190 research outputs found

    The Effect of NADPH in the Oxidization of Benzidine in the H2O2 / Peroxidase System

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    The carcinogenic chemicals are divided into two group: The first group: it is effective in cancer and does not require pre-activation, such as alkaline agents. The second group: their number is larger than the first group and need to be activated before they become carcinogenic, such as aromatic amines. When entering the organism, the chemical compounds are subject to the effect of enzymes, especially oxidation enzymes such as oxygenases and Peroxidases. In the Peroxidase oxidation of aromatic amines are oxidized And the amino group is transformed into an imino group

    An Analysis of Factors Influencing Customer Creditworthiness in the Banking Sector of Kingdom of Bahrain

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    This research is based on Bahraini bankers’ perception on the factors influencing customer creditworthiness in the banking sector of Kingdom of Bahrain. We consider that the research was done in the Kingdom of Bahrain which has a growing banking industry. To enhance the whole procedure of the creditworthiness, it is vital for an employer to understand the most important factors influencing customer creditworthiness. The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors influencing customers creditworthiness in the banking industry. The creditworthiness can be assessed through qualitative factors, quantitative factors and risk factors. The research was conducted through a survey, using the questionnaire as the research instrument. The respondents of the study are employees of banks across the Kingdom dealing with creditworthiness. The statistical tools used in the study are Multiple Regression Analyses and weighted mean. The researcher has found that there is significant relationship between all three factors and creditworthiness, and they don’t equally influence the creditworthiness. The research provides recommendations to banks in assessing the creditworthiness. The researcher recommended that employees must use the most effective methods such as credit scoring to conduct the analysis of creditworthiness in order to make effective decisions. Moreover, the researcher recommended that analysts should take into considerations the most effective factors in the analysis process and they must not neglect other

    Abd Allah Ibn Abbas, his Quranic exegesis and contribution to the interpretation of the Quran

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    Bibliography: leaves 283-291Abd Allah ibn Abbas (d.68/688) is certainly a pioneering exponent of Qur'anic exegesis. His strategy involved firstly an intratextual approach for clarifying obscure words and phrases found in the Qur'an. Thereafter, he resorted to the following intratextual strategies in order of importance: a) Prophetic Tradition b) Arabic Poetry c) Comments of Jews and Christians d) Personal Opinion He applied hermeneutical principles informally which were later formalised by scholars like Al-TabarT (d.310/923) and Ibn KaOir (d.774/1373) who are exponents of the same genre of traditional exegesis. The impact of Ibn 'Abbas upon these later exponents is substantial considering the extensive prevalence of verbatim quotations in both the later tafsTrs. At other times approximate paraphrases are found in them which can easily be accounted for by the phenomenon of oral literature. The conclusion arrived at is that the work of Ibn 'Abbas is largely authentic. In addition to an explication of the first fifty verses of chapter two of the Holy Qur an from all these authorities, biographical details on them are also provided for gaining closer understanding of the milieu in which they lived. In the earlier chapters, the importance of Qur'anic exegesis (or tafsTr) is given, which is followed by a lexical scrutiny of this term and its ramifications. Thereafter, the works of the three scholars are examined chronologically. The concluding chapter encapsulates significant arguments presented earlier and also briefly outlines allied avenues deserving further research.Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern StudiesD. Litt. et Phil. (Semitic Languages

    A comparison of root canal transportation and centering ability between WaveOne® Gold and Protaper Next® files, using microcomputed tomography

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    This study compared the transportation and centering ability of ProTaper Next (PTN) and WaveOne Gold (WOG) files in curved permanent teeth using micro-computed tomography (μCT). Twenty-four molar teeth with curved roots were divided randomly into two equal groups. The root canals of one group was prepared using PTN files, and the other using WOG files. Pre-instrumentation and post-instrumentation μCT imaging were taken for all the teeth. The dentine thickness of the pre-and the post-instrumentation cross sections was measured at eight different points at three levels: 3, 5 and 7mm from the apex, by two dentists using image analysis software. The data were analysed using one-way ANOVA, at a 5% significance level. The transportation in both groups was within the range accepted in the literature. The WOG file exhibited significantly less root canal transportation compared with the PTN file (p=0.001). The WOG file showed a significantly (p<0.001) higher mean centering ratio of 0.4286 when compared to that of PTN at 0.2448. Using a novel technique to measure canal transportation, this study found that the WOG and PTN systems were both suitable for preparation of curved molar root canals, but the WOG showed significantly less canal transportation and better centering ability than the PTN system

    The integration of housing rights into the informal settlement intervention process: An international review

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    Student Number : 2503365 MSc Building (Housing) research report School of Architecture Faculty of Engineering and the Built EnvironmentThe failure of governments to promote efficient housing policies coupled with increasing speculation in land markets has resulted in scarcity of serviced land, leading to a lack of adequate housing for the majority of the urban population. This has resulted in illegal land use and development and the eventual situation of informal settlements developing at a rapid rate. However most governments in the developing world, including South Africa have failed to acknowledge that most new urban informal settlements are developed by an illegal process as informal settlement residents willingly or unwittingly contravene planning regulations, contravene laws out of ignorance of the legal requirements, coupled with the inability to conform to the high standards set. Consequently, States respond to this illegality in the form of eviction as it threatens the economic, social and political stability of the urban environment. Concepts promoted internationally and identified in international literature recognize that the solution to informality lies in appropriate protection of rights which should ensure access to secure shelter leading to access to other benefits such as livelihood opportunities, public services and credits. That flowing from International Laws and Covenants, Human Rights Law needs to be looked at as a system of law that creates legally binding obligations for states with the aim of protecting, respecting and promoting housing rights for informal settlement residents. In the context of rights, Fernandes goes further in emphasising the legal constitutional perspective of the urban phenomenon where law is used as a vehicle for urban development and social change as well as encouraging state action and its attempts at socio-political legitimization in the context of informal settlement intervention

    Quality of root canal treatment performed by undergraduate students at the Wits Oral Health Centre

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    In 2012, the School of Oral Health Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand modified its undergraduateendodontic curriculum which led to a need to assess the impact of curriculum changes on root canal treatmentoutcomes. This study was an audit of root canal treatment performed by undergraduate BDS students using postoperative radiographs, and compared the results between different undergraduate clinical years of study.Postoperative periapical radiographs of patients treated by undergraduate students were examined to assess length, density and taper. Two independent investigators were first calibrated, and thereafter assessed 299 endodontic cases that were performed by third, fourth and fifth year students during the 2013-2015 period at the Wits Oral Health Centre. 68.9%, 73.6% and 70.9% were found for adequate length, acceptable density and acceptable taper of root filling respectively. The most acceptable length, density and taper results were seen in patients treated by final year students, while the lowest results were observed in the fourth year student cohort. There was a tendency for third year students to overfill due to over-instrumentation of anterior teeth.The change in the curriculum has been justified, though room for improvement exists. The superior result found in the 5th year student cohort was most likely due to  their relative experience, and the use of rotary instrumentation and dental operating microscopes. Endodontic teaching should further emphasize the importance of length control during endodontic treatment and more stringent steps may be necessary during patient allocation and clinical supervision of fourth year dental students

    A patient from Limpopo province presenting with haematuria : what is the diagnosis?

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    We present a quiz-case of a 28-year-old female patient, from Limpopo province, who presented with haematuria, hepatosplenomegaly and caput medusae. Computed tomography (CT) imaging findings are provided. The diagnosis is provided in the discussion below.http://www.sajei.co.za/index.php/SAJE