159 research outputs found

    Greece and the Greeks in Ottoman History and Turkish Historiography

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    Greece and the Greeks in Ottoman History and Turkish Historiography

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    Has the Introduction of Bitcoin Futures on Regulated Exchanges Decreased Price Volatility?

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    Master's thesis Business Administration BE501 - University of Agder 2019Bitcoin is a tremendously debated phenomenon in the world of finance and in recent the scientific literature on the topic has expanded. In this thesis,the bitcoin to US dollar exchange rate is examined through various conditional variance models to describe its highly volatile nature. We examine whether the introduction of bitcoin futurescontractsin late 2017 has had a decreasing impact on price volatility by estimatingthe unconditional variance. The log-return of the bitcoin exchange rate is analysed,and there is evidence of volatility clustering and time-varying volatility. Consequently, the variance is modelled through the GARCH(1,1), EGARCH(1,1) and GJR-GARCH(1,1) modelswith innovations followingthree distributions. The in-sample selection method selectedthe EGARCH(1,1) model where innovation terms follow a generalizederror distribution as the most parsimonious model. The findings show that volatilityhas not decreased after the introduction of bitcoin futures on regulated exchanges. Keywords: Bitcoin, conditional variancemodelling, bitcoin futures, price volatility exchange rate, statistical analysi

    Migration Tendencies Among Rural Youth

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    Autor u članku analizira rezultate istraživanja migracijskih tendencija i aspiracija seoske omladine, dobivene u projektu »Seoska omladina u SR Hrvatskoj«. Osnovni motivi planiranih migracija povezani su s pitanjima promjena zanimanja, školovanja i nedostatka radnih mjesta u lokalnim zajednicama. S druge strane, psihička privrženost mladih svojim selima i obiteljima temeljni su motivi prostorne stabilizacije. Kontrolirano je pet skupina obilježja kao podloga za selekciju potencijalnih migranata: društveno-ekonomske značajke zajednice (naselja), socio-demografska i ekonomska svojstva domaćinstva, tip gospodarstva, personalne karakteristike mladih i sudjelovanje mladih u obiteljskom odlučivanju. Istraživanjem je ustanovljeno da selekcija potencijalnih migranata ponajprije počiva na osobnim obilježjima mladih (spol, dob, bračni status, obrazovanje i zanimanje), a potom na stupnju njihovog sudjelovanja u donošenju važnih odluka u obitelji. Istraživanjem je nedvojbeno potvrđeno da je psihička privrženost mladih svome selu jedan od inhibitornih faktora koji obeshrabruje migracije, jer približno tri petine mladih želi provesti život u rodnom selu.The author in this article analyzes research resuits about the migration intentions and aspirations of rural youth in Croatia (the data collected in the project »Rural Youth in the SR Croatia«). The general motives for migration of rural youth are connected with questions of changes in profession, schooling, and shortage of jobs in the local community. On the other hand, psychical attachment of youths to their villages and families are general motives for their spacial stabilization. As a basis for selection of potential migrants, five factor groups were controlled: socio-economic characteristics of the community, socio-dernographic and economic traits of the household, type of farm, personal characteristics of each youth, and the youth\u27s participation in family decision-rnaking. The research establishes that the basis for selection of potential migrants are, first of all, the personal characteristics of the youth (sex, age, marital status, education, and profession), and secondly, their degree of participation in important decision-making in the family. The research dearly reveals psychical attachment of the young to their village, to be one of the inhibiting factors discouraging migration, nearly three fifths of the youth desire to live their lives in their own native village

    Distributed Matrix Multiplication on a Mobile Sensor Network

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    Eine der häufigsten Operationen im Bereich der digitalen Bildverarbeitung ist die Matrix Multiplikation. Parallele Algorithmen und Konzepte sind allgemein bekannt und gut entwickelt, aber im Falle von dezentralisierten Systemen gibt es immer noch einen Mangel an neuen Ansätzen. Wir haben in dieser Arbeit verschiedene Ansätze der Matrix Multiplikation auf einem mobilen Sensornetzwerk vorgeschlagen. Der Aggregationsprozess über die Knoten basiert auf dem Push Sum Algorithmus. Wir haben 4 Strategien zur Matrix Multiplikation auf einem mobilen Sensornetzwerk eingeführt. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt das es verhältnismäßig schwer ist, für zufällige Topologien und ständige Mobilität eine hohe Genauigkeit zu erreichen. Deshalb haben wir verschiedene deterministische Topologien, mit hohen Perioden der Bewegungslosigkeit in der transienten Phase des Aggregationsprozesses untersucht. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen, konnten wir den Nachrichtenverlust minimieren und fast die Hälfte der Double Precision erreichen.One of the most frequent operations in the field of image processing is the matrix multiplication. Parallel algorithms and concepts are well known and developed, but in case of decentralized systems there is still a lack of new approaches. In this thesis we proposed different approaches of performing a matrix multiplication on a decentralized mobile sensor network. The aggregation process over the nodes is based on the Push Sum algorithm. We introduced four strategies for the matrix multiplication on a mobile sensor network. Results have shown that it is relatively hard for a random node distribution and constant mobility to achieve high accuracy. Therefore, we considered different deterministic topologies with high immobility periods, particularly in the transient phase of the aggregation process. Under certain circumstances, we reduced the message loss and achieved nearly half of double precision


