18 research outputs found
Mother-Child and Father-Child Relationships in Emerging Adults from Divorced and Non-Divorced Families
The main aim of this study was to analyze the associations between parental divorce and interparental conflict with the quality of parent-child relationships. Specifically, we analyzed trust, communication and alienation in both father-child and mother-child relationships in a sample of 1078 Spanish emerging adults from divorced and non-divorced families. The interaction between parental divorce and conflict was also analyzed. In support of our expectations, parental divorce was associated with lower trust and communication, along with higher alienation in father-child and mother-child relationships. When interparental conflict was included, parental conflict was more strongly associated with lower trust and communication in mother-child relationships, and higher alienation in both mother-child and father-child relationships. However, parental divorce was still associated with low trust and communication with fathers, when interparental conflict and the interaction between parental divorce and conflict were added. In summation, our results suggest that both parental divorce and conflict should be taken into account in the study of the consequences of family-related stress variables on adult children鈥檚 wellbeing. These findings add to the current literature and contribute to better comprehend the effects of parental divorce and conflict on both mother-child and father-child affective relationships in an understudied cultural context. The implications, limitations and future research recommendations are discussed.This research was funded by the department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government, grant number BFI-2011-74
Los enanitos del bosque
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duraci贸n (en horas): M谩s de 50 horasEl objetivo principal de esta parte de la asignatura es que los alumnos aprendan a desarrollar un programa de intervenci贸n dirigido a favborecer la prevenci贸n y el desarrollo del bienestar personal y social. En las clases magistrales reciben formaci贸n sobre los principales modelos de intervenci贸n y sus aportaciones en el area de la intervenci贸n psicoeducativa. Con las pr谩cticas afrontan la posibilidad de desarrollar competencias espec铆ficas y transverales a la asignatura al partir de un caso real y una metodolgia de trabajo en grupos de aprendizaje cooperativo. Concretamente, esta metodolg铆a favorece el desarrollo de competencias procedimentales tales como diferentes estrategias de intervenci贸n, estrategias de trabajo grupal,.. y otras mas transversales como habilidades comunicativas mas complejas al tener que presentar su trabajo en publico y en formato poster, competencias muy necesarias en un futuro cercano a la hora de presentar el TF
Mechanical Properties of Three Bamboo Species: Effect of External Climatic Conditions and Fungal Infestation in Laboratory Conditions
Bamboo is a material with good tensile and flexural resistance. As a construction material with structural capacity, using bamboo implies considerable environmental advantages in relation to other typical materials such as steel or concrete. For its correct implementation, it is necessary to define its mechanical properties and durability. Bamboo is susceptible to degradation due to the lack of natural toxins and thin walls, which means that shallow decomposition processes can imply appreciable reductions in its mechanical capacity. The main degrading agents considered in this study were beetles, termites, and xylophagous fungi. The aim of this study was to analyze the durability of three different species: DS, PA, and AA. Durability and mechanical tests results after 6 months of exposure to biotic and abiotic agents were compared with their original properties and chemical composition. In this study, durability was analyzed in two ways. Firstly, the loss of mass due to fungal infection was investigated. The results obtained were based on the standard EN 113 using the fungus CP. Secondly, bending and compressive strength was evaluated after a durability test according to the standard EN 335:2013 for the CU3.1 use class after a 6 month period in the city of Donostia/San Sebastian, Spain. The DS and AA varieties were rated as very durable CD1, while the PA variety is durable CD2, thus proving to be an attractive material for construction.Financial support from the Basque Country Government in the frame of Grupos Consolidados (IT-1690-22)
Banbuaren karakterizazio mekanikoa eta kimikoa
