,1- 6 ekor/ha; 4). Status dalam kategori mendekati normal, dimana populasi dengan kepadatan tinggi (6,1 –8 ekor/ha); dan 5). Status dalam kategori normal, dimana populasi dengan kepadatan sangat tinggi (8,1 – 10 ekor/ha).Aplication of the management regulation for Humphead Wrasse fish depend on further information like population density criteria. This paper is a synthesis on the criteria being usefull to value some levels of the fish natural states in order to be a guidance for monitoring, fishing and conserving. The results show that density criteria may divide into five categories, such as 1. The population may be under at risk with lowest level of density (from 0 to 2 individual per hectar); 2. The population may be still in danger but in earliest renewal with low level of density (from 2,1 to 4 individual per hectar); 3. The population may be under recovery with moderate level of density (from 4,1 to 6 individual per hectar); 4. The population may be under primary habitual with high level of density (from 6,1 to 8 individual per hectar); and 5. The population may be under normal condition with high level of density (from 8,1 to 10 individual per hectar)

    KEBIJAKAN MORATORIUM IKAN NAPOLEON (Cheilinus ndulatus Rüppell 1835)

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan masukan bagi kebijakan perlindungan jenis ikan rawan punah, seperti ikan Napoleon. Tulisan ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan dalam mempertimbangkan inisiatif moratorium penangkapan ikan tersebut. Metode penulisan menggunakan analisis kebijakan publik. Pertimbangan moratorium antara lain adalah bahwa perikanan Napoleon mengalami krisis karena lebih kapasitas usaha, lebih tangkap dan cara penangkapannya yang merusak, sementara kebijakan pengelolaan ikan Napoleon tidak kondusif dari sisi lingkungan hidup, hukum dan penegakan hukum. Lebih jauh statusnya sudah digolongkan rawan punah oleh UNEP dan dibutuhkan pengelolaan yang lebih berhati-hati. Ketidak-beruntungannya adalah telah terjadi penangkapan ilegal dan tidak terdata dalam sistem transpotasinya. Kuota penangkapan ikan Napoleon hanya mengatur perdagangan global, tetapi peraturan pengelolaan yang bersifat domestik membutuhkan aturan yang lebih serius untukmenyelamatkan ikan Napoleon dari kepunahan. Inisiatif perlindungan jenis satwa rawan punah memiliki dasar hukum hingga disarankan untuk menetapkan moratorium berjangka. Sosialisasi merupakan langkah penting untuk mendapatkan penerimaan masyarakat atas moratorium. Monitoring dan evaluasi merupakan bagian siklus dari moratorium untuk melihat kemajuan dan perbaikan manajemen.This paper is aime to make a sinthesis of policy of endangered species protection, such as Hump Head Wrasse (HHW). This will be usefull for the Ministry for Marine and Fishery to decide a moratorium inisiative for the fish. A method used is the publicpolicy analysis. Some of judgements for making moratorium are that HHW fisheries were under crisis condition due to over capacity, over fishing and destructive fishing, while Napoleon fishery management was being worse for circumstances of living environment, law and law enforcement. Furthermore, HHW was listed in endanger species by UNEP and needed to carefully management. Unfortunatelly, it was happened the Illegal, Unregulated and Unmonitored (IUU) fishing. Napoleon Fishing quota was only for global market regulation; however, domestically management regulation was needed a serious protocol to keep Napoleon save from losses. More protective manner for endanger wilds have the regulation willing to use in decision making for moratorium. Moratorium translations for publics are potential suggestion to get social acceptances and understanding. Monitoring and evaluation include in moratorium cyclus to identity progress and improve management


