126 research outputs found

    The TFX/F-111 Aircraft: A Perspective in Military Command and Defense Management

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    The TFX/F-111 has been making headlines for nearly 10 years and is still an emotionally charged case in military management. The elements of the case and the implication for the defense manager are profound and deserve the sincere attention of all who have a function or interest in this Nation\u27s security

    Strategy: The Essence of Professionalism

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    Strategy can be discussed from two perspectives that of the student of strategy, who is unhampered by deadlines and free from adherence to any particular formation or authority other than imposed by intellectual rigor; and that of the executive authority, who must formulate specific national and military strategic policies and plans

    Logistics and Strategy

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    Theoretically, under our unification system, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are supposed to give military advice to our civilian masters—namely, the high-level government executives who, under the Constitution, have management of our national security matters (We must also remember that we have two other masters: public opinion and the Congress)

    The Barometer

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    Logistics and Strategy

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    The basic foundation for the understanding of modern human conflict is found in the understanding of strategy, logistics, and command. If these three abstract terms are understood, the other elements of war—of conflict—will fall naturally into their proper places

    Set and Drift

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    Military Unionization: The Central Issues

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    The current open discussion of the unionization of U.S. military forces is but one aspect of the major cultural change that has taken place throughout the world. and particularly in the United States, as a consequence of technological and social revolutions of the past 40 years

    The Barometer

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    Theatre Logistic Planning

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    An understanding of theater logistic planning is based on the understanding of: The nature and structure of Logistics ; the art of command; and the nature of war

    The Russian Maritime Threat; An Approach to the Problem

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    The Soviet Union is now actively exerting strong worldwide political pressure by means of economic and military aid backed and screened by a strong, modern, and highly visible naval force. Where as a few years ago the Soviet Navy was predominantly defensive and generally confined to northern oceans and coastal waters, it now operates freely and extensively in the Mediterranean, the Indian, and the South Atlantic Oceans
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