1,403 research outputs found

    Effect of adhesive layers on microshear bond strength of nanocomposite resin to dentin

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    Bond strength of adhesive layer can absorb unwanted stresses of polymerization shrinkage in composite resin restorations; increased microshear bond strength can prevent failure of restoration materials, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of adhesive layers on microshear bond strength of nanocomposite resin to dentin. Two different types of adhesive systems: universal adhesive (ExciTE) and newly developed adhesive (Nano-Bond), and one type of light-cured resin restorative material (Nanocomposite resin) were used in this study. The occlusal surfaces of extracted human molar teeth were ground perpendicular to the long axis of each tooth to expose a flat dentin surface. The adhesives were applied on dentin surfaces (single application or double application). Nanocomposite resin was then placed and light cured for 40 seconds. After 24 hours of immersion in water at 37Ā°C, then subjected to thermocycling before testing, a microshear bond test was carried out. The data were analyzed by a two-way ANOVA. For comparison between groups, Tukeyā€™s post-hoc test was used. The mean bond strengths of ExciTE and Nano-Bond adhesives with a single application were 8.8 and 16.6 MPa, respectively. The mean bond strengths of ExciTE and Nano-Bond adhesives with double application were 13.2 and 21.8MPa, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in microshear bond strengths between the single application of Nano-Bond and the double application of ExciTE adhesives. Microshear bond strength increased significantly as the applied adhesive layer was doubled

    Comparison of Sulfur Dioxide Removal Reactions Kinetics by Na2CO3 and Other Different Sorbents from Coal-fired Power Plants

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    This work deals with kinetic parameters estimation of Na2CO3+SO2 reaction employing sophisticated random pore model. The temperature of experiments ranges from 100 to 250 Ā°C, and various SO2 concentrations are within 0.13ā€“1.12 vol.%. According to the results, the reaction rate concentration dependency follows the fractional function. The values of rate constants and product layer diffusivities are expressed at various temperatures. Finally, it was attempted to describe the significance of this sorbent for SO2 removal. Therefore, the kinetic results of Na2CO3+SO2 reaction were compared with other similar studies on SO2 reaction kinetics with CaO, CuO, and MgO sorbents. It was concluded that Na2CO3 shows advantages of higher rate constants, lower operating temperatures, and less possibility of incomplete conversion problem. The reported kinetic constants are essential for design of flue gas desulfurization reactors, especially in coalfired power plants. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Laser-induced radial birefringence and spin-to-orbital optical angular momentum conversion in silver-doped glasses

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    Samples of Ag+^+/Na+^{+} ion-exchanged glass that have been subject to intense laser irradiation may develop novel optical properties, as a consequence of the formation of patterns of silver nanoparticles and other structures. Here, we report the observation of a laser-induced permanent transverse birefringence, with the optical axis forming a radial pattern, as revealed by the spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion occurring in a probe light beam. The birefringence pattern can be modeled well as resulting from thermally-induced stresses arising in the silver-doped glass during laser exposure, although the actual mechanism leading to the permanent anisotropy is probably more complex.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Characteristics of Vehicular Traffic Flow at a Roundabout

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    We construct a stochastic cellular automata model for the description of vehicular traffic at a roundabout designed at the intersection of two perpendicular streets. The vehicular traffic is controlled by a self-organized scheme in which traffic lights are absent. This controlling method incorporates a yield-at-entry strategy for the approaching vehicles to the circulating traffic flow in the roundabout. Vehicular dynamics is simulated within the framework of the probabilistic cellular automata and the delay experienced by the traffic at each individual street is evaluated for specified time intervals. We discuss the impact of the geometrical properties of the roundabout on the total delay. We compare our results with traffic-light signalisation schemes, and obtain the critical traffic volume over which the intersection is optimally controlled through traffic light signalisation schemes.Comment: 10 pages, 17 eps figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:cond-mat/040107

    Quantitative Modeling of the Equilibration of Two-Phase Solid-Liquid Fe by Atomistic Simulations on Diffusive Time Scales