The bamboo, a tubular geometry plant, it is a promising replacement for traditional synthetic materials in the construction sector. In addition, it is renewable and environmentally sustainable. However, in order to promote its use, mechanical and chemical properties of bamboo must be known. This work analyses chemical and mechanical characteristics of three bamboo species not used in the construction sector, but widely used for other purposes: Dendrocalamus strictus (DS), Arundinaria amabilis (AA) and Phyllostachys aurea (PA). TAPPI standards have been used for the chemical analysis, while mechanical properties have been studied in compression and three-point flexion tests. The results have shown that the density of bamboo has a direct influence on mechanical properties, both in resistance and stiffness: for the analysed three bam-boo species, the higher density the higher resistance and stiffness.; Banbua, geometria tubularra duen landarea den aldetik, hautagai interesgarria da eraikuntzaren sektorerako material sintetiko tradizionalen ordezko gisa erabiltzeko. Gainera, iraunkorra eta berriztagarria da ingurumenarekiko arretari dagokionez. Hala ere, haren erabilera sustatzeko, beharrezkoa da dituen propietate mekanikoak eta kimikoak ezagutzea. Lan honek kimikaren eta mekanikaren ikuspegitik aztertzen ditu gaur egun eraikuntzan ezezagunak diren baina tradizionalki oso erabiliak izan diren hiru banbu-espezie: Dendrocalamus strictus (DS), Arundinaria amabilis (AA) eta Phyllostachys aurea (PA). Azterketa kimikorako TAPPI arauak erabili dira, eta ezaugarri mekanikoak konpresioan eta dinamometroa baliatuz makurdura hiru puntutan neurtuta aztertu dira. Propietate mekanikoen emaitzek erakutsi dute banbuaren dentsitateak eragin zuzena duela bai erresistentzian eta bai zurruntasunean. Aztertutako hiru banbu espezieetan, dentsitatea zenbat eta handiagoa izan, erresistentzia eta zurruntasuna handiagoak direla ikusi da
Divorcio parental, conflicto interparental y relaciones parento-filiales en adultos j贸venes espa帽oles
El principal objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las asociaciones entre el divorcio parental y el conflicto interparental con la calidad de las relaciones paterno-filiales y materno-filiales, en una muestra espa帽ola de 1078 adultos j贸venes. Tambi茅n se analiz贸 la funci贸n moderadora del g茅nero de estos adultos j贸venes. Nuestros resultados sugirieron que el conflicto interparental se asocia con relaciones paterno-filiales y materno-filiales de menor calidad, mientras que el divorcio parental se asocia de forma m谩s negativa con la calidad de la relaci贸n con el padre que con la madre. Adem谩s, el g茅nero de los hijos adultos 煤nicamente moder贸 la asociaci贸n entre el divorcio parental y la calidad de las relaciones paterno-filiales, de manera que las mujeres de familias divorciadas obtienen puntuaciones m谩s bajas en la calidad de la relaci贸n paterno-filial que las mujeres de familias no divorciadas. Los resultados aportan mayor informaci贸n a la literatura emp铆rica existente y promueven una mejor comprensi贸n de las asociaciones complejas existentes entre el divorcio y conflicto parental con la calidad de las relaciones parento-filiales, en un contexto cultural donde hay escasa investigaci贸n sobre el tema.The main aim of this study was to analyze the associations between parental divorce and interparental conflict with father-child and mother-child relationship quality, in a Spanish young adult sample. The moderating effect of adult child麓s gender was also analyzed. Using a sample of 1,078 Spanish young adults, our results suggested that interparental conflict was more strongly associated with lower mother-child and father-child relationship quality, and that parental divorce was more strongly associated with father-child relationship quality than with mother-child relationship quality. In addition, adult child麓s gender only moderated the effect of parental divorce on father-child relationship quality, such that women from divorced families score lower on father-child relationship quality than women from non-divorced families. Findings add to the existing literature and promote a better comprehension of the complex associations between parental divorce and conflict with parent-child relationship quality in an understudied cultural context
Disposici贸n al riesgo en la actividad sexual de adolescentes: El rol de los modelos internos de apego, de las relaciones de apego con padres e iguales y de las dificultades de regulaci贸n emocional
El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relaci贸n existente entre
la disposici贸n al riesgo en las relaciones sexuales en personas adolescentes y
variables afectivo-emocionales tales como el apego a la madre, al padre, a
los iguales, los estilos de apego y las dificultades de regulaci贸n emocional.