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    A field research on reef fish-community structures in Natuna waters was carried out in November 2015. This research aimed to obtain the trophic composition of reef fishes and its correlation to diversity, density, and biomass. Underwater visual census on several transect areas was used to collect data. Results show that the identified reef fishes were about 100 species of target-reef fish belonging to 18 families and 23 species of indicator-reef fish of the Chaetodontidae family. The mean species number of target reef fish and indicator reef fish were 42 and 7 species, respectively. The  mean density of the target reef fish and indicator reef fish were 0.4 and 0.05 individual per m2, respectively. The mean of the reef fish relative stock was 0.6 ton/ha. The composition of the herbivores mostly found in the resilient coral reefs r was 46.45 % and the omnivores and planktivores as marketable targeted fishes were 18.64 % and 14.28 %, respectively. The most predominant or major families were from herbivorous, carnivorous, planktivorous, and corallivorous fishes, including Scaridae (i.e. Scarus spp), Lutjanidae (i.e. Lutjanus spp.), Caesionidae (i,e. Caesio cuning and Pterocaesio caerulaurea), and Chaetodontidae (i.e. Chaetodon baronessa and Chaetodon octofasciatus). The results suggested that the community structures were quite prospectively implemented for fisheries; however, it may not be promising for coral resilience. Furthermore, the coral health status was at moderate level in regard to the high numbers of corallivorous butterflyfishes


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    Ujicoba bubu bersama terumbu karang buatan dan rumpon di wilayah rehabilitasi perairan Pulau Pari dan Pramuka adalah untuk menentukan kesesuaian paket teknologi alat tangkap dan alat bantu dalam usaha perikanan yang layak dari sisi teknis, sosial dan ekonomi. Tulisan ini merupakan sintesa kebijakan pola pemanfaatan bubu dengan dua alat bantu pengumpul ikan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah analisis kebijakan dengan memformulasikan semua informasi yang relevan dan hasil penelitian terkait. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bubu dalam perikanan multi alat tangkap dengan pemanfaatan alat bantu penangkapan tergolong efektif secara teknis, sosial dan ekonomis. CPUE bubu dari 4 hari perendaman/trip adalah ratarata 1,1 kg/unit/trip untuk nelayan Pulau Pari yang mengoperasikan bubu di dekat terumbu buatan dan 2,4 kg/unit/trip untuk nelayan Pulau Pulau Pramuka yang menaruh bubu di bawah rumpon. Perikanan bubu tergolong layak ekonomi jika terintegrasi dengan perikanan multi alat tangkap. Nilai tambah pendapatan dari penggunaan bubu berkisar pada Rp. 196.000–Rp. 400.000 per trip. Perikanan bubu memiliki prospek yang baik untuk dikembangkan dalam skala besar melalui diversifikasi usaha perikanan di wilayah perairan yang direhabilitasi dan aplikasinya dapat diterima nelayan. Alat bantu rumpon memberikan pengaruh lebih besar pada hasil tangkap bubu dibanding hanya penggunaan karang buatan. The pot application by using artificial reefs and payaos as rehabilited fishing grounds in the waters of Pari and Pramuka Islands was to determine technological, social and economical feasible fisheries used pots and the both of fish aggregation divices (FAD). This paper is policy making of pot utility design using two kinds of the FAD. Policy analysis is an approach used to formulate any relevant information and related study results. The analysis showed that pot applications in multi gears fisheries using FAD were effective by technical, social and economical senses. Cacth Per Unit of Effort (CPUE) average of pots set 4 days per trip in the adjacent area of artificial reefs by the Pari island fisherfolks was 1.1 kg/unit/trip and those were operated under payaos by Pramuka Island fisherfolks was 2.4 kg/unit/trip. Pot fishery was feasible economic if it’s fishing had been integrated with multi gear fishery. Added values of the pot fishing income ranged from Rp. 196,000 to Rp. 400,000 per fishing trip. Pot fishery was propective to be intensively developed throught diversity fisheries in rehabilited water regions and it’s application get fisherfolk positive responses


