58 research outputs found

    Management of White Spot Lesions

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    It has been reported that white spot lesions (WSLs) can be seen as a result of prolonged plaque accumulation on the affected surface of the teeth. They are more often associated with fixed orthodontic treatment and defined as “the presence of clinically detectable, localized areas of enamel demineralization.” These lesions are managed in the first step by establishing a good oral hygiene to enhance remineralization, and prophylaxis with products mostly containing fluoride, calcium, or phosphate. The aim of this chapter is to outline the risk factors and preventive measures of WSLs, and the currently used methods to manage it based on the latest evidence

    The Methods for Coping with Stress and Stress Situations of Nursing Students in Health School

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    Amaç: Bu araştırma Sağlık Yüksekokulu Hemşirelik Bölümü öğrencilerinin stres durumları ve stresle baş etme yöntemlerini belirlemek amacı ile yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı nitelikte yapılan araştırmanın evrenini bir üniversitenin hemşirelik bölümü öğrencileri oluşturmuştur (N=460). Evrenin tamamına ulaşılmaya çalışılmış olup 320 öğrenci araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Veriler anket formu, Hemşirelik Eğitimi Stres Ölçeği ve Başa Çıkma Stratejileri Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde sayı, yüzde, ortalama, standart sapma, t testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 20.59±1.5 olup, %71.2’sinin kız, %30.6’sının 1.sınıfta okuduğu saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin hemşirelik Eğitimi Stres Ölçeği ortalama puanının 63.4±17.3 olduğu, Başa Çıkma Stratejileri Ölçeği alt boyutları ortalamasının 25.0±4.7 problem çözme için alt boyut, sosyal destek arama için 25.1±5.3 ve kaçınma için 24.2±5.3 olduğu saptanmıştır. Cinsiyeti kadın olan, İkinci sınıf öğrencilerinin ve hemşirelik bölümünü isteyerek seçmeyen öğrencilerin Hemşirelik Eğitimi Stres Ölçeği puan ortalamasının anlamlı şekilde daha yüksek olduğu, hemşirelik bölümünü isteyerek seçen öğrencilerin ise problem çözme alt boyut ortalamasının anlamlı şekilde daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Sonuç: Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin yüksek düzeyde stres yaşadığı, sağlıklarının korunması ve akademik başarılarının artması için stres oluşturan faktörlerin azaltılmasına yönelik düzenlemelerin yapılması önerilmektedir.Aim: This research was conducted with the aim of determining the methods for coping with stress and stress situations_x000D_ of nursing students in health school._x000D_ Methods: The universe of the research which has been conducted as descriptive consisted of nursing students of a_x000D_ university (N=460). Sample group was not selected, 320 students who accepted to attend the research included in the_x000D_ study. Data was collected with the interview form prepared by authors, Coping Strategy Indicator and Nursing_x000D_ Education Stress Scale. Data was analysed by numbers, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t test and one way_x000D_ ANOVA._x000D_ Results: The average age of the students was 20.59±1.5, 71.2% of them were girls and 30.6% of them were at the first_x000D_ grade. Nursing Education Stress Scale mean score of 63.4±17.3 Sub-dimension means for Coping Strategy Indicator_x000D_ 25.0±4.7 for "problem-solving", 25.1±5.3 for "seeking social support" and 24.2 ± 5.3 for "avoidance". It was found that_x000D_ average score of Nursing Education Stress Scale was significantly higher for the students who gender of female and do_x000D_ not voluntarily choose the nursing department at 2st grade whereas the students who voluntarily selected the nursing_x000D_ department had significantly higher problem solving sub-dimension averages (p<0.05)._x000D_ Conclusions: Our results have shown that nursing students experience high stress. Therefore, it is recommended to_x000D_ make arrangements to reduce stress factors in order to protect their health and increase their academic success.Aim: This research was conducted with the aim of determining the methods for coping with stress and stress situations of nursing students in health school. Methods: The universe of the research which has been conducted as descriptive consisted of nursing students of a university (N=460). Sample group was not selected, 320 students who accepted to attend the research included in the study. Data was collected with the interview form prepared by authors, Coping Strategy Indicator and Nursing Education Stress Scale. Data was analysed by numbers, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t test and one way ANOVA. Results: The average age of the students was 20.59±1.5, 71.2% of them were girls and 30.6% of them were at the first grade. Nursing Education Stress Scale mean score of 63.4±17.3 Sub-dimension means for Coping Strategy Indicator 25.0±4.7 for "problem-solving", 25.1±5.3 for "seeking social support" and 24.2 ± 5.3 for "avoidance". It was found that average score of Nursing Education Stress Scale was significantly higher for the students who gender of female and do not voluntarily choose the nursing department at 2st grade whereas the students who voluntarily selected the nursing department had significantly higher problem solving sub-dimension averages (p<0.05). Conclusions: Our results have shown that nursing students experience high stress. Therefore, it is recommended to make arrangements to reduce stress factors in order to protect their health and increase their academic success

    Mean platelet volume and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio decrease in patients with depression with antidepressant treatment

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    Objective: Not only white blood cells but also platelets are being considered in inflammatory reactions from now on. Mean platelet volume (MPV) and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) have been shown to change in inflammatory diseases like myocardial infarction, stroke and implicated in psychiatric disorders nowadays. Our first aim is to investigate the relation of MPV and NLR with depression and secondly to assess if they change with the treatment of depression. Methods: Forty-nine patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) and hospitalized in a university hospital psychiatry inpatient unit retrospectively included in the study. Control group consisted of 48 hospital workers with no known disease. Complete blood count, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) and Clinical Global Impression-Severity Scale (CGI-S) scores at admission and at discharge were noted and compared for the patient group. Discussion: MPV of depressed patients was higher than controls. When we look at admission and discharge scores of clinical scales, decrement is statistically significant for both HAM-D and CGI-S. There was decline both in MPV and NLR which were both statistically significant. Conclusion: Decreasing MPV and NLR values with the treatment of depression confirm the involvement of inflammatory processes in the pathophysiology of depression

