11 research outputs found

    Caracterización de daños de moscas del género dasiops (diptera: lonchaeidae) en passiflora spp. (passifloraceae) cultivadas en colombia / characterization of damage of the genus dasiops flies (diptera: lonchaeidae) from cultivated passiflora (passiflor

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    Resumen. Las moscas del género Dasiops Rondani constituyen la plaga más limitante en cultivos de pasifloras en Colombia, por lo que el reconocimiento de especies es importante para la toma de decisiones de vigilancia y control. Se caracterizaron los síntomas y daños producidos por moscas Dasiops spp.. en botones florales y frutos de maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Sims), gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims), granadilla (Passiflora ligularis Juss) y curuba (Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima Nielsen y Jorgensen). En botones florales de maracuyá, gulupa y granadilla con longitud mayor a 1 cm, la infestación se manifestó con amarillamiento y arrugamiento general. En frutos de gulupa y granadilla, la infestación se evidenció por arrugamiento del epicarpio en frutos inmaduros. En curuba, la infestación en frutos se caracterizó por un estrechamiento en la parte basal, apical o media del fruto. La infestación en botones florales estuvo entre 0,0 y 9,9% en tanto que en frutos presentó un rango entre 0,3 y 28,5%. No obstante, en maracuyá y gulupa se registraron botones florales infestados pero sin los síntomas descritos; en tanto que en gulupa y granadilla se observó el mismo fenómeno en frutos. Este estudio provee a agricultores y técnicos herramientas para el reconocimiento de infestación por moscas Dasiops spp. en cultivos de pasifloras como elemento fundamental para la toma decisiones para la vigilancia y control fitosanitario. / Abstract. The flies of the gender Dasiops Rondani are the most limiting plague in pasifloras crops in Colombia, thus species identification is important for decision making for monitoring and control. The symptoms and damage caused by Dasiops spp. flies in flower buds and fruits of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Sims), purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims), sweet passion fruit (Passiflora ligularis Juss) and banana passion fruit (Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima Nielsen y Jorgensen) were characterized. In yellow passion fruit, purple passion fruit and sweet passion fruit flower buds, the infestation was evidenced in flower buds with length greater than 1 cm, the infestation was evidenced with general yellowing and wrinkling. In purple passion fruit infestation was evidenced by wrinkling of the epicarp in immature fruits. In banana passion fruit infestation was characterized by a narrowing in the basal, apical or central part of the fruit. Infestation in flower buds was between 0.0 and 9.9% whereas in fruits showed a range between 0.3 and 28.5%. However, yellow passion fruit and purple passion fruit flower buds were infested but without the described symptoms, while in yellow passion fruit and sweet passion fruit the same phenomenon was observed in fruits. This study provides tools for farmers and technicians for recognizing Dasiops spp. fly infestation in Passiflora crops as a key element in decision making for surveillance and phytosanitary control

    Primer registro de tamarixia radiata (waterston, 1922) (hymenoptera: eulophidae) en colombia

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    Tamarixia radiata es un ectoparasitoide idiobionte de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae); la especie fue descrita a partir de material recogido en la India. Ha sido introducida en muchas regiones intencional o accidentalmente para el control biológico de D. citri, incluyendo algunos países asiáticos. Se sabe de su presencia en el sur de África y las Américas. En Suramérica, se reportó en Brasil, Argentina y ahora en Colombia

    Riqueza y distribución geográfica de Thysanoptera: Thripinae con énfasis en Frankliniella Karny, en especies de plantas cultivadas y no cultivadas en las regiones Andina, Orinoquía y Caribe de Colombia.