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menyusun arahan pengembangan kawasan minapolitan berbasis kegiatan budidaya perikanan Kota Bengkulu. Pendekatan dalam menilai kawasan tersebut menggunakan analisis agroekosistem. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa prioritas pengembangan kawasan minapolitan secara berurut adalah: (1) pengembangan infrastruktur, sarana dan prasarana; (2) pengembangan kawasan terpadu budidaya lele dan kelembagaan; (3), restrukturisasi sistem pembinaan dan pelayanan di kawasan minapolitan, dan (4), pengembangan kawasan terpadu budidaya bandeng. Prioritas komoditas yang layak dikembangkan berturut-turut adalah (1) budidaya lele; (2) budidaya nila; (3) budidaya gurami; dan (4) budidaya bandeng. Pengembangan budidaya lele di wilayah kota dan budidaya bandeng di wilayah pesisir merupakan opsi yang terbaik. This paper has aimed to making some guidelines for the minapolitan area development based on fishpond culture activities in Bengkulu City. An approach used to value the areas was Agroecosystem analysis. Outputs of analysis showed that the development priorities for a minapolitan area respctively are (1) Infrastructure and facility development; (2) integrated areal development for catfish pondculture and institution establisment; (3) education and service systems in a minapolitan area; and (4) integrated areal development for milkfish-pondcultures. Pondculture priorities of commodities feasible developed respectivelly are (1) catfish; (2) nila; (3) gurami, and (4) milkfish


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    Infrastructure development in the particular sites of  Seribu Islands as well as those in main land of Jakarta City increased with coastal population this phenomenon is likely to increase the effects to the adjacent coral waters of Seribu Islands.  Chemical pollutants, sedimentation, and domestic wastes are the common impact and threatening, the survival of coral reef ecosystem. Coral reef resiliences naturaly remained on their processes under many influences of supporting factors. One of the major factor is the role of reef fish functional groups on controling algae growth to recolonize coral juveniles. The  aim of this study to obtain data of a herbivory and other fish functional groups of reef fishes in the Pari Islands that are resilience indicators, or that may indicate the effectiveness of management actions. A conventional scientific approach on fish diversity and abundance data gathering was conducted by the underwater visual cencus. Diversity values of the reef fish functional groups, such as the abundance of individual fish including species, were collected and tabulated by classes and weighted as a baseline to understand the resilience of coral reed based on Obura and Grimsditch (2009) techniques. The results succesfully identified several fish functional groups such as harbivores (21 species), carnivores (13 species) and fish indicator (5 species) occurred in the area. Regarding the aspects of fish density and its diversity, especially herbivorous fish functional group, were presumably in the state of rarely available to support the coral reef resiliences. Resilience indices ranged from 1 (low level) to 3 (moderate level) and averages of the quality levels ranged from 227 to 674. These levels were inadequate to support coral reef recolonization


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    Hewan Oktokoralian (Isis hippuris Linnaeus 1758) dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mendapat sorotan pemerintah, karena pola pemanfaatannya yang meningkat sementara regulasi pengelolaannya kontroversial antar unit instansi pemerintah di tingkat lapang. Kegagalan dalam pengelolaan Oktokoralian menyebabkan statusnya diambang kepunahan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mensintesa kembali kebijakan pengelolaan hewan Oktokoralian agar dapat dijaga kelestariannya. Pengelolaan yang ditawarkan dalam tulisan ini adalah menetapkan moratorium selama 5 tahun. Moratorium akan memberikan kesempatan kepada pemerintah untuk memperbaiki sistem pengelolaan dan koloni Oktokoralian sendiri dapat bergenerasi kembali. In the last years, the government have taken acccount to the Octocoralian fauna (Isis hippuris Linnaeus 1758) due to increase in it’s utilities, in which the regulation were applied by partly cover among the local goverment units. This paper aime to re-synthesis a management regulation for sustainable uses of the Octocoralian fauna. Managemen failures for Octocoralian lead to earlier furnarable status. The domain to be solutions of management improvements in this paper is decision making to set up five year Moratorium. The moratorium will give an opportunity to the government for developing management system and to Octocoralian for recovering colonies