1,983 research outputs found

    Analisis Komparasi Pendapatan USAhatani Karet Rakyat Menggunakan Bahan Pembeku Deorub Dan Non Deorubdi Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota Kabupaten Muaro Jambi the Comparation Analysis of Smallholder Rubber Income Farming Using Deorub and Non Deorub in Jambi Luar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat besarnya perbedaan pendapatan USAhatani karet rakyat yang diterima petani yang menggunakan bahan pembeku deorub dan petani yang tidak menggunakan bahan pembeku deorub. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian dengan pertimbangan petani di Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota telah menggunakan teknologi bahan pembeku asap cair (Deorub). Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah petani karet yang menggunakan bahan pembeku deorub dan non deorub di Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota.Penelitian dilakukan dari tanggal 28 November 2013 sampai tanggal 28 Desember 2013 dengan menggunakan metode simple random sampling.Daerah penelitian yaitu Desa Muhajirin dan Kelurahan Pijoan dengan pertimbangan di desa ini terdapat petani yang menggunakan bahan pembeku deorub dan non deorub.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan pendapatan yang diterima petani yang menggunakan deorub dan non deorub. Pendapatan yang diterima petani yang menggunakan deorub lebih besar yaitu Rp. 29.639.673,40 /ha/tahun dibandingkan dengan pendapatan yang diterima petani yang tidak menggunakan deorub yaitu Rp. 25.736.628,26 /ha/tahun. Perhitungan uji beda dua rata-rata diketahui bahwa t hitung (3,745) lebih besar dari pada t tabel (1,986) yang berarti bahwa pendapatan yang diterima petani yang menggunakan bahan pembeku deorub berbeda nyata dengan pendapatan yang diterima petani yang tidak menggunakan bahan pembeku deorub

    Increased intestinal carbonate precipitate abundance in the sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) in response to ocean acidification

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    Marine fish contribute to the carbon cycle by producing mineralized intestinal precipitates generated as by-products of their osmoregulation. Here we aimed at characterizing the control of epithelial bicarbonate secretion and intestinal precipitate presence in the gilthead sea bream in response to predicted near future increases of environmental CO2. Our results demonstrate that hypercapnia (950 and 1800 μatm CO2) elicits higher intestine epithelial HCO3- secretion ex vivo and a subsequent parallel increase of intestinal precipitate presence in vivo when compared to present values (440 μatm CO2). Intestinal gene expression analysis in response to environmental hypercapnia revealed the up-regulation of transporters involved in the intestinal bicarbonate secretion cascade such as the basolateral sodium bicarbonate co-transporter slc4a4, and the apical anion transporters slc26a3 and slc26a6 of sea bream. In addition, other genes involved in intestinal ion uptake linked to water absorption such as the apical nkcc2 and aquaporin 1b expression, indicating that hypercapnia influences different levels of intestinal physiology. Taken together the current results are consistent with an intestinal physiological response leading to higher bicarbonate secretion in the intestine of the sea bream paralleled by increased luminal carbonate precipitate abundance and the main related transporters in response to ocean acidification.Agência financiadora Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) SFRH/BD/113363/2015 PTDC/MAR-BIO/3034/2014 Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) UID/Multi/04326/2019 Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Polandinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study on the Hibernation of Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis Niloticus)by Usingthe Extract of Ruku-rukuLeaves(Ocimum Sanctum L.)during Dry System Transportation

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    (Ocimum sanctum L)extract solution used for hibernating tilapia during drysystem transportation. The research was using an experimental method anddesignedrandomized complete design (RCD). The treatment was hibernating thefish by using four kinds and levelsof the concentrationruku-ruku leaves extract,namely: using cold temperatures 10oC (L0), the solution of ruku-ruku leavesextract at the concentration of 10% (L1), 15% (L2), 20% (L3). Parametersobservedwere the quality of the water used during hibernation (temperature, pH, turbidity,CO2 content), the activity of tilapia during hibernation, the changing conditionsoftilapia during transportation, the temperature fluctuations in the packaging box, aswell as the percentage of survival rate of tilapia after awakening. The resultsshowed that the best treatment was the using of ruku-ruku leaves extract at theconcentration of 20% to hibernate the tilapia fish in 15-20 minutes. The mortalityrate of life of tilapia was up to75% during 6 hours transportation

    The Effect of Varied Concentration Tamarind (Tamarindus Indica L) Extract and the Soaking TIME on the Reduction Level of Heavy Metals Plumbum (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd) in the Clam (Anadara Granosa) Blood

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    This research aimed to determine the optimum concentration of tamarind extract and soaking time to reduce the heavy metals Pb and Cd in the blood of clam (Anadara granosa). The research was used the experimental method and designed as Factorial Completely Randomized Design. The clam was soaked into the solution of tamarind extract at 4 level concentrations, namely: without extract tamarind (K0), 10% tamarind (K10), 15% tamarind (K15), and 20% tamarind (K20), combined to 3 varied soaking time, namely: 60 minutes (W60), 90 minutes (W90), and 120 minutes (W120). All samples were assessed for their organoleptic characteristics and their metal Pb and Cd levels. The results showed that the treatment of soaking the clam into the 20% tamarind extract for 90 minutes was indicated the best treatment. It showed that the reduction of heavy metal up to the lowest level, those were Pb at 66,33% and Cd at 76,63%. Soaked clam blood soaked into the tamarind extract was affecting to their organoleptic characteristic, included to their consistence, taste and texture. The higher concentration of tamarind and the longer soaking time, the more little blackish brown and pale their consistance and the more acid tasted and quite clay of their texture