    Četverogodišnja studija učinkovitosti i sigurnosti entekavira u bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom B pozitivnih na HBeAg bez prethodne nukleoz(t)idne terapije

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    Entecavir is a guanosine analogue with activity against hepatitis B virus. The aim of this 4-year trial was to evaluate entecavir treatment in nucleos(t)ide-naive HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients. Forty-nine patients received entecavir and nine of them withdrew from the trial at the end of week 96. The initial mean value of alanine aminotransferase was 79.4}41.5 IU /L, and at the end of the 4-year study period, 90% of patients had alanine aminotransferase values within the normal range. At week 96, 91.7% of patients had HBV DNA <300 copies; at month 48, 90% of patients had HBV DNA <50 IU /mL. HBeAg loss was recorded in 7.1% of patients at week 96 and in 12.5% at month 48. The rate of HBeAg seroconversion was 4.8% at week 96 and 7.5% at month 48. The rate of HBsAg seroconversion was 2.1% at week 96 and 2.5% at month 48. Entecavir as a potent and safe agent leading to continuous viral suppression proved to be safe and well tolerated therapy.Entekavir je analog gvanozina koji djeluje protiv virusa hepatitisa B. Cilj ove četverogodišnje studije bio je procijeniti liječenje entekavirom kod bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom B pozitivnih na HBeAg bez prethodne nukleoz(t)idne terapije. Ukupno je 49 bolesnika primalo entekavir, a devetoro ih se povuklo s terapije na kraju 96. tjedna. Početna srednja vrijednost alanin aminotransferaze bila 79,4}41,5 IU /L, dok je nakon 4 godine vrijednost alanin aminotransferaze bila u normalnim granicama kod 90% bolesnika. U 96. tjednu je <300 kopija HBV DNA zabilježeno u 91,7% bolesnika, a u 48. mjesecu je 48,90% bolesnika imalo <50 IJ/mL HBV DNA. Gubitak HBeAg zabilježen je u 7,1% bolesnika u 96. tjednu te u 12,5% bolesnika u 48. mjesecu. Stopa serokonverzije HBeAg iznosila je 4,8% u 96. tjednu i 7,5% u 48. mjesecu. Stopa serokonverzije HBsAg bila je 2,1% u 96. tjednu i 2,5% u 48. mjesecu. Sigurnost terapije bila je dobra. Bolesnici su dobro podnosili entekavir, snažan i siguran lijek koji dovodi do ustaljenog suzbijanja virusa

    Četverogodišnja studija učinkovitosti i sigurnosti entekavira u bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom B pozitivnih na HBeAg bez prethodne nukleoz(t)idne terapije

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    Entecavir is a guanosine analogue with activity against hepatitis B virus. The aim of this 4-year trial was to evaluate entecavir treatment in nucleos(t)ide-naive HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients. Forty-nine patients received entecavir and nine of them withdrew from the trial at the end of week 96. The initial mean value of alanine aminotransferase was 79.4}41.5 IU /L, and at the end of the 4-year study period, 90% of patients had alanine aminotransferase values within the normal range. At week 96, 91.7% of patients had HBV DNA <300 copies; at month 48, 90% of patients had HBV DNA <50 IU /mL. HBeAg loss was recorded in 7.1% of patients at week 96 and in 12.5% at month 48. The rate of HBeAg seroconversion was 4.8% at week 96 and 7.5% at month 48. The rate of HBsAg seroconversion was 2.1% at week 96 and 2.5% at month 48. Entecavir as a potent and safe agent leading to continuous viral suppression proved to be safe and well tolerated therapy.Entekavir je analog gvanozina koji djeluje protiv virusa hepatitisa B. Cilj ove četverogodišnje studije bio je procijeniti liječenje entekavirom kod bolesnika s kroničnim hepatitisom B pozitivnih na HBeAg bez prethodne nukleoz(t)idne terapije. Ukupno je 49 bolesnika primalo entekavir, a devetoro ih se povuklo s terapije na kraju 96. tjedna. Početna srednja vrijednost alanin aminotransferaze bila 79,4}41,5 IU /L, dok je nakon 4 godine vrijednost alanin aminotransferaze bila u normalnim granicama kod 90% bolesnika. U 96. tjednu je <300 kopija HBV DNA zabilježeno u 91,7% bolesnika, a u 48. mjesecu je 48,90% bolesnika imalo <50 IJ/mL HBV DNA. Gubitak HBeAg zabilježen je u 7,1% bolesnika u 96. tjednu te u 12,5% bolesnika u 48. mjesecu. Stopa serokonverzije HBeAg iznosila je 4,8% u 96. tjednu i 7,5% u 48. mjesecu. Stopa serokonverzije HBsAg bila je 2,1% u 96. tjednu i 2,5% u 48. mjesecu. Sigurnost terapije bila je dobra. Bolesnici su dobro podnosili entekavir, snažan i siguran lijek koji dovodi do ustaljenog suzbijanja virusa

    Experimentally Induced Diabetes Mellitus Influences Expression of VEGF and CD68 in Rat Teeth Pulp

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