1,794 research outputs found

    Entropy and Long range correlations in literary English

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    Recently long range correlations were detected in nucleotide sequences and in human writings by several authors. We undertake here a systematic investigation of two books, Moby Dick by H. Melville and Grimm's tales, with respect to the existence of long range correlations. The analysis is based on the calculation of entropy like quantities as the mutual information for pairs of letters and the entropy, the mean uncertainty, per letter. We further estimate the number of different subwords of a given length nn. Filtering out the contributions due to the effects of the finite length of the texts, we find correlations ranging to a few hundred letters. Scaling laws for the mutual information (decay with a power law), for the entropy per letter (decay with the inverse square root of nn) and for the word numbers (stretched exponential growth with nn and with a power law of the text length) were found.Comment: 8 page

    The colour-magnitude relations of ClJ1226.9+3332, a massive cluster of galaxies at z=0.89

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    (Abridged) The colour-magnitude relations of one of the most massive, high redshift clusters of galaxies known have been studied. Photometry has been measured in the V, R, I, z, F606W, F814W, J and K bands to a depth of K*+2.5 and spectroscopy confirms 27 K band selected cluster members. The V-K colours are equivalent to a rest-frame colour of ~2700A-J, and provide a very sensitive measure of star-formation activity. HST ACS imaging has been used to morphologically classify the galaxies. The cluster has a low early-type fraction compared to nearby clusters, with only 33% of the cluster members having types E or S0. The early-type member galaxies form a clear red-sequence in all colours. The scatter and slope of the relations show no evolution compared to the equivalent Coma cluster relations, suggesting the stellar populations are already very old. The normalisation of the relations has been compared to models based on synthetic stellar populations, and are most consistent with stellar populations forming at z>3. Some late-type galaxies were found to lie on the red-sequence, suggesting that they have very similar stellar populations to the early-types. These results present a picture of a cluster in which the early-type galaxies are all old, but in which there must be future morphological transformation of galaxies to match the early-type fraction of nearby clusters. In order to preserve the tight colour-magnitude relation of early-types seen in nearby clusters, the late-type galaxies must transform their colours, through the cessation of star-formation, before the morphological transformation occurs. Such evolution is observed in the late-types lying on the colour-magnitude relation.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 14 pages, 5 figure

    The WARPS survey: III. The discovery of an X-ray luminous galaxy cluster at z=0.833 and the impact of X-ray substructure on cluster abundance measurements

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    The WARPS team reviews the properties and history of discovery of ClJ0152.7-1357, an X-ray luminous, rich cluster of galaxies at z=0.833. At L_X = 8 x 10^44 h^(-2) erg/s (0.5-2.0 keV) ClJ0152.7-1357 is the most X-ray luminous cluster known at redshifts z>0.55. The high X-ray luminosity of the system suggests that massive clusters may begin to form at redshifts considerably greater than unity. This scenario is supported by the high degree of optical and X-ray substructure in ClJ0152.7-1357, which is similarly complex as that of other X-ray selected distant clusters and consistent with the picture of cluster formation by mass infall along large-scale filaments. X-ray emission from ClJ0152.7-1357 was detected already in 1980 with the EINSTEIN IPC. However, because the complex morphology of the emission caused its significance to be underestimated, the corresponding source was not included in the EMSS cluster sample and hence not previously identified. Simulations of the EMSS source detection and selection procedure suggest a general bias of the EMSS against X-ray luminous clusters with pronounced substructure. If highly unrelaxed, merging clusters are common at high redshift, they could create a bias in some samples as the morphological complexity of mergers may cause them to fall below the flux limit of surveys that assume a unimodal spatial source geometry. Conversely, the enhanced X-ray luminosity of mergers might cause them to, temporarily, rise above the flux limit. Either effect could lead to erroneous conclusions about the evolution of the comoving cluster space density. A high fraction of morphologically complex clusters at high redshift would also call into question the validity of cosmological studies that assume that the systems under investigation are virialized.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures; revised to focus on possible detection biases caused by substructure in clusters; accepted for publication in ApJ; uses emulateapj.sty; eps files of figures 1 and 2 can be obtained from ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/ebeling/warp

    The WARPS Survey. VIII. Evolution of the Galaxy Cluster X-ray Luminosity Function