Han participado 1911 adolescentes escolarizados, de ambos sexos, entre 15
y 20 a帽os. Los resultados indican que la seguridad del apego se relaciona
inversamente con la disposici贸n al riesgo en las relaciones sexuales, mien-
tras que las dificultades de regulaci贸n muestran una asociaci贸n positiva, con
diferencias entre sujetos sexualmente activos y no activos. Se han hallado
diferencias por g茅nero, y por categor铆as de apego, as铆 como entre las perso-
nas sexualmente activas y no activas.: The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between risk-
taking in sexual relationships and affective-emotional variables such as at-
tachment to mother, father, peers, attachment styles and difficulties in
emotional regulation capacity in adolescence. 1911 adolescent students of
both sexes between 15 and 20 years of age participated. Results indicate
that attachment security is inversely related to risk-taking in sexual relation-
ships. Less risk-taking is associated with attachment to mother and peers in
sexually inactive adolescents while in the sexually active with the capacity
for emotional regulation. Differences were found in gender and attachment
styles and among sexually active and inactive adolescents
Disposici贸n al riesgo en la actividad sexual de adolescentes: El rol de los modelos internos de apego, de las relaciones de apego con padres e iguales y de las dificultades de regulaci贸n emocional.
The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between risk-taking聽in sexual relationships聽and affective-emotional variables such as attachment to mother, father, peers, attachment styles and difficulties in emotional regulation capacity in adolescence. 1911 adolescent students of both sexes between 15 and 20 years of age participated. 聽Results indicate that attachment security is inversely related to risk-taking聽in sexual relationships. Less risk-taking聽is associated with attachment to mother and peers聽in sexually inactive adolescents while in the sexually active with the capacity for emotional regulation. Differences were found in gender and attachment categories and among sexually active and inactive adolescents.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relaci贸n existente entre la disposici贸n al riesgo en las relaciones sexuales en personas adolescentes y variables afectivo-emocionales tales como el apego a la madre, al padre, a los iguales, estilos de apego y las dificultades de regulaci贸n emocional.聽 Han participado 1911 adolescentes escolarizados, de ambos sexos, entre 15 y 20 a帽os. Los resultados indican que la seguridad del apego se relaciona inversamente con la disposici贸n al riesgo en las relaciones sexuales, mientras que las dificultades de regulaci贸n muestran una asociaci贸n positiva, con diferencias entre sujetos sexualmente activos y no activos.聽 Se han hallado diferencias por g茅nero, y por categor铆as de apego, as铆 como entre las personas sexualmente activas y no activas
Revista de psicolog铆a social
Resumen basado en el del autor. Resumen en castellano e ingl茅sSe analiza el poder predictivo de diversas variables emocionales y conductuales en la aceptaci贸n de los ni帽os y ni帽as por sus compa帽eros, as铆 como la relaci贸n de esta variable con el grado de satisfacci贸n social del ni帽o. La muestra se constituye por 257 ni帽os y ni帽as de 7 a 9 a帽os. Entre las variables con m谩s peso a la hora de discriminar a los ni帽os aceptados y rechazados, destacaron, junto a variables conductuales como la conducta agresiva y la competencia social, diversas variables emocionales como las de confiado-ansioso, tolerante-irritable, ansiedad-depresi贸n y regulaci贸n emocional. Estas 煤ltimas, por s铆 solas, mostraron un elevado poder predictivo. Sin embargo, tanto el conjunto de variables predictoras como las variables emocionales por s铆 solas mostraron gran poder predictivo en los varones, pero s贸lo modesto en las ni帽as. Adem谩s, se encontr贸 una correlaci贸n significativa entre la aceptaci贸n de los compa帽eros y el grado de satisfacci贸n social del ni帽o.MadridBiblioteca de Educaci贸n del Ministerio de Educaci贸n, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agust铆n, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]