315 research outputs found

    The foundation of acting is the reality of doing

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Schauspielmethodik Sanford Meisners. An anschaulichen Übungen werden Punkte seiner Theaterarbeit dem Leser näher gebracht. Wichtige Ansätze seiner Lehre werden analysiert, im Detail beschrieben und schließlich mit ausgewählten Punkten der Lehre Stanislawskis verglichen. Als schauspieltheoretische Grundlage gilt bis heute das Anfang der 20er Jahre entwickelte System Stanislawskis. Viele Theoretiker stützen ihre Interpretationen einer Schauspielmethodik auf der Grundlage von Stanislawskis Lehre. In dieser Arbeit geht es um Sanford Meisners Auslegung und Interpretation des Systems und seine eigens entwickelten Übungen, die diesem Ansatz entsprechen. Trotz unterschiedlicher Begrifflichkeiten in beiden Lehren, gilt es in dieser Arbeit den gemeinsamen Ansatz zu erfassen. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit ist auf den Kernpunkt in Meisners Arbeit gerichtet, dem impulsiven Handeln. Es geht darum, den Intellekt abzuschalten und rein instinktiv zu Handeln. Nach Meisner muss der Schauspieler auf der Bühne wahrhaftig leben. Der Kernsatz der Methode Meisners lautet „The foundation of acting is the reality of doing“.1 Alle seine Übungen bauen Schritt für Schritt darauf auf dem Schauspieler zu helfen alltägliches Leben auf die Bühne zu transportieren und es im Moment zu erleben. Die Kunst des Schauspielens wird in der Methodik Meisners wie ein Handwerk erlernt. Der Schauspieler lernt durch die beschrieben Übungen spontan zu handeln und zu reagieren. In dieser Arbeit werden ausgewählte Punkte von Stanislawskis System mit der Methodik Meisners unter dem kritischen Aspekt auf differente und kohärente Bedeutungen der Schauspielmethoden verglichen

    Cost-effectiveness of a quality improvement bundle for emergency laparotomy.

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    Background: The recent Emergency Laparotomy Pathway Quality Improvement Care (ELPQuiC) study showed that the use of a specific care bundle reduced mortality in patients undergoing emergency laparotomy. However, the costs of implementation of the ELPQuiC bundle remain unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the in-hospital and societal costs of implementing the ELPQuiC bundle. Methods: The ELPQuiC study employed a before-after approach using quality improvement methodology. To assess the costs and cost-effectiveness of the bundle, two models were constructed: a short-term model to assess in-hospital costs and a long-term model (societal decision tree) to evaluate the patient's lifetime costs (in euros). Results: Using health economic modelling and data collected from the ELPQuiC study, estimated costs for initial implementation of the ELPQuiC bundle were €30 026·11 (range 1794·64-40 784·06) per hospital. In-hospital costs per patient were estimated at €14 817·24 for standard (non-care bundle) treatment versus €15 971·24 for the ELPQuiC bundle treatment. Taking a societal perspective, lifetime costs of the patient in the standard group were €23 058·87, compared with €19 102·37 for patients receiving the ELPQuiC bundle. The increased life expectancy of 4 months for patients treated with the ELPQuiC bundle was associated with cost savings of €11 410·38 per quality-adjusted life-year saved. Conclusion: Implementation of the ELPQuiC bundle is associated with lower mortality and higher in-hospital costs but reduced societal costs

    Potential harm caused by physicians' a-priori beliefs in the clinical effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and its impact on clinical and economic outcome - A simulation approach

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    BACKGROUND: Despite growing controversies around Hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness, the drug is still widely prescribed by clinicians to treat COVID19 patients. Therapeutic judgment under uncertainty and imperfect information may be influenced by personal preference, whereby individuals, to confirm a-priori beliefs, may propose drugs without knowing the clinical benefit. To estimate this disconnect between available evidence and prescribing behavior, we created a Bayesian model analyzing a-priori optimistic belief of physicians in Hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness. METHODOLOGY: We created a Bayesian model to simulate the impact of different a-priori beliefs related to Hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness on clinical and economic outcome. RESULTS: Our hypothetical results indicate no significant difference in treatment effect (combined survival benefit and harm) up to a presumed drug's effectiveness level of 20%, with younger individuals being negatively affected by the treatment (RR 0.82, 0.55-1.2; (0.95 (1.1) % expected adverse events versus 0.05 (0.98) % expected death prevented). Simulated cost data indicate overall hospital cost (medicine, hospital stay, complication) of 18.361,41€ per hospitalized patient receiving Hydroxychloroquine treatment. CONCLUSION: Off-label use of Hydroxychloroquine needs a rational, objective and datadriven evaluation, as personal preferences may be flawed and cause harm to patients and to society

    Qualitative analysis of a family satisfaction in an adult ICU

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    Dibenzoyl-methane derivatives as potential and exciting new therapy for the treatment of childhood bone cancer

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    Abstract. Childhood bone cancer though rare, has very limited treatment choices, with poor survival rates and often involving amputation. We have developed a novel molecule, 2', 4'-dihydroxy-dithion-dibenzoyl-methane and tested it on hepatic, colon, lung and osteoblasts cancer cell lines. Thionylation of 2', 4'- dihydroxydibenzoylmethane led to selective targeting of bone cancer cells, stopping their growth and leading to their death without affecting non-cancerous cells within the bone marrow or other non-malignant cells

    High-Yield Method for Isolation and Culture of Endothelial Cells from Rat Coronary Blood Vessels Suitable for Analysis of Intracellular Calcium and Nitric Oxide Biosynthetic Pathways

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    We describe here a method for isolating endothelial cells from rat heart blood vessels by means of coronary microperfusion with collagenase. This methods makes it possible to obtain high amounts of endothelial cells in culture which retain the functional properties of their in vivo counterparts, including the ability to uptake fluorescently-labeled acetylated low-density lipoproteins and to respond to vasoactive agents by modulating intracellular calcium and by upregulating intrinsic nitric oxide generation. The main advantages of our technique are: (i) good reproducibility, (ii) accurate sterility that can be maintained throughout the isolation procedure and (iii) high yield of pure endothelial cells, mainly due to microperfusion and temperature-controlled incubation with collagenase which allow an optimal distribution of this enzyme within the coronary vascular bed

    Autonomic Function following Acute Organophosphorus Poisoning: A Cohort Study

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    Autonomic dysfunction after chronic low level exposure to organophosphorus (OP) pesticides has been consistently reported in the literature, but not following a single acute overdose. In order to study autonomic function after an acute OP overdose, sixty-six overdose patients were compared to 70 matched controls. Assessment of autonomic function was done by heart rate response to standing, deep breathing (HR-DB) and Valsalva manoeuvre; blood pressure (BP) response to standing and sustained hand grip; amplitude and latency of sympathetic skin response (SSR); pupil size and post-void urine volume. The patients were assessed one and six weeks after the exposure. The number of patients who showed abnormal autonomic function compared to standard cut-off values did not show statistically significantly difference from that of controls by Chi-Square test. When compared to the controls at one week the only significant differences consistent with autonomic dysfunction were change of diastolic BP 3 min after standing, HR-DB, SSR-Amplitude, SSR-Latency, post-void urine volume and size of the pupil. At 6 weeks significant recovery of autonomic function was observed and only HR-DB was decreased to a minor degree, −5 beats/min [95%CI 2–8]. This study provides good evidence for the lack of long term autonomic dysfunction following acute exposure to OP pesticides