4 research outputs found

    Extern design och marknadsföringssamarbete - ur ett konsumentperspektiv

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    The lack of synergy between design and marketing departments can result in less innovative products which can lead to less customer satisfaction. This problem has affected the perfume and cosmetic industry as well, which is considered to be an industry with high competitiveness but also a high innovation rate. The purpose with this study is to understand how consumers' purchase intention can be affected by the characteristics that appear in each collaboration pattern, marketing lead, design lead and co-branding, in order to contribute to a more effective cooperation between external design and marketing in the perfume and cosmetic industry. The study has been based on two theories and one previous research. The theories are Kellers (1993) Consumer Based Brand Equity and Arnoulds and Thompsons (2005) Consumer Identity Project based on the Consumer Culture Theory. The previous research on which this study is based is Hemonnet-Goujots Abecassis-Moedas' & Manceaus (2020) “When external design and marketing collaborate to develop new products: A typology of patterns”. The study has been based on a qualitative research method with a deductive and a hermeneutic approach. The results showed that consumers' purchase intention is affected by brand recognition in products with a high brand consistency. In addition, consumers can be affected by the brand image and the non-product-related attributes together with the symbolic benefits of products with a high rate of innovation and thus of products where a star-based designer is involved. The Consumer's Identity Project is something that always affects the purchase intention, regardless of the characteristics of the product. The information that the study contributes with can be used by companies with external design and marketing in a strategic way to choose which collaboration pattern they want to work with.Bristen pĂ„ synergi mellan design och marknadsföring kan resultera i mindre innovativa produkter, som i sin tur leder till mindre kundnöjdhet. Denna problematik har inte minst pĂ„verkat parfym- och kosmetikabranschen som anses vara en bransch med hög konkurrenskraft och med hög innovationstakt. Syftet med studien Ă€r att förstĂ„ hur konsumenternas köpintention kan pĂ„verkas av kĂ€nnetecken som förekommer i respektive samarbetsmönster, marketing lead, design lead och co-branding. Detta för att bidra till ett mer effektivt samarbete mellan extern design och marknadsföring. Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n tvĂ„ teorier och en tidigare forskning. Teorierna Ă€r Kellers (1993) kundbaserat varumĂ€rkeskapital (Costumer Based Brand Equity) och Arnould & Thompsons (2005) konsuments identitetsprojekt (Consumer Identity Project) utifrĂ„n konsumentkulturteorin (Consumer Culture Theory). Den tidigare forskningen som denna studie har grundat sig pĂ„ Ă€r Hemonnet-Goujots, Abecassis-Moedas & Manceaus (2020) “When external design and marketing collaborate to develop new products: A typology of patterns”. Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats samt ett hermeneutiskt synsĂ€tt. Resultatet visade att konsumenternas köpintention pĂ„verkas av varumĂ€rkesigenkĂ€nning vid produkter med en hög varumĂ€rkeskonsistens. DĂ€rtill kan konsumenter pĂ„verkas av varumĂ€rkesbild och de icke-produktrelaterade attributen i samband med de symboliska fördelarna vid produkter med en hög innovationstakt och dĂ€rmed vid produkter dĂ€r en stjĂ€rndesigner Ă€r inblandad. Konsumentens identitetsprojekt Ă€r nĂ„got som alltid pĂ„verkar köpintentionen oberoende pĂ„ vilka kĂ€nnetecken produkten förekommer med. Informationen som studien bidrar med kan utnyttjas av företag med extern design och marknadsföring för att pĂ„ ett strategiskt sĂ€tt vĂ€lja vilket samarbetsmönster de vill arbeta med

    Extern design och marknadsföringssamarbete - ur ett konsumentperspektiv

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    The lack of synergy between design and marketing departments can result in less innovative products which can lead to less customer satisfaction. This problem has affected the perfume and cosmetic industry as well, which is considered to be an industry with high competitiveness but also a high innovation rate. The purpose with this study is to understand how consumers' purchase intention can be affected by the characteristics that appear in each collaboration pattern, marketing lead, design lead and co-branding, in order to contribute to a more effective cooperation between external design and marketing in the perfume and cosmetic industry. The study has been based on two theories and one previous research. The theories are Kellers (1993) Consumer Based Brand Equity and Arnoulds and Thompsons (2005) Consumer Identity Project based on the Consumer Culture Theory. The previous research on which this study is based is Hemonnet-Goujots Abecassis-Moedas' & Manceaus (2020) “When external design and marketing collaborate to develop new products: A typology of patterns”. The study has been based on a qualitative research method with a deductive and a hermeneutic approach. The results showed that consumers' purchase intention is affected by brand recognition in products with a high brand consistency. In addition, consumers can be affected by the brand image and the non-product-related attributes together with the symbolic benefits of products with a high rate of innovation and thus of products where a star-based designer is involved. The Consumer's Identity Project is something that always affects the purchase intention, regardless of the characteristics of the product. The information that the study contributes with can be used by companies with external design and marketing in a strategic way to choose which collaboration pattern they want to work with.Bristen pĂ„ synergi mellan design och marknadsföring kan resultera i mindre innovativa produkter, som i sin tur leder till mindre kundnöjdhet. Denna problematik har inte minst pĂ„verkat parfym- och kosmetikabranschen som anses vara en bransch med hög konkurrenskraft och med hög innovationstakt. Syftet med studien Ă€r att förstĂ„ hur konsumenternas köpintention kan pĂ„verkas av kĂ€nnetecken som förekommer i respektive samarbetsmönster, marketing lead, design lead och co-branding. Detta för att bidra till ett mer effektivt samarbete mellan extern design och marknadsföring. Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n tvĂ„ teorier och en tidigare forskning. Teorierna Ă€r Kellers (1993) kundbaserat varumĂ€rkeskapital (Costumer Based Brand Equity) och Arnould & Thompsons (2005) konsuments identitetsprojekt (Consumer Identity Project) utifrĂ„n konsumentkulturteorin (Consumer Culture Theory). Den tidigare forskningen som denna studie har grundat sig pĂ„ Ă€r Hemonnet-Goujots, Abecassis-Moedas & Manceaus (2020) “When external design and marketing collaborate to develop new products: A typology of patterns”. Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats samt ett hermeneutiskt synsĂ€tt. Resultatet visade att konsumenternas köpintention pĂ„verkas av varumĂ€rkesigenkĂ€nning vid produkter med en hög varumĂ€rkeskonsistens. DĂ€rtill kan konsumenter pĂ„verkas av varumĂ€rkesbild och de icke-produktrelaterade attributen i samband med de symboliska fördelarna vid produkter med en hög innovationstakt och dĂ€rmed vid produkter dĂ€r en stjĂ€rndesigner Ă€r inblandad. Konsumentens identitetsprojekt Ă€r nĂ„got som alltid pĂ„verkar köpintentionen oberoende pĂ„ vilka kĂ€nnetecken produkten förekommer med. Informationen som studien bidrar med kan utnyttjas av företag med extern design och marknadsföring för att pĂ„ ett strategiskt sĂ€tt vĂ€lja vilket samarbetsmönster de vill arbeta med

