20 research outputs found

    The bioliq® bioslurry gasification process for the production of biosynfuels, organic chemicals, and energy

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    Background: Biofuels may play a significant role in regard to carbon emission reduction in the transportation sector. Therefore, a thermochemical process for biomass conversion into synthetic chemicals and fuels is being developed at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) by producing process energy to achieve a desirable high carbon dioxide reduction potential. Methods: In the bioliq process, lignocellulosic biomass is first liquefied by fast pyrolysis in distributed regional plants to produce an energy-dense intermediate suitable for economic transport over long distances. Slurries of pyrolysis condensates and char, also referred to as biosyncrude, are transported to a large central gasification and synthesis plant. The bioslurry is preheated and pumped into a pressurized entrained flow gasifier, atomized with technical oxygen, and converted at > 1,200°C to an almost tar-free, low-methane syngas. Results: Syngas - a mixture of CO and H2 - is a well-known versatile intermediate for the selectively catalyzed production of various base chemicals or synthetic fuels. At KIT, a pilot plant has been constructed together with industrial partners to demonstrate the process chain in representative scale. The process data obtained will allow for process scale-up and reliable cost estimates. In addition, practical experience is gained. Conclusions: The paper describes the background, principal technical concepts, and actual development status of the bioliq process. It is considered to have the potential for worldwide application in large scale since any kind of dry biomass can be used as feedstock. Thus, a significant contribution to a sustainable future energy supply could be achieved


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    The slightly yellow-coloured title complex, [Zn(C18H16N4O4)(H2O)]n, crystallizes with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The structure clearly shows the mer-η4O,O,N,N-binding mode of the N,N′-bis-(2-cyano-ethylpropenoyl)-1,2-diamidobenzene ligand stabilizing the Zn centre of a distorted octahedral environment. The fifth coordination site in one apical position is held by a coordinating solvent water molecule whereas the complete octahedral coordination sphere is completed by coordination of one N atom from a CN group of a neighbouring molecule, leading to the final polymeric structure consisting of zigzag staggered chains in parallel orientation along the c-axis direction. Between the coordinated water solvent molecule and the N atoms of uncoordinated cyano-groups of neighboured units, two H-bridge bonds are formed. One of these H-bridge bonds is of inter- whereas the other of intra-strand nature, leading to a two-dimensional network parallel to (110) stabilizing the supramolecular structure. Six Zn—O or Zn—N bonds are found with lengths ranging from 2.061 (1) to 2.185 (1) Å and bond angles about the Zn atom are clustered in the ranges 79.83 (4)–104.21 (4) and 167.05 (4)–170.28 (4)°