    The Lime Fluid (Citrus Aurantifolia) Ability of Reduction Against Heavy Metals in Mussel (Meretrix Meretrix) Kepah

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    The purpose of this research is to lower the levels of heavy metals found inthe mussel kepah by soaking with lime fluid which is containing citric acid. Themethod of this research was by using the experimental method. The design of thisresearch was the Complete Random Design (RAL) of a factorial pattern bytreatments of concentrations of 0% (C0), 15% (C15), 25% (C25), 35% (C35) andtreatments of 20 minutes (M20), 30-minute (M30) and 40 minutes (M40) longsoaking with three times repetitions. The results showed that the highest intensityof reduction of heavy metals of Pb, Zn and Cd are presented in limeconcentrations of 35% for 40 minutes long of soaking, produce results 53,53%,58.75% and 83,43% of reductions. A solution of lime was able to reduce heavymetals Pb, Zn and Cd but does not affect the value of the texture of the flesh ofmussel kepah. Soaking with lime fluid in a concentration of 0% for 20 minutes isthe best treatment based on organoleptik parameter, which the value of the view in(8.63) has a characteristic of bright, clear, very clean of flesh of mussel kepahwhich flavor and aroma is typical as clam kepah. The value of the texture in(8.31) has a characteristics of very gentle and not harsh of flesh of mussel kepah.The value of aroma in (8.68) has a characteristics of clear, bright, very interestingand very clean of flesh of mussel kepah, and the value of flavor in (6.09) has acharacteristic of typical flavor of mussel mixed with other flavors

    Quality Evaluation of Fresh Finned Fish (Thynnichthys Thynnoides Blkr) Preserved with Bitter Gourd's (Momordica Charantia) Extracts at Varied Concentrations

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    The objective of the research was to find out the quality of fresh finned fish (Thynnichthys thynnoides Blkr) which immersed in varied concentration of bitter gourd's (Momordica charantia) extract. The optimum concentration of bitter gourd' used to preserve the fish was determinated by the value of organoleptic test, total volatile base, total plate count and pH of the fish. The method used in this research used was experiment. Organoleptic test was analiyzed descriptively, while the total volatile base, total plate count, and pH were analyzed by using block randomized design (BRD). The result showed that the finned fish immersed in 30% bitter gourd's extract was the best treatment which could restrain the freshness of finned fish for 12 hours. The organoleptic characteristic showed that the apparent of fish gills (6,5), the mocous of body surface (6,9), odor (6,8), texture (7,0), meat (color and visually) (7,1), total volatile base (14,4), total plate count (1,2x104 cfu/gr), and pH (6,9), meanwhile the appearance of fish eye of P0 was more accepted by panelists

    Comportamiento y composición de la dieta del cangrejo violinista en Guang-guang, Dahican, Mati City, Davao Oriental, Filipinas

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    This paper aims to provide information about the behavior and diet composition of fiddler crabs. The large percentage of sediments present in the stomach of fiddler crabs proves that fiddler crabs play an important role in aerating the soil, which would help in the growth of mangrove and wetland plants. Observations were done in sandy, muddy, and coralline substrates for four months. Thirty fiddler crabs were collected for laboratory test of their diet composition. Sediments had the highest percentage in the stomach content of the fiddler crabs (60%), followed by chum (25%), and leaf particles (15%). The analysis of the fullness of their stomach showed that it was highly significant (df = 2, MS = 2.09, F = 34.34, p = 0.001). While the fiddler crabs ate all three colors of mangrove leaves, it preferred to forage on yellow leaves (n = 104) followed by the brown leaves (n = 78) and the green leaves (n = 77), proving that nutrient recycling occurs in the mangrove area. The existence of the fiddler crabs contributes to a more stable mangrove ecosystem. In addition, this study is the first assessment of fiddler crabs documented in Mindanao, Philippines. Results of the study can be used as a baseline for the protection of mangrove ecosystem species.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo proporcionar información sobre el comportamiento y la composición de la dieta de los cangrejos violinistas. El gran porcentaje de sedimentos presentes en el estómago de los cangrejos violinistas demuestra que los cangrejos violinistas juegan un papel importante en la aireación del suelo, lo que ayudaría al crecimiento de las plantas de manglares y humedales. Las observaciones se realizaron en sustratos arenosos, fangosos y coralinos durante cuatro meses. Treinta cangrejos violinistas fueron recolectados para estudiar en de laboratorio la composición de su dieta. Los sedimentos tuvieron el porcentaje más alto en el contenido estomacal de los cangrejos violinistas (60%), seguidos de la carnada (25%) y las partículas de hojas (15%). El nivel de llenado del estómago mostró que era altamente significativo (df = 2, MS = 2,09, F = 34,34, p = 0,001). Si bien los cangrejos violinistas comieron los tres colores de las hojas de mangle, prefirieron alimentarse de las hojas amarillas (n = 104), seguidas de las hojas marrones (n = 78) y las hojas verdes (n = 77), lo que demuestra que el reciclaje de nutrientes ocurre en la zona de manglares. Los cangrejos violinistas contribuyen a mantener un ecosistema de manglar más estable. Además, este estudio representa la primera evaluación de cangrejos violinistas documentada en Mindanao, Filipinas. Los resultados se pueden utilizar como referencia para la protección de las especies del ecosistema de manglares