947 research outputs found

    Impact of Escherichia coli on Urine Citrate and Urease-Induced Crystallization

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    Escherichia coli (E. coli) is usually not a urease producer. It is, however, often cultured in urinary phosphate containing calculi including ammonium magnesium phosphate stones. This suggests the possibility that E. coli might be involved in stone forming process. The effect of E. coli on urine citrate and urease-induced crystallization in human urine has been studied in vitro. E. coli was found to strongly reduce urine citrate (after 48 hours). In the E. coli inoculated samples, the urease-induced crystallization was increased. There was a strong correlation, r = 0.8, between the citrate decrease and the increase in calcium precipitation. The results indicate that E. coli and the reduced urine citrate influences urease-induced crystallization in vitro

    Pengaruh Suku Bunga Deposito, dan Volume Perdagangan Saham Terhadap Return Saham

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    Pasar modal sebagai salah satu alternatif sumber dana selain perbankan dan salah satu tempat investasi bagi para investor. Setiap investor sangat membutuhkan informasi yang relevan dengan perkembangan transaksi di bursa. Hal ini sangat penting untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan pengambilan keputusan investasi yang tepat. Dalam mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan suatu investasi perlu diperhatikan dua hal yaitu return dan resiko investasi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh suku bunga deposito dan volume perdagangan saham terhadap return saham pada perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, sehingga dari 27 perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode penelitian, hanya ada 20 perusahaan yang memenuhi syarat untuk dijadikan sampel. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan regresli liner berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari dua variabel independen yang diuji terhadap return saham perusahaan perbankan, satu variabel berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap return saham yaitu volume perdagangan saham, sedangkan variabel suku bunga deposito berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap return saha

    Conflicting discourses of church youths on masculinity and sexuality in the context of HIV in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Masculinity studies are fairly new and young churchgoers are an under-researched group in the current Congolese church context. In response to this knowledge gap, this paper attempts to explore discourses of youngĀ  churchgoers from deprived areas of Kinshasa regarding masculinity and sexuality in the era of HIV. A series of 16 semi-structured interviews were conducted with unmarried young churchgoers from the Salvation Army, Protestant and Revival churches. The interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using discourse analysis. Five main discourses emerged: ā€˜we are aware of the church message on sexā€™, ā€˜young men need sexā€™, ā€˜young women need moneyā€™, ā€˜to use or not to use condomsā€™ and ā€˜we trust in the church messageā€™. Although all informants knew and heard church messages against premarital sex, many of them were sexually active. The perception was that young men were engaged in sexual activities with multiple partners as a result of sexual motivations surrounding masculinity and sexual potency, while young women sought multiple partners through transactional and intergenerational sex for economic reasons. These sexual practices of young people conflicted with church messages on sexual abstinence and faithfulness. However, a small number of participants challenged current gender norms and suggested alternative ways of being a man or a woman. To elucidate theseĀ  alternatives, we suggest that church youths and church leaders might take concrete actions to deconstruct misconceptions about being men. In this way, they can possibly enhance a frank and fruitful dialogue on sex, sexuality and gender to promote positive masculinities and constructive partnerships to prevent HIV.Keywords: masculinity, sexuality, young churchgoers, HIV prevention, gender equality, DR CongoDans le contexte actuel des eĀ“glises Congolaises, les eĀ“tudes relatives a` la masculiniteĀ“ sont presque reĀ“centes et les jeunes chreĀ“tiens constituent un groupe dā€™individus qui ne font pas lā€™objet des recherches scientifiquesĀ  approfondies. En reĀ“ponse a` cette insuffisance de connaissances dans le contexte a` VIH, le preĀ“sent article tente dā€™explorer les discours relatifs a` la masculiniteĀ“ et a` la sexualiteĀ“ des jeunes chreĀ“tiens issus desĀ  quartiers deĀ“favoriseĀ“s de Kinshasa. Une seĀ“rie de 16 interviews semi-structureĀ“es ont eĀ“teĀ“ meneĀ“s aupre`s des jeunes chreĀ“tiens ceĀ“libataires appartenant a` lā€™ArmeĀ“e du Salut, aux eĀ“glises Protestantes et a` celles du ReĀ“veil du Congo. Les interviews ont eĀ“teĀ“ enregistreĀ“es et analyseĀ“es en utilisant la meĀ“thode du discours. Cinq discours ont eĀ“mergeĀ“ notamment: Ā« Nous connaissons le message des eĀ“glises au sujet du sexe Ā», Ā« les garcĀøons ont besoin des rapports sexuels Ā», Ā« les filles ont besoin dā€™argent Ā», Ā« faudrait-il utiliser ou ne pas utiliser les condoms Ā» et Ā« nous croyons dans le message des eĀ“glises Ā». Alors que tous les participantsĀ  connaissaient le message des eĀ“glises qui interdisent les rapports sexuels preĀ“maritaux, beaucoup dā€™entre eux eĀ“taient deĀ“ja` sexuellement actifs. Les garcĀøons ont eĀ“teĀ“ percĀøus comme des personnes qui ont des rapports sexuels avec plusieurs partenaires concomitants pour prouver leur masculiniteĀ“ et leur puissance sexuelle. Les filles chercheraient a` avoir des rapports sexuels mercantiles et intergeĀ“neĀ“rationnels avec des partenairesĀ  multiples a` des fins eĀ“conomiques. Ces pratiquesĀ sexuelles des jeunes sā€™opposent aux discours des eĀ“glisesĀ  qui promeuvent lā€™abstinence sexuelle et la fideĀ“liteĀ“. Cependant, quelques participants ont remis en cause les normes courantes du genre et ont suggeĀ“reĀ“ des alternatives en ce qui concerne lā€™identiteĀ“ des hommes et des femmes. Pour les eĀ“lucider, nous proposons que les jeunes chreĀ“tiens et les leaders des eĀ“glises puissent mener des actions concre`tes dans le but de deĀ“construire les conceptions erroneĀ“es de ce que veut dire eĖ†tre homme. Ce faisant, ils peuvent probablement maximiser les chances dā€™un dialogue franc et productif en ce qui concerne le sexe, la sexualiteĀ“ et le genre afin de promouvoir la masculiniteĀ“ positive et le partenariatĀ  constructif, susceptibles de preĀ“venir lā€™infection a` VIH.Mots cleĀ“s: masculiniteĀ“, sexualiteĀ“, jeunes chreĀ“tiens, preĀ“vention du VIH, eĀ“galiteĀ“ du genre, RD Cong

