758 research outputs found

    When parallel speedups hit the memory wall

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    After Amdahl's trailblazing work, many other authors proposed analytical speedup models but none have considered the limiting effect of the memory wall. These models exploited aspects such as problem-size variation, memory size, communication overhead, and synchronization overhead, but data-access delays are assumed to be constant. Nevertheless, such delays can vary, for example, according to the number of cores used and the ratio between processor and memory frequencies. Given the large number of possible configurations of operating frequency and number of cores that current architectures can offer, suitable speedup models to describe such variations among these configurations are quite desirable for off-line or on-line scheduling decisions. This work proposes new parallel speedup models that account for variations of the average data-access delay to describe the limiting effect of the memory wall on parallel speedups. Analytical results indicate that the proposed modeling can capture the desired behavior while experimental hardware results validate the former. Additionally, we show that when accounting for parameters that reflect the intrinsic characteristics of the applications, such as degree of parallelism and susceptibility to the memory wall, our proposal has significant advantages over machine-learning-based modeling. Moreover, besides being black-box modeling, our experiments show that conventional machine-learning modeling needs about one order of magnitude more measurements to reach the same level of accuracy achieved in our modeling.Comment: 24 page

    Evaluation of fluopyram for the control of Ditylenchus dipsaci in sugar beet

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    Fluopyram, a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicide, has shown potential in controlling Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchus reniformis in tomato. The effectiveness of this compound for the control of Ditylenchus dipsaci in sugar beet was evaluated. In this study, laboratory, growth chamber, glasshouse, and field experiments were conducted. In a motility bioassay, the EC50 value was determined with 3.00 μg/ml a.i. after 72 h exposure to fluopyram. The growth chamber experiment did not show any effects on D. dipsaci penetration rate; however, field experiments revealed a positive effect of fluopyram applied at planting in reducing D. dipsaci infectivity. The glasshouse experiment confirmed a limited effect of fluopyram on D. dipsaci population development. Under field conditions, despite a reduction of D. dipsaci penetration rates in spring, fluopyram was not effective in reducing the population development until harvest. Consequently, D. dipsaci densities in plant tissue and soil were high at harvest and not different among treatments. However, root-rot symptoms were significantly reduced at harvest. Fluopyram applied at planting showed good potential to reduce root-rot symptoms caused by D. dipsaci in sugar beet. However, for the long-term reduction of nematode populations in soil, further integrated control measures are needed to reduce the risks of substantial yield losses by D. dipsaci

    Saúde mental dos profissionais de saúde no Brasil no contexto da pandemia por Covid-19

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    The pandemic caused by Covid-19 has negatively affected the mental health of health professionals, especially those working on the frontline dealing with the fear of infection and infecting others, lack of personal protective equipment and excessive workloads. This text discusses the nuances related to the mental health of Brazilian health professionals in times of pandemic, highlighting the importance of the psychosocial care network in providing support to those who need special care and psychological resilience as a strategy for tackling adversities posed by the pandemic. The mental health service continues to face urgent challenges and deserves the due attention of health authorities in Brazil.La pandemia causada por Covid-19 ha afectado significativamente la salud mental de los profesionales de la salud, especialmente de los que trabajan en la línea de frente asistencial, puesto que enfrentan diariamente el miedo de infectarse y de infectar a los demás, la carencia de equipos de protección individual y la sobrecarga de trabajo. El objetivo de este texto es discutir los matices relacionados con la salud mental de los profesionales de salud en Brasil en tiempos de la pandemia de Covid-19. Se cita la importancia de la Red de Atención Psicosocial como instrumento de apoyo a los profesionales que necesitan cuidados de base territorial y se subraya la resiliencia psicológica como estrategia de enfrentamiento de las adversidades provenientes de la pandemia. Además, se sabe que los desafíos relacionados a la salud mental permanecen urgentes y merecen el debido valor de las autoridades sanitarias en Brasil.A pandemia causada pela Covid-19 tem afetado negativamente a Saúde Mental de profissionais de saúde, especialmente os que trabalham na linha de frente assistencial, pois lidam diariamente com o medo de se infectarem e infectarem os outros, a carência de equipamentos de proteção individual e a sobrecarga de trabalho. Este texto objetiva discutir as nuances relacionadas à Saúde Mental dos profissionais de saúde do Brasil em tempos de pandemia por Covid-19. Elenca a importância da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (Raps) como instrumento de apoio aos profissionais que precisam de cuidados de base territorial e destaca a resiliência psicológica como estratégia de enfrentamento das adversidades oriundas da pandemia. Ademais, sabe-se que os desafios relacionados à Saúde Mental permanecem urgentes e merecem, das autoridades sanitárias no Brasil, o devido valor