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    In this paper, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations based on the modified-embedded atom method (MEAM) and a phase-field crystal (PFC) model are utilized to quantitatively investigate the solid-liquid properties of Fe. A set of second nearest-neighbor MEAM parameters for higherature applications are developed for Fe, and the solid-liquid coexisting approach is utilized in MD simulations to accurately calculate the melting point, expansion in melting, latent heat, and solid-liquid interface free energy, and surface anisotropy. The required input properties to determine the PFC model parameters, such as liquid structure factor and fluctuations of atoms in the solid, are also calculated from MD simulations. The PFC parameters are calculated utilizing an iterative procedure from the inputs of MD simulations. The solid-liquid interface free energy and surface anisotropy are calculated using the PFC simulations. Very good agreement is observed between the results of our calculations from MEAM-MD and PFC simulations and the available modeling and experimental results in the literature. As an application of the developed model, the grain boundary free energy of Fe is calculated using the PFC model and the results are compared against experiments

    Effect of Aqueous Extract of Cathedral Cactus (Euphorbia trigona Mill) on Larvae of Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    Abstract: Mosquitoes are considered as vector of malaria disease and some other endemic diseases in the world. There are some methods already been used for controlling mosquito; of which is using natural products. This study was conducted at Laboratories of Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira, to evaluate the effect of cortex, spine and pith parts of cactus (Euphorbia trigona) on Anopheles mosquito larvae. The plant parts were collected from Wad Medani City, whereas, the mosquito larvae were collected from the breeding sites at Tayba village, Gezira State, Sudan. The plant parts (cortex, spines and pith) were shade dried away from the direct sunlight, grounded and then kept separately in small plastic sacks. From each plant part, a concentration of 1200 mg/L was used. The standards of WHO for testing toxicity of the toxic compound against mosquito larvae was followed. The mortality in Anopheles larvae were 48%, 37% and 62%, respectively, for trigona cortex, spine and pith. The results also showed that, the three used parts have a varied great impact on the survived larvae (morphological changes of skin color was in 82%, disconnecting of digestive tract was in 48%, and separation of some body parts was in 32%, after 48 hours of applying it). The study recommends adding these cactus parts as potential natural products for Anopheles larval control, and also running more sensitive tests to measure the environmental impact of these products, especially on human and on the aquatic faun

    Paranasal sinus variants

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    Normal variations of the the paranasal sinuses tend to be overlooked but can have pathological consequences, making identification important.http://www.journals.co.za/sama/m_sajr.htm

    Temperature-dependent proximity magnetism in Pt

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    We experimentally demonstrate the existence of magnetic coupling between two ferromagnets separated by a thin Pt layer. The coupling remains ferromagnetic regardless of the Pt thickness, and exhibits a significant dependence on temperature. Therefore, it cannot be explained by the established mechanisms of magnetic coupling across nonmagnetic spacers. We show that the experimental results are consistent with the presence of magnetism induced in Pt in proximity to ferromagnets, in direct analogy to the well-known proximity effects in superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Modality-Specific Axonal Regeneration: Toward Selective Regenerative Neural Interfaces

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    Regenerative peripheral nerve interfaces have been proposed as viable alternatives for the natural control of robotic prosthetic devices. However, sensory and motor axons at the neural interface are of mixed sub-modality types, which difficult the specific recording from motor axons and the eliciting of precise sensory modalities through selective stimulation. Here we evaluated the possibility of using type specific neurotrophins to preferentially entice the regeneration of defined axonal populations from transected peripheral nerves into separate compartments. Segregation of mixed sensory fibers from dorsal root ganglion neurons was evaluated in vitro by compartmentalized diffusion delivery of nerve growth factor (NGF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), to preferentially entice the growth of TrkA+ nociceptive and TrkC+ proprioceptive subsets of sensory neurons, respectively. The average axon length in the NGF channel increased 2.5-fold compared to that in saline or NT-3, whereas the number of branches increased threefold in the NT-3 channels. These results were confirmed using a 3D ā€œYā€-shaped in vitro assay showing that the arm containing NGF was able to entice a fivefold increase in axonal length of unbranched fibers. To address if such segregation can be enticed in vivo, a ā€œYā€-shaped tubing was used to allow regeneration of the transected adult rat sciatic nerve into separate compartments filled with either NFG or NT-3. A significant increase in the number of CGRP+ pain fibers were attracted toward the sural nerve, while N-52+ large-diameter axons were observed in the tibial and NT-3 compartments. This study demonstrates the guided enrichment of sensory axons in specific regenerative chambers, and supports the notion that neurotrophic factors can be used to segregate sensory and perhaps motor axons in separate peripheral interfaces
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