9,642 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory for bosonic lattice models

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    We develop the nonequilibrium extension of bosonic dynamical mean field theory (BDMFT) and a Nambu real-time strong-coupling perturbative impurity solver. In contrast to Gutzwiller mean-field theory and strong coupling perturbative approaches, nonequilibrium BDMFT captures not only dynamical transitions, but also damping and thermalization effects at finite temperature. We apply the formalism to quenches in the Bose-Hubbard model, starting both from the normal and Bose-condensed phases. Depending on the parameter regime, one observes qualitatively different dynamical properties, such as rapid thermalization, trapping in metastable superfluid or normal states, as well as long-lived or strongly damped amplitude oscillations. We summarize our results in non-equilibrium "phase diagrams" which map out the different dynamical regimes.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Transaction services, inflation, and welfare

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    This paper is motivated by empirical observations on the comovements of currency velocity, inflation, and the relative size of the credit services sector. We document these comovements and incorporate into a monetary growth model a credit services sector that provides services that help people economize on money. Our model makes two new contributions. First, we show that direct evidence on the appropriately defined credit service sector for the United States is consistent with the welfare cost measured using an estimated money demand schedule. Second, we provide welfare cost of inflation estimates that have some new features.Inflation (Finance) ; Welfare

    Nanoscale Suppression of Magnetization at Atomically Assembled Manganite Interfaces

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    Using polarized X-rays, we compare the electronic and magnetic properties of a La(2/3)Sr(1/3)MnO(3)(LSMO)/SrTiO(3)(STO) and a modified LSMO/LaMnO(3)(LMO)/STO interface. Using the technique of X-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS), we can probe the interfaces of complicated layered structures and quantitatively model depth-dependent magnetic profiles as a function of distance from the interface. Comparisons of the average electronic and magnetic properties at the interface are made independently using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The XAS and the XMCD demonstrate that the electronic and magnetic structure of the LMO layer at the modified interface is qualitatively equivalent to the underlying LSMO film. From the temperature dependence of the XMCD, it is found that the near surface magnetization for both interfaces falls off faster than the bulk. For all temperatures in the range of 50K - 300K, the magnetic profiles for both systems always show a ferromagnetic component at the interface with a significantly suppressed magnetization that evolves to the bulk value over a length scale of ~1.6 - 2.4 nm. The LSMO/LMO/STO interface shows a larger ferromagnetic (FM) moment than the LSMO/STO interface, however the difference is only substantial at low temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    From quantum pulse gate to quantum pulse shaper -- enigneered frequency conversion in nonlinear optical waveguides

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    Full control over the spatio-temporal structure of quantum states of light is an important goal in quantum optics, to generate for instance single-mode quantum pulses or to encode information on multiple modes, enhancing channel capacities. Quantum light pulses feature an inherent, rich spectral broadband-mode structure. In recent years, exploring the use of integrated optics as well as source-engineering has led to a deep understanding of the pulse-mode structure of guided quantum states of light. In addition, several groups have started to investigate the manipulation of quantum states by means of single-photon frequency conversion. In this paper we explore new routes towards complete control of the inherent pulse-modes of ultrafast pulsed quantum states by employing specifically designed nonlinear waveguides with adapted dispersion properties. Starting from our recently proposed quantum pulse gate (QPG) we further generalize the concept of spatio-spectral engineering for arbitrary \chitwo-based quantum processes. We analyse the sum-frequency generation based QPG and introduce the difference-frequency generation based quantum pulse shaper (QPS). Together, these versatile and robust integrated optics devices allow for arbitrary manipulations of the pulse-mode structure of ultrafast pulsed quantum states. The QPG can be utilized to select an arbitrary pulse mode from a multimode input state, whereas the QPS enables the generation of specific pulse modes from an input wavepacket with Gaussian-shaped spectrum.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure
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