    Evaluation Metrics for DNNs Compression

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    There is a lot of research effort into developing different techniques for neural networks compression. However, the community lacks standardised evaluation metrics, which are key to identifying the most suitable compression technique for different applications. This paper reviews existing neural network compression evaluation metrics and implements them into a standardisation framework called NetZIP. We introduce two novel metrics to cover existing gaps of evaluation in the literature: 1) Compression and Hardware Agnostic Theoretical Speed (CHATS) and 2) Overall Compression Success (OCS). We demonstrate the use of NetZIP using two case studies focusing on object classification and object detection

    Synthesis of bis(indolyl)methanes using silica gel as an efficient and recyclable surface

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    AbstractHere we describe a simple, clean, and efficient solvent-free protocol for the synthesis of bis(indolyl)methanes promoted by silica gel. The products were obtained in good to excellent yields through the reaction of indoles with cyclohexanone and a range of aldehydes. The silica gel was easily recovered and utilized for further reactions without loss of activity

    Comunicación organizacional a y satisfacción laboral en los trabajadores de un colegio privado en estado de emergencia sanitaria, Lima 2021

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    El presente estudio planteó como objetivo identificar la relación entre la comunicación organizacional y la satisfacción laboral. Para ello se aplicaron encuestas basadas en la Escala de Comunicación Organizacional y la Escala de Satisfacción Laboral SL-SPC. En este estudio correlacional de corte transversal participaron 71 trabajadores. Se encontró correlación con un Rho de Spearman de 0,841. Asimismo, se concluye que existe la necesidad de mejorar los niveles de comunicación organizacional a fin de fortalecer la satisfacción laboral. Además, se proponen futuros estudios de investigación de las dos variables de estudio en el contexto de labores presenciales pospandemia. Código JEL: O15, J53, J30LIMAEscuela Profesional de AdministraciónTalento Humano y Comportamiento Organizaciona

    Sobreviventes enlutados por suicídio e as possibilidades para posvenção no contexto da saúde pública brasileira

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    Após um suicídio, diversas pessoas são afetadas negativamente. Muitos dos denominados sobreviventes enlutados, em algum momento, precisarão de cuidados e apoio, a conhecida posvenção do suicídio. O objetivo deste estudo é discutir as suas possibilidades no contexto da saúde pública brasileira. Metodologicamente, o texto configura-se como um ensaio teórico apoiado na literatura da área, assim como em documentos institucionais e marcos legais. No cenário internacional, a posvenção do suicídio está mais bem estruturada do que no Brasil que, atualmente, tem o enfoque em grupos de apoio aos sobreviventes enlutados centrados em organizações não governamentais. É preciso lançar o olhar para os serviços de saúde de base territorial e comunitária, a exemplo dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial, e vislumbrar ações de posvenção acessíveis e resolutivas, como as linhas telefônicas gratuitas de acolhimento, as visitas domiciliares precoces, as escutas terapêuticas e o aconselhamento para o luto.Death by suicide leaves many people negatively affected in its wake. Many so-called bereaved survivors will at some point need care and support, known as suicide postvention. This theoretical essay, based on the corresponding literature, institutional documents, and legal frameworks, seeks to discuss possibilities for suicide postvention within Brazilian public health. Suicide postvention is better structured internationally than in Brazil, which currently focuses on support groups for bereaved survivors centered in non-governmental organizations. We must look to territorial and community-based health services, like the Psychosocial Care Centers, and envisage affordable and resolute postvention actions, such as free prevention lines, early home visits, therapeutic listening and grief counseling

    Sobreviventes enlutados por suicídio e as possibilidades para posvenção no contexto da saúde pública brasileira

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    Death by suicide leaves many people negatively affected in its wake. Many so-called bereaved survivors will at some point need care and support, known as suicide postvention. This theoretical essay, based on the corresponding literature, institutional documents, and legal frameworks, seeks to discuss possibilities for suicide postvention within Brazilian public health. Suicide postvention is better structured internationally than in Brazil, which currently focuses on support groups for bereaved survivors centered in non-governmental organizations. We must look to territorial and community-based health services, like the Psychosocial Care Centers, and envisage affordable and resolute postvention actions, such as free prevention lines, early home visits, therapeutic listening and grief counseling.Após um suicídio, diversas pessoas são afetadas negativamente. Muitos dos denominados sobreviventes enlutados, em algum momento, precisarão de cuidados e apoio, a conhecida posvenção do suicídio. O objetivo deste estudo é discutir as suas possibilidades no contexto da saúde pública brasileira. Metodologicamente, o texto configura-se como um ensaio teórico apoiado na literatura da área, assim como em documentos institucionais e marcos legais. No cenário internacional, a posvenção do suicídio está mais bem estruturada do que no Brasil que, atualmente, tem o enfoque em grupos de apoio aos sobreviventes enlutados centrados em organizações não governamentais. É preciso lançar o olhar para os serviços de saúde de base territorial e comunitária, a exemplo dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial, e vislumbrar ações de posvenção acessíveis e resolutivas, como as linhas telefônicas gratuitas de acolhimento, as visitas domiciliares precoces, as escutas terapêuticas e o aconselhamento para o luto