    Energy Dependence of the Contribution of Pion Exchange to Large-Rapidity-Gap Events in Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We study the energy dependence of the contribution of pion exchange to large-rapidity-gap events in deep inelastic scattering. The results show that this contribution can be quite significant at low energy and that the LRG events observed by E665 collaboration in \mu Xe and \mu D interactions at 490 GeVGeV can be reasonably well described in terms of meson exchange. We also show that the distribution of the maximum rapidity for all hadrons is quite different from that for charged hadrons only and that the former exhibits also shoulder-like structure for events at 490 GeVGeV similar to that at HERA.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. D (in press

    Towards an unified description of total and diffractive structure functions at HERA in the QCD dipole picture

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    It is argued that the QCD dipole picture allows to build an unified theoretical description -based on BFKL dynamics- of the total and diffractive nucleon structure functions. This description is in qualitative agreement with the present collection of data obtained by the H1 collaboration. More precise theoretical estimates, in particular the determination of the normalizations and proton transverse momentum behaviour of the diffractive components, are shown to be required in order to reach definite conclusions.Comment: latex file with 5 encapsulated figures, 19 page

    Diffractive Higgs boson production at the Tevatron and LHC

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    Improved possibilities to find the Higgs boson in diffractive events, having less hadronic activity, depend on whether the cross section is large enough. Based on the soft color interaction models that successfully describe diffractive hard scattering at HERA and the Tevatron, we find that only a few diffractive Higgs events may be produced at the Tevatron, but we predict a substantial rate at the LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses Revtex

    The narratives of Hardship: : The new and the old poor in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis in Europe

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Hulya Dagdeviren, Matthew Donoghue, and Lars Meier, ā€˜The narratives of hardship: the new and the old poor in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis in Europeā€™, The Sociological Review, vol. 65 (2): 369-385, May 2017. The final, definitive version of record is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-954X.12403. Published by SAGE.This paper examines poverty and hardship in Europe after the 2008 crisis, using household interviews in nine European countries. A number of findings deserve highlighting. First, making a distinction between ā€˜the old poorā€™ (those who lived in poverty before as well as after the crisis) and ā€˜the new poorā€™ (thosewho fell into hardship after the crisis), we show that hardship is experienced quite differently by these groups. Second, the household narratives showed that while material deprivations constitute an important aspect of hardship, the themes of insecurity and dependency also emerged as fundamental dimensions. In contrast to popular political discourse in countries such as the UK, dependency on welfare or family was experienced as a source of distress and manifested as a form of hardship by participants in all countries covered in this study.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
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