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    ilustraciones, gráficas, mapas, tablasSe determinó la composición y estructura de Thysanoptera en diferentes agroecosistemas en las regiones Andina, Caribe y Orinoquía de Colombia. A partir de 4495 muestras, 29621 especímenes identificados, se encontró un total de 131 especies, en 39 géneros y cuatro familias. La región Andina fue la más rica con 116 especies (n = 18519; Chao 1 = 133,8; H′ = 2,615), seguido de la región Caribe con 54 (n = 5960; Chao 1 = 78; H′ = 2,483) y la Orinoquía con 42 (n = 1484; Chao 1 = 45,5; H′= 2,265). Los agroecosistemas más representativos fueron el aguacate (Persea americana Mill) con 40 especies (n= 4047; Chao 1 = 55,17; H′= 1,302), seguido del café (Coffea arábica L) con 26 (n = 1395; Chao 1 = 33; H′ = 1,026), yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) con 25 (n = 1050; Chao 1 = 29,67; H′ = 1,635), cítricos (Citrus spp.) con 22 (n = 836; Chao 1 = 25,75; H′ = 1,748), maíz (Zea mays L) con 22 (n = 1647; Chao 1 = 24,5; H′ = 1,365), mango (Mangifera indica L) con 17 (n = 1144; Chao 1 = 18,5; H′ = 1,303), mora (Rubus glaucus Bentham) con 11 (n = 545; Chao 1 = 16; H′ = 0,886), plátano (Musa spp.) con 9 especies (n = 1798; Chao 1 = 9; H′ = 0,208), algodón (Gossypium hirsutum L) con 8 (n = 5621; Chao 1 = 11; H′ = 0,914) y caucho (Hevea brasiliensis Müll) con 4 especies (n = 90; Chao 1 = 4; H′ = 0,594). Se encontraron diferencias en la distribución y riqueza de las especies por piso térmico, gradientes altitudinales, zonas de vida y regiones biogeográficas. La especie más abundante, con mayor presencia en cultivos, mayor distribución geográfica y altitudinal, correspondió a Frankliniella gardeniae Moulton. (Texto tomado de la fuente).The composition and structure of Thysanoptera population were determined in different agroecosystems in the Andean, Caribbean and Orinoquia regions of Colombia. From 4,495 samples, 29,621 identified specimens, 131 species belonging, to 39 genera and four families were found. The Andean region was the most diverse with 116 species (n = 18,519; Chao 1 = 133.8; H ′ = 2.615), followed by the Caribbean region with 54 (n = 5,960; Chao 1 = 78; H ′ = 2.483) and the Orinoquia with 42 (n = 1484; Chao 1 = 45.5; H ′ = 2.265). The most representative agroecosystems was avocado (Persea americana Mill) With 40 species (n = 4,047; Chao 1 = 55.17; H ′ = 1.302), followed by coffee (Coffea arabica L) with 26 (n = 1,395; Chao 1 = 33; H ′ = 1.026), yucca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) with 25 (n = 1,050; Chao 1 = 29.67; H ′ = 1.635), citrus fruits (Citrus spp.) with 22 (n = 836; Chao 1 = 25.75; H ′ = 1.748), corn (Zea mays L) with 22 (n = 1,647; Chao 1 = 24.5; H ′ = 1.365), mango (Mangifera indica L) with 17 (n = 1,144; Chao 1 = 18.5; H ′ = 1.303), blackberry (Rubus glaucus Bentham) with 11 (n = 545; Chao 1 = 16; H ′ = 0.886), banana (Musa spp.) with 9 species (n = 1,798; Chao 1 = 9; H ′ = 0.208), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) with 8 (n = 5,621; Chao 1 = 11; H ′ = 0.914) and rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Müll) with 4 species (n = 90; Chao 1 = 4; H ′ = 0.594). Differences were found in the distribution of species in the thermal floor, altitudinal gradients, life zones and in the biogeographical regions. Frankliniella gardeniae Moulton, was the most abundant species, with the highest presence in crops, the greatest geographic and altitudinal distribution.Incluye anexosDoctoradoDoctor en Ciencias AgrariasEntomologíaCiencias Agronómica

    Caracterización de Daños de Moscas del Género Dasiops (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) en Passiflora spp. (Passifloraceae) Cultivadas en Colombia

