70 research outputs found

    Visualizing Landform Calculations Proposal

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    Ebru Ozer\u27s proposal for an assignment that helps landscape architecture students understand dimensionality better by asking them to build a sand table and flow water through it in order to generate desired landforms

    Essential Oil Composition of Tanacetum parthenium from Eastern Black Sea Region, Turkey

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    Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L.), which belongs to the family Asteraceae, is a perennial herbaceous plant with small flowers like chamomile. In this study, we investigated the essential oil composition of Tanacetum parthenium collected from Gumushane Province, Turkey. Forty-four components representing 86.04% of the oil were identified in the essential oil of aerial parts of T. parthenium obtained by hydrodistillation and examined by GC and GC-MS. The main component of the sample was camphor (39.47%), followed by guaiol (5.21%), caryophyllene oxide (3.91%), bornyl acetate (3.09%), (E)-verbenol (2.68%), camphene (2.29%) and α-cadinol (2.12%). Presence of camphor highlighted the potential of this plant as a drug source in the alternative medicine due to its antiseptic, antipruritic, aphrodisiac, contraception and lactation suppressant effects. Guainol was found in this study for the first time in T. parthenium. In addition, other important finding was the lack of trans- chrysanthenyl acetate in our T. parthenium sample

    Utjecaji na digitalno građanstvo: iz perspektive studenata, budućih učitelja u Turskoj

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate some effects on Turkish pre-service teachers’ digital citizenship behaviours. With the rapid spread of technology, individuals have become a part of the digital world and faced the accompanying need to develop their digital citizenship skills. There is an increased importance to reveal the factors affecting the digital citizenship skills of pre-service teachers, who will raise digital citizens of the future. Data was gathered from 723 participants using three questionnaires written in Turkish. The results showed that internet self-efficacy, having own computer and having own internet connection affect digital citizenship. The findings of this study help in understanding some variables’ (Internet self-efficacy, having own computer, having own internet connection, sleep patterns, gender, grade, CGPA and age) significant contributions on pre-service teachers’ digital citizenship levels. This study provides a useful guideline for increasing pre-service teachers’ digital citizenship scores by determining factors which can be manipulated through system design and implementation.Svrha ovoga rada bila je istražiti neke utjecaje na postupke digitalnoga građanstva turskih studenata, budućih učitelja. Brzim širenjem tehnologije, pojedinci su postali dijelom digitalnoga svijeta te su se suočili s pratećom potrebom razvoja vlastitih vještina digitalnoga građanstva. Povećala se važnost otkrivanja čimbenika koji utječu na razvoj vještina digitalnoga građanstva studenata, budućih učitelja koji će obrazovati digitalne građane budućnosti. Podatci su dobiveni od 723 ispitanika koristeći tri upitnika pisana na turskom jeziku. Rezultati su pokazali da samoučinkovitost u korištenju interneta, posjedovanje računala i internetske veze utječu na digitalno građanstvo. Nalazi iz ovoga istraživanja mogu pomoći u razumijevanju doprinosa pojedinih varijabli (internetska samoučinkovitost, vlastito računalo i vlastita internetska veza, obrazac spavanja, spol, godina studija, prosjek ocjena i dob) na razine vještina digitalnoga građanstva studenata, budućih učitelja. Ovo istraživanje daje korisne smjernice za uspješnije rezultate vještine digitalnoga građanstva budućih učitelja određivanjem čimbenika kojima se može manipulirati kroz projektiranje obrazovnoga sustava i implementaciju

    GC/MS Evaluation and In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil and Solvent Extracts of an Endemic Plant Used as Folk Remedy in Turkey: Phlomis bourgaei

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    This study was outlined to examine the chemical composition of hydrodistilled essential oil and in vitro antioxidant potentials of the essential oil and different solvent extracts of endemic Phlomis bourgaei Boiss. used as folk remedy in Turkey. The chemical composition of the oil was analyzed by GC and GC-MS, and the predominant components in the oil were found to be β-caryophyllene (37.37%), (Z)-β-farnesene (15.88%), and germacrene D (10.97%). Antioxidant potentials of the solvent extracts and the oil were determined by four testing systems including β-carotene/linoleic acid, DPPH, reducing power, and chelating effect. In β-carotene/linoleic acid assay, all extracts showed the inhibition of more than 50% at all concentrations. In DPPH, chelating effect, and reducing power test systems, the water extract with 88.68%, 77.45%, and 1.857 (absorbance at 700 nm), respectively, exhibited more excellent activity potential than other extracts (hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) and the essential oil at 1.0 mg/mL concentration. The amount of the total phenolics and flavonoids was the highest in this extract (139.50 ± 3.98 μg gallic acid equivalents (GAEs)/mg extract and 22.71 ± 0.05 μg quercetin equivalents (QEs)/mg extract)

    Seroprevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus among first trimester pregnant women in Istanbul

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    Background: Toxoplasma Gondii, Rubella, and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) are the most common causes of congenital infections worldwide. There is not a consensus on these infectious agents should be screened during pregnancy. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of toxoplasma, rubella, and CMV infections in order to know the need for antenatal screening.Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was performed on 1309 ambulatory pregnant patients who applied to the obstetric clinic of a university hospital between October 2016 and April 2018. Documents of patients in the first trimester were reviewed and serologic data of Toxoplasma gondii, CMV, Rubella infections were retrieved from the computer database.Results: Of 1309 pregnant women, positivity for anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibody was 352(26.9%), while 17(1.3%) of the subjects tested were positive for the anti-Toxoplasma IgM antibody. These positivities of the pregnant women for anti-Rubella IgG and IgM were 1147(87.6%) and (0.1%), respectively. These positivities of the pregnant women for anti-CMV IgG and IgM were 1163(88.8%) and 17(1.3%), respectively.Conclusions: We detected high rates of immunity against Rubella and CMV but low rates of immunity against Toxoplasma in this retrospective cohort of pregnant women. Due to high rates of seropositivity against Rubella and CMV, routine nationwide screening may not be necessary

    Effect of different stresses on trehalose levels in Rhizopus oryzae

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    Rhizopus oryzae accumulates and degrades trehalose in response to environmental stress conditions such as heat, osmotic stress, nitrogen starvation and pH. When heat stress was applied to R. oryzae, the trehalose content of the cells was increased from 0.9 to 4.8 mg/g dw and when the stress was relieved it decreased back to 1.1 mg/g dw. Under osmotic stress and nitrogen starvation, trehalose content was increased by 3.5 and 3 fold, respectively. The decrease in external pH increased trehalose level up to 2.6 mg/g dw from 1.1 mg/g dw. Increased trehalose level decreased back to normal after pH stress was relieved. These results indicate that trehalose accumulates and acts as a stress protectant in R. oryzae