    Screening by social workers in medical patients with risk of post-acute care needs ::a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial

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    Background : Elderly patients often need post-acute care after hospital discharge. Involvement of social workers can positively affect the discharge planning process. Aim : To investigate the effect of screening patients at risk for post-acute care needs by social workers on time with respect to social workers’ notification, length of stay and delays in discharge compared to usual care. Methods : Cluster randomized stepped wedge trial design for five clusters (wards) and two steps (control to intervention) was used. A total of 400 patients (200 per period) with high risk of post-acute care needs (defined as Post-Acute Care Discharge score, PACD ≄ 7) were included. Social workers performed a screening to decide about self-referral to their services (intervention period), which was compared to a highly structured standard SW notification by physicians and nurses (control period). A Generalized Estimating Equations model adjusted the clustering and baseline differences. Results : A total of 139 patients were referred to social services (intervention: n = 76; control: n = 63). Time to social workers’ notification was significantly shorter in the intervention period when adjusted for all the differences in baseline (Mdn 1.2 vs 1.7, Beta = -0.73, 95%-CI 1.39 to -0.09). Both the length of stay and the delayed discharge time in nights showed no significant differences (Mdn 10.0 vs 9.1, Beta = -0.12, 95%-CI 0.46 to .22 nights 95%-CI, resp. Mdn 0.0 vs 0.0, Beta = .1 1, 95%-CI -0.64 to 0.86). Conclusion : Screening speeded up social workers’ notification but did not accelerate the discharge processes. The screening by social workers might show process improvement in settings with less structured discharge planningHintergrund: Ältere Patienten benötigen nach dem Spitalaufenthalt oft post-akute Versorgungsangebote, die zu verlĂ€ngerten Spitalaufenthalten fĂŒhren. Ein frĂŒherer Einbezug von Sozialarbeitern vermag die Austrittsplanung zu verbessern. Ziel: Es wurde untersucht, ob ein durch Sozialarbeiter durchgefĂŒhrtes Screening von medizinischen Patienten, die ein Risiko fĂŒr einen post-akuten Nachsorgebedarf aufweisen, im Vergleich zum Standardprozess Unterschiede beim Zeitpunkt der Sozialdienstanmeldung, der Spitalaufenthaltstage und der Wartezeit zeigt. Methode: Ein cluster-randomisiertes stepped-wedge -Studiendesign fĂŒr fĂŒnf Cluster (Stationen) und zwei Perioden (Kontroll- zu Interventionsperiode) wurde angewendet. Insgesamt wurden 400 mĂ€nnliche und weibliche Patienten (200 pro Periode) mit einem hohen Risiko fĂŒr einen post-akuten Nachsorgebedarf (PACD-Score ≄7) eingeschlossen. Sozialarbeiter fĂŒhrten ein Screening in der Interventionsperiode durch, um zu entscheiden, ob die Patienten einen post-akuten Nachsorgebedarf haben. Als Kontrolle diente der bisherige Prozess, bei dem Patienten mit einem potenziellen Nachsorgebedarf von der Pflege und der Ärzteschaft gemeldet wurden. Zur Analyse wurde ein Generalized-Estimating-Equations -Modell gerechnet. Resultate: Insgesamt wurden 139 Patienten beim Sozialdienst angemeldet (Intervention: n=76, Kontrolle: n=63). Die Zeit bis zur Sozialdienstanmeldung (Median) war in der Interventionsperiode signifikant kĂŒrzer (1.2 vs. 1.7, Beta = 0.73, 95%-KI −1.39 bis −0.09 NĂ€chte), wenn fĂŒr alle Unterschiede kontrolliert wurde. Die Aufenthaltsdauer (10.0 vs. 9.1, Beta = −0.12, 95%-KI −0.46 bis 0.22 NĂ€chte) und die Wartezeiten (0.0 vs. 0.0, Beta = 0.11, 95%-KI −0.64 bis 0.86 NĂ€chte) zeigten keine Unterschiede. Schlussfolgerung: Das Screening durch Sozialarbeiter verkĂŒrzte die Zeit bis zur Anmeldung beim Sozialdienst, beschleunigte aber nicht den Austrittsprozess. Das Screening durch Sozialarbeiter könnte in SpitĂ€lern mit geringerer strukturierter Austrittsplanung positive Effekte aufzeigen