25 research outputs found


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    Service-learning integrates the accomplishment of a needed task with educational growth

    Service Experience and Educational Growth

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    What the Establishment can\u27t grasp is that you can get a better education from two years with VISTA or the Peace Corps than from four years in your major universitie

    National Service: A Forty-Three-Year Crusade

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    National Service is the cause to which Donald Eberly has dedicated his life: all of his professional positions have been related directly or indirectly to that cause

    A Call for National Service

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    There is a growing interest in a national youth service for this country. A Gallup poll conducted earlier this year revealed a positive response (77 percent) by young people in the 18- to 24-year-old age group to a system of voluntary national service, which would offer them an opportunity to serve in the military or do nonmilitary work for one year

    National Youth Service: A Developing Institution

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    Twenty years ago, it was rare to find students integrating community service with their formal education. The phrase service learning had been born only a few years earlier, and was not yet in common usage. Today, service learning is fairly common in high schools and their surrounding communities. Many high schools and a few school systems have made it a requirement for graduation. And the federal government now supports service learning both with exhortation and with dollars

    National Service: An Issue For the Eighties

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    As SURELY AS Social Security is an issue in I984, national youth service will be a major issue before the end of this decade. A combination of powerful forces is certain to place the debate about universal service on the nation\u27s agenda

    National Youth Service

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    A national youth service program could attack two of the most serious urban problems-the lack of needed services and the excessive levels of unemployment among restless young people

    National Service Literature

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    President Bill Clinton declared on the night of his election that he would make national service one of his top priorities

    Youth Socialization Via National Service

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    As a frame of reference for this paper, I have chosen the 1977 keynote address given by Harry Silberman to the Society for Experiential Education. At that time he outlined five major arguments against using work experience as a vehicle for the socialization (of youth) to adulthood

    National Service: Its Rationale and Design

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    Compulsory is a pejorative word today. Unless we intend to damn American education, we speak of universal, rather than compulsory, education