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    The flies of the gender Dasiops Rondani are the most limiting plague in pasifloras crops in Colombia, thus species identification is important for decision making for monitoring and control. The symptoms and damage caused by Dasiops spp. flies in flower buds and fruits of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Sims), purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims), sweet passion fruit (Passiflora ligularis Juss) and banana passion fruit (Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima Nielsen y Jorgensen) were characterized. In yellow passion fruit, purple passion fruit and sweet passion fruit flower buds, the infestation was evidenced in flower buds with length greater than 1 cm, the infestation was evidenced with general yellowing and wrinkling. In purple passion fruit infestation was evidenced by wrinkling of the epicarp in immature fruits. In banana passion fruit infestation was characterized by a narrowing in the basal, apical or central part of the fruit. Infestation in flower buds was between 0.0 and 9.9% whereas in fruits showed a range between 0.3 and 28.5%. However, yellow passion fruit and purple passion fruit flower buds were infested but without the described symptoms, while in yellow passion fruit and sweet passion fruit the same phenomenon was observed in fruits. This study provides tools for farmers and technicians for recognizing Dasiops spp. fly infestation in Passiflora crops as a key element in decision making for surveillance and phytosanitary control.Las moscas del género Dasiops Rondani constituyen la plaga más limitante en cultivos de pasifloras en Colombia, por lo que el reconocimiento de especies es importante para la toma de decisiones de vigilancia y control. Se caracterizaron los síntomas y daños producidos por moscas Dasiops spp.. en botones florales y frutos de maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Sims), gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims), granadilla (Passiflora ligularis Juss) y curuba (Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima Nielsen y Jorgensen). En botones florales de maracuyá, gulupa y granadilla con longitud mayor a 1 cm, la infestación se manifestó con amarillamiento y arrugamiento general. En frutos de gulupa y granadilla, la infestación se evidenció por arrugamiento del epicarpio en frutos inmaduros. En curuba, la infestación en frutos se caracterizó por un estrechamiento en la parte basal, apical o media del fruto. La infestación en botones florales estuvo entre 0,0 y 9,9% en tanto que en frutos presentó un rango entre 0,3 y 28,5%. No obstante, en maracuyá y gulupa se registraron botones florales infestados pero sin los síntomas descritos; en tanto que en gulupa y granadilla se observó el mismo fenómeno en frutos. Este estudio provee a agricultores y técnicos herramientas para el reconocimiento de infestación por moscas Dasiops spp. en cultivos de pasifloras como elemento fundamental para la toma decisiones para la vigilancia y control fitosanitario

    Caracterización de Daños de Moscas del Género Dasiops (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) en Passiflora spp. (Passifloraceae) Cultivadas en Colombia / Characterization of Damage of the Genus Dasiops Flies (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) from Cultivated Passiflora (Passiflor

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    Resumen. Las moscas del género Dasiops Rondani constituyen la plaga más limitante en cultivos de pasifloras en Colombia, por lo que el reconocimiento de especies es importante para la toma de decisiones de vigilancia y control. Se caracterizaron los síntomas y daños producidos por moscas Dasiops spp.. en botones florales y frutos de maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Sims), gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims), granadilla (Passiflora ligularis Juss) y curuba (Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima Nielsen y Jorgensen). En botones florales de maracuyá, gulupa y granadilla con longitud mayor a 1 cm, la infestación se manifestó con amarillamiento y arrugamiento general. En frutos de gulupa y granadilla, la infestación se evidenció por arrugamiento del epicarpio en frutos inmaduros. En curuba, la infestación en frutos se caracterizó por un estrechamiento en la parte basal, apical o media del fruto. La infestación en botones florales estuvo entre 0,0 y 9,9% en tanto que en frutos presentó un rango entre 0,3 y 28,5%. No obstante, en maracuyá y gulupa se registraron botones florales infestados pero sin los síntomas descritos; en tanto que en gulupa y granadilla se observó el mismo fenómeno en frutos. Este estudio provee a agricultores y técnicos herramientas para el reconocimiento de infestación por moscas Dasiops spp. en cultivos de pasifloras como elemento fundamental para la toma decisiones para la vigilancia y control fitosanitario. / Abstract. The flies of the gender Dasiops Rondani are the most limiting plague in pasifloras crops in Colombia, thus species identification is important for decision making for monitoring and control. The symptoms and damage caused by Dasiops spp. flies in flower buds and fruits of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Sims), purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims), sweet passion fruit (Passiflora ligularis Juss) and banana passion fruit (Passiflora tripartita var. mollissima Nielsen y Jorgensen) were characterized. In yellow passion fruit, purple passion fruit and sweet passion fruit flower buds, the infestation was evidenced in flower buds with length greater than 1 cm, the infestation was evidenced with general yellowing and wrinkling. In purple passion fruit infestation was evidenced by wrinkling of the epicarp in immature fruits. In banana passion fruit infestation was characterized by a narrowing in the basal, apical or central part of the fruit. Infestation in flower buds was between 0.0 and 9.9% whereas in fruits showed a range between 0.3 and 28.5%. However, yellow passion fruit and purple passion fruit flower buds were infested but without the described symptoms, while in yellow passion fruit and sweet passion fruit the same phenomenon was observed in fruits. This study provides tools for farmers and technicians for recognizing Dasiops spp. fly infestation in Passiflora crops as a key element in decision making for surveillance and phytosanitary control