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    The article analyzes research results about the migration intentions and aspirations of rural youth. The general motives for migration are connected with questions about changes in profession, schooling, and shortages of jobs in the local community. On the other hand, psychological attachment of youths to their villages and families are general motives for spacial stabilization. As a basis for selection of potential migrants, five factor groups were controlled: Socio-economic characteristics of the community, socio-demographic and economic traits of the household, type of farm, personal characteristics of each youth, and the youth’s participation in family decision-making. The research establishes that the basis for selection of potential migrants is, first of all, the personal characteristics of the youth (sex, age, marital status, education, and profession), and secondly, their degree of participation in important decision-making in the family. Psychological attachment of the young to their village, the research clearly reveals to be one of the inhibiting factors discouraging migration; nearly three-fifths of the youth desire to live their lives in their own native village

    The Youth in Rural Communities

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    Apart from the family, it is the rural community that as the natural and social environment of rural youth, provides the main basis for the relations, activity and satisfaction of living requirements of young pepole. In this context a study of the youth — rural community relationship can supply useful information on the degree of the personal and social adjustment of young people to the given conditions of rural life, on the social position of the youth as a separate social group, etc. The author has limited his study to three aspects of the problem he is concerned with: the general attitude of young people towards the rural way of life; the basic problems and difficulties of the youth and their influence on developments in the rural community; and1 the main trends and directions of spatial mobility. The study is based on the results obtained by interviewing 1,713 persons in the age group of 14—25 who live and work on private smallholdings, and by an enquiry among 1,922 pupils of the eighth form of elementary school in several villages. In the view of the author the results of the investigation point to at least two basic conclusions. First, that young people — in contrast to traditionally held views — are to a considerable degree ’subjectively\u27 attached to the rural community, and this psychological atachment determines largely their atitude towards their environment. Secondly, that certain traditions, on the one hand and the inadequacy or non-existence of suitable institutional centres for organized activity of young people on the other, prevent the youth as a coherent social group from having any major influence on developments within the community


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    As a multi-functional machine the tractor is the central and basic innovation in agricultural production. The degree of its spread on private smallholdings can therefore serve as an indicator of innovativeness in Yugoslav agriculture in general. Since by its uses the tractor is functional for the entire farm and not exclusively for an individual person, this analysis takes the farm as the unit of adoption. As regards the achieved degree of innovativeness the author distinguishes only two categories of adoption units (i. e. farms): non-adopters and adopters. The adoption of production innovations in agriculture proceeds under the influence of certain social, economic and psychological factors. Therefore, in order to establish certain basic aspects of the process of adoption of tractors in private agriculture, the author starts from the assumption that innovativeness will vary substantially according to the characteristics of the resepctive local community (i.e. village), the characteristics of the households and farms, and the characteristics of the heads of households. Of the contextual correlates of innovativeness the folowing characteristics of the local community were investigated: distance from the respective centre of gravity, infrastructural development, socio-political life, and the proportion of farmers in the village population. The analysis showed that only the characteristic »proportion of farmers in the village population« has the significant influence on the innovativeness of households. Of the structural correlates of innovativeness the following characteristics of households and farms were examined: size, socio-economic type and standard of the household, size of the farm, co-operation with the social sector, marketability of the farm production, existence of an agricultural heir, and adoption of certain technological innovations. Cross-tabulation showed that the tractor is adopted in a significantly higher degree by major households, full-time farming families, and households which are better equipped with labour-saving devices and installations, households with larger farms, marketable production, and developed co-operation with the social sector, and households which have an agricultural heir and which have already adopted certain technological innovations (selection wheat, hybrid maize, artificial manure, herbicides and pesticides). Of the analytical correlates of innovativeness the following characteristic of the heads of households were examined: sex, age, education, vocation, socio-political participation, discussions with members of the family of questions referring to the village and agriculture, reading of daily papers, listening to radio programmes, and watching TV programmes. Subsequent analysis showed that tractor adopters are, in a significantly high degree, households the heads of which are men (although the author does believe this to be due to sex difference per se) and heads of which are farmers by vocation who regularly follow TV programmes. Other hypothesized correlations were not found to be statistically significant