360 research outputs found

    Overview and Outlook Studies on PBIS( Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) of Tire1

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     本研究は,日本におけるPBIS の第1層支援の開発のために,アメリカのPBS およびPBIS についての研究をレビューしたものである。アメリカにおける PBIS の第1層支援を紹介した。特別支援教育の分野において,PBISの第1層支援の効果が検証されている。本稿では,特に, The Praise Game, Praise Student Frequently,Rewards, Simple Reward Systems, & Incentives, Behavior Management Pocket Chart, Model AppropriateLanguage, Assign a Buddy or Partnerを中心に取り上げた。これらを踏まえて,日本における, PBIS の第1層支援の導入にかかわる展望を示した

    A Discussion of Universal Design for Learning for Active Learning in the University.

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     近年,大学教育の中で演習形式を含むアクティブラーニング型授業が増加している。この授業形態は,多くの学生の主体的・能動的な学修を促進する上で有効である一方,自閉症スペクトラム障がい(ASD)の学生をはじめコミュニケーションを苦手とする学生が授業に参加する上での大きな障壁ともなり得る。本稿では,演習形式の授業への参加に困難を持つであろうASD の学生や,それに準ずるコミュニケーションの苦手な学生への支援を考慮した,大学教育のユニバーサルデザイン環境について,先行文献を概観しながら考察した。その中で,授業外における支援として,シラバス記載の配慮,演習形式を練習する機会の提供,ファシリテーターの養成について述べると共に,授業内における支援として,具体化・明確化,見通しを持たせる配慮,視覚支援,感覚過敏への対応等について述べ,代替課題への置き換えについても言及した。 The purpose of this study was to review the literature on support for students with developmental disorders in exercise-style classes, and to discuss universal design for learning for active learning in the University. Outside class, it will be necessary in the future to write up the syllabus more, to provide opportunities to practice exercise-style such as a presentation, a group discussion, group works, to cultivate student-facilitators. Inside class, the support methods for person with autism such as making rules explicit, a visual support, the support of hypersensitivity will be helpful to support the students with senses of weakness of communication with others

    青年期中期における交友関係が自我発達に及ぼす影響に関する心理学的研究 : 居場所におけるナナメの関係に着目して

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    内容の要約広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(教育学)Philosophy in Educationdoctora

    Practical Study on the Support for Students with Hearing Impairment

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    This paper is practical study on the support for students with hearing impairment. The method of the main support for students with hearing impairment is note-take. In the present study, the note-takers was observed. They completed a questionnaire about Social Interest and skills of note-take. The results indicated that Social Interest change was not seen. Note-takers performed significantly higher on some factors in skills of note-take. The results from a qualitative analysis indicated that they grew mentally. For example, they have noticed the importance of trusting one’s partner, and have noticed importance of communication with their partner and students with hearing impairment

    Current Trends and Practices in School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Reflecting on the Practices in an Illinois District15 Public Junior High School

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     近年,生徒指導・教育相談において,「包括的な学校生徒指導・教育相談アプローチ(Complihensive School Counseling and Guidance Approach;以下,CSCGA)」が注目されている。その一環として,「学校全体に おける積極的行動介入および支援(School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports,;以下, SWPBIS)」があげられる。しかしながら, School-Wide すなわち,学校全体としてPBIS に着目した臨床実践報 告は少ない。そこで本稿では,School-Wide すなわち,学校全体としてPBIS(SWPBIS)について,先駆的に 実践しているアメリカイリノイ州の公立中学校(District15)の取り組みに着目し,SWPBIS の動向と実際につ いて報告した。そして,日本における生徒指導および教育相談における,SWPBIS の展開に向けた検討材料を示 唆した

    Overview and Outlook Studies on PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) of Tire2

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    This study, for the development of PBIS (Tire2) in Japan, was an overview of the study of the United States of PBIS and PBS. In the United States we have introduced the PBIS (Tire2). Efficacy of PBIS (Tire2) has been demonstrated in special needs education. We were focused on Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Daily Behavior Form, Teach Social Skills, Check-In Check-Out (CICO), First Step to Success (FSTS), Good Behavior Game and Teach Conflict Resolution Skills. We created a trial basis introduction model for PBIS (Tire2) in Japan

    Analysis of chironomid allergens using specific T cell lines and clones in humans.

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    To analyze the possible major T cell recognition site(s) of chironomid antigens, we established human T cell lines and clones (CD3+ 4+ 8-) reactive to soluble extracts of the adult midge of Tokunagayusurika akamusi (TAA) and/or Chironomus yoshimatsui (CYA). All T cell lines and clones proliferated heavily in response to relatively large molecular weight fractions of TAA (MW greater than or equal to 15,000). Nine clones reactive to TAA were classified into 3 groups according to reactivity, indicating the existence of at least 3 distinct T cell recognition sites in TAA. Five T cell clones responded to both TAA and CYA, although the two chironomid antigens were serologically distinct. We conclude that T cell recognition sites of chironomid antigens are different from B cell recognition sites in humans.</p

    Optimal Average Joint Hamming Weight and Minimal Weight Conversion of d Integers

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    In this paper, we propose the minimal joint Hamming weight conversion for any binary expansions of dd integers. With redundant representations, we may represent a number by many expansions, and the minimal joint Hamming weight conversion is the algorithm to select the expansion that has the least joint Hamming weight. As the computation time of the cryptosystem strongly depends on the joint Hamming weight, the conversion can make the cryptosystem faster. Most of existing conversions are limited to some specific representations, and are difficult to apply to other representations. On the other hand, our conversion is applicable to any binary expansions. The proposed can explore the minimal average weights in a class of representation that have not been found. One of the most interesting results is that, for the expansion of integer pairs when the digit set is {0,±1,±3}\{0, \pm 1, \pm 3\}, we show that the minimal average joint Hamming weight is 0.35750.3575. This improves the upper bound value, 0.36160.3616, proposed by Dahmen, Okeya, and Takagi

    Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using Optimal Double-Base Chains

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    In this work, we propose an algorithm to produce the double-base chains that optimize the time used for computing an elliptic curve cryptosystem. The double-base chains is the representation that combining the binary and ternary representation. By this method, we can reduce the Hamming weight of the expansion, and reduce the time for computing the scalar point multiplication (Q = rS), that is the bottleneck operation of the elliptic curve cryptosystem. This representation is very redundant, i.e. we can present a number by many expansions. Then, we can select the way that makes the operation fastest. However, the previous works on double-bases chain have used a greedy algorithm, and their solutions are not optimized. We propose the algorithm based on the dynamic programming scheme that outputs the optimized the double-bases chain. The experiments show that we have reduced the time for computing the scalar multiplication by 3.88-3.95%, the multi-scalar multiplication by 2.55-4.37%, and the multi-scalar multiplication on the larger digit set by 3.5-12%