14 research outputs found

    European Strategy for Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics

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    Massive neutrinos reveal physics beyond the Standard Model, which could have deep consequences for our understanding of the Universe. Their study should therefore receive the highest level of priority in the European Strategy. The discovery and study of leptonic CP violation and precision studies of the transitions between neutrino flavours require high intensity, high precision, long baseline accelerator neutrino experiments. The community of European neutrino physicists involved in oscillation experiments is strong enough to support a major neutrino long baseline project in Europe, and has an ambitious, competitive and coherent vision to propose. Following the 2006 European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) recommendations, two complementary design studies have been carried out: LAGUNA/LBNO, focused on deep underground detector sites, and EUROnu, focused on high intensity neutrino facilities. LAGUNA LBNO recommends, as first step, a conventional neutrino beam CN2PY from a CERN SPS North Area Neutrino Facility (NANF) aimed at the Pyhasalmi mine in Finland. A sterile neutrino search experiment which could also be situated in the CERN north area has been proposed (ICARUS-NESSIE) using a two detector set-up, allowing a definitive answer to the 20 year old question open by the LSND experiment. EUROnu concluded that a 10 GeV Neutrino Factory, aimed at a magnetized neutrino detector situated, also, at a baseline of around 2200 km (+-30%), would constitute the ultimate neutrino facility; it recommends that the next 5 years be devoted to the R&D, preparatory experiments and implementation study, in view of a proposal before the next ESPP update. The coherence and quality of this program calls for the continuation of neutrino beams at CERN after the CNGS, and for a high priority support from CERN and the member states to the experiments and R&D program.Comment: Prepared by the program committee of the Neutrino `town meeting', CERN, 14-16 May 2012 and submitted to the European Strategy For European Particle Physic

    Industrial Application of Accelerators

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    At CERN, we are very familiar with large, high energy particle accelerators. However, in the world outside CERN, there are more than 35000 accelerators which are used for applications ranging from treating cancer, through making better electronics to removing harmful micro-organisms from food and water. These are responsible for around $0.5T of commerce each year. Almost all are less than 20 MeV and most use accelerator types that are somewhat different from what is at CERN. These lectures will describe some of the most common applications, some of the newer applications in development and the accelerator technology used for them. It will also show examples of where technology developed for particle physics is now being studied for these applications. Rob Edgecock is a Professor of Accelerator Science, with a particular interest in the medical applications of accelerators. He works jointly for the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the International Institute for Accelerator Applications at the University of Huddersfield. He has been the coordinator of the Accelerator Applications Network of the EuCARD2 FP7 project since 2013 and will continue this role in the ARIES H2020 project. In EuCARD2, he has initiated a project to document the importance of accelerators for European policy-makers. He also leads the design of FFAG accelerators for medical applications and is making a significant contribution to the RF system of the European Spallation Source in Lund

    Advanced neutrino beams

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    The observation of neutrino oscillations forms one of the most exciting results in physics in the last decade. It has generated a lot of interest world-wide and many new experiments have been conceived to verify this observation and measure the oscillation parameters. However, a complete understanding of neutrino oscillation phenomenology requires new, high intensity terrestrial facilities. This paper will discuss a number of these new facilities, focussing particularly on the Neutrino Factory. The challenges posed by the design of the machine and R&D required to prove that it can be built will be described. PACS: 29.20.-c Cyclic accelerators and storage rings – 14.60.Pq Neutrino mass and mixin

    Accelerator-driven boron neutron capture therapy

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    Boron Neutron Capture Therapy is a binary treatment for certain types of cancer. It works by loading the cancerous cells with a boron-10 carrying compound. This isotope has a large cross-section for thermal neutrons, the reaction producing a lithium nucleus and alpha particle that kill the cell in which they are produced. Recent studies of the boron carrier compound indicate that the uptake process works best in particularly aggressive cancers. Most studied is glioblastoma multiforme and a trial using a combination of BNCT and X-ray radiotherapy has shown an increase of nearly a factor of two in mean survival over the state of the art. However, the main technical problem with BNCT remains producing a sufficient flux of neutrons for a reasonable treatment duration in a hospital environment. This paper discusses this issue. </jats:p

    Deliverable D5.2: Plan for Communication and Dissemination

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    &lt;p&gt;The RADOV Communication and Dissemination Plan has been developed within the overall RADOV Communication Strategy following the basic objectives drafted in the RADOV proposal. The procedures and tools to support communication and dissemination of RADOV scientific results are setup and functional. The Plan is an evolving document, which will be continuously updated to match emerging needs during the lifetime of the RADOV project.&lt;/p&gt

    Deliverable D5.1: Project Website Setting up

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    &lt;p&gt;The RADOV website has been in development since the start of the project and is now launched in its full form. It can be found at http://www.radov.eu . This report documents the structure, content, and scope, as well as plans for future additions and developments.&lt;/p&gt

    Advanced neutrino beams

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