    Tomato spotted wilt virus (tswv), weeds and thrip vectors in the tomato (solanum lycopersicum l.) in the andean region of cundinamarca (colombia)

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    ABSTRACT                                                                                            The presence and distribution of the TSWV, weeds and thrip vectors in major tomato producing areas in the Andean de- partment of Cundinamarca (Oriente, Sumapaz and Ubate provinces) were assessed with the DAS ELISA technique, evalu- ating the presence of the TSWV in tomato tissue, associated thrips and weeds. High incidences were observed in different provinces of the Andean department of Cundinamarca. The average viral incidence reached 23.3% in Sumapaz, 19.4% in Oriente and 4% in Ubate. The symptoms observed were: brown spots and concentric rings in the leaf area, stems and fruits; browning and spotting in the flower; and wilting in the leaves, stems and flowers. The thrip species with the highest presence were Frankliniella occidentalis, followed by Thrips palmi and Thrips tabaci. We determined the important role of weeds as inoculum sources and vector reservoirs for the species Emilia sonchifolia and Amaranthus dubius

    New records of dasiops spp (diptera: lonchaeidae) associated with pasiflora grown in colombia / nuevos registros de dasiops spp (diptera: lonchaeidae) asociados a pasifloras cultivadas en colombia

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    Four new records for Dasiops were registered for Colombia: Dasiops brevicornis (Williston, 1896), D. rugifrons Henning 1948, D. plaumanni McAlpine 1964 y D. chotanus Korytkowski 1971. All samples were collected in McPhail traps located in passiflora crops. Aspect related with their taxonomy, biology and geographical distribution are presented. / Se registran cuatro especies del género Dasiops para Colombia: Dasiops brevicornis (Williston, 1896), D. rugifrons Henning, 1948, D. plaumanni McAlpine 1964 y D. chotanus Korytkowski 1971. Todas fueron capturadas en trampas McPhail en cultivos de pasifloras. Se presentan aspectos relacionados con su taxonomía, biología y distribución geográfic

    Diaphorina citri (Kuwayama, 1907) and Tamarixia radiata (Waterson, 1922) in citrus crops of Cundinamarca, Colombia

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    <p class="MsoNoSpacing" style="text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"><span style="mso-ansi-language: EN-US;" lang="EN-US"><span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;">The presence of <em>Diaphorina citri </em>Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and <em>Tamarixia radiata </em>(Waterston) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) was recorded in citrus crops of Cundinamarca, Colombia. This work is to know the geographic distribution of <em>D. citri </em>and an initial record of the parasitoid <em>T. radiata </em>in citrus producing areas of this department.</span></span></span></p&gt

    Diaphorina citri (kuwayama, 1907) and tamarixia radiata (waterson, 1922) in citrus crops of cundinamarca, colombia

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    The presence of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and Tamarixia radiata (Waterston) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) was recorded in citrus crops of Cundinamarca, Colombia. This work is to know the geographic distribution of D. citri and an initial record of the parasitoid T. radiata in citrus producing areas of this department

    Presence and Distribution of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Colombia

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    The presence and distribution of Scirtothrips dorsalis was reported in Colombia in the Andean, Caribbean, and Orinoquia regions, from 0 to 1,200 meters of altitude (MASL) in the warm climate zone, with less than 2,000 mm rainfall per year and a temperature above 24°C, which corresponds to the tropical dry forest life zone (TDF). Larvae and adults of S. dorsalis were found on 13 plant species belonging to 12 genera in 12 families, of 181 plant species sampled from 129 genera in 47 families sampled. The botanical species with S. dorsalis presence included cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) L., mango (Mangifera indica) L., chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens) L., bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) L., orange (Citrus sinensis) L., jasmine orange (Murraya paniculata) L., rose (Rosa sp.), and the weeds Sesbania exaltata (Mill.), Phyllanthus niruri L., Ludwigia hyssopifolia Vahl, Euphorbia hypericifolia L., Echinochloa colona L., and Amaranthus spinosus (L.). S. dorsalis prefers young leaves and floral structures, but in cotton it was also associated with squares. The low number of host plants is evident, far from the extensive lists obtained by other authors in other latitudes. S. dorsalis invaded Colombia only in recent years, and this is the first study of the presence and distribution of this thrips in the area