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    We present measurements of the galaxy cluster X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF) from the Wide Angle ROSAT Pointed Survey (WARPS) and quantify its evolution. WARPS is a serendipitous survey of the central region of ROSAT pointed observations and was carried out in two phases (WARPS-I and WARPS-II). The results here are based on a final sample of 124 clusters, complete above a flux limit of 6.5 10E-15 erg/s/cm2, with members out to redshift z ~ 1.05, and a sky coverage of 70.9 deg2. We find significant evidence for negative evolution of the XLF, which complements the majority of X-ray cluster surveys. To quantify the suggested evolution, we perform a maximum likelihood analysis and conclude that the evolution is driven by a decreasing number density of high luminosity clusters with redshift, while the bulk of the cluster population remains nearly unchanged out to redshift z ~ 1.1, as expected in a low density Universe. The results are found to be insensitive to a variety of sources of systematic uncertainty that affect the measurement of the XLF and determination of the survey selection function. We perform a Bayesian analysis of the XLF to fully account for uncertainties in the local XLF on the measured evolution, and find that the detected evolution remains significant at the 95% level. We observe a significant excess of clusters in the WARPS at 0.1 < z < 0.3 and LX ~ 2 10E42 erg/s compared with the reference low-redshift XLF, or our Bayesian fit to the WARPS data. We find that the excess cannot be explained by sample variance, or Eddington bias, and is unlikely to be due to problems with the survey selection function.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Images, structural properties and metal abundances of galaxy clusters observed with Chandra ACIS-I at 0.1<z<1.3

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    We have assembled a sample of 115 galaxy clusters at 0.1<z<1.3 with archived Chandra ACIS-I observations. We present X-ray images of the clusters and make available region files containing contours of the smoothed X-ray emission. The structural properties of the clusters were investigated and we found a significant absence of relaxed clusters (as determined by centroid shift measurements) at z>0.5. The slope of the surface brightness profiles at large radii were steeper on average by 15% than the slope obtained by fitting a simple beta-model to the emission. This slope was also found to be correlated with cluster temperature, with some indication that the correlation is weaker for the clusters at z>0.5. We measured the mean metal abundance of the cluster gas as a function of redshift and found significant evolution, with the abundances dropping by 50% between z=0.1 and z~1. This evolution was still present (although less significant) when the cluster cores were excluded from the abundance measurements, indicating that the evolution is not solely due to the disappearance of relaxed, cool core clusters (which are known to have enhanced core metal abundances) from the population at z>0.5.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJS. Updated to match published version. Redshifts of two clusters (RXJ1701 and CL0848) corrected and two observations of MACSJ0744.8 have been combined into one. Conclusions unchanged. A version with images of all of the clusters is available at http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~bmaughan/clusters.htm

    The ROSAT All-Sky Survey: a Catalog of Clusters of Galaxies in a Region of 1 Ster around the South Galactic Pole

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    A field of 1.013 ster in the ROSAT all-sky survey (RASS), centered on the south galactic pole (SGP), has been searched in a systematic, objective manner for clusters of galaxies. The procedure relied on a correlation of the X-ray positions and properties of ROSAT sources with the distribution of galaxies in the COSMOS digitised data base, which was obtained by scanning the plates of the UK Schmidt IIIa-J optical southern sky survey. The study used the second ROSAT survey data base (RASS-2) and included several optical observing campaigns to measure redshifts. The search, a precursor to the larger REFLEX survey of the whole southern sky, reached the detection limits of the RASS and the COSMOS data, and yielded a catalog of 186 clusters in which the lowest flux is 1.5e-12 erg/cm2/s in the 0.1-2.4 keV band. Of these 157 have measured redshifts. Using a limit of 3.0e-12 erg/cm2/s a complete subset of 112 clusters was obtained, of which 110 have measured redshifts. The spatial distribution of the X-ray clusters out to z = 0.15 shows an extension of the Local Supercluster to the Pisces-Cetus supercluster (z<~0.07), and a more distant orthogonal structure at 0.07<z<0.15.Comment: To be published in ApJ Supplements in February 2002: 53 pages: 18 figure

    A Flux-limited Sample of Bright Clusters of Galaxies from the Southern Part of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey: the Catalog and the LogN-LogS

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    We describe the selection of an X-ray flux-limited sample of bright clusters of galaxies in the southern hemisphere, based on the first analysis of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey data (RASS1). The sample is constructed starting from an identification of candidate clusters in RASS1, and their X-ray fluxes are remeasured using the Steepness Ratio Technique. This method is better suited than the RASS1 standard algorithm for measuring flux from extended sources. The final sample is count-rate-limited in the ROSAT hard band (0.5-2.0 keV), so that due to the distribution of NH, its effective flux limit varies between about 3-4 x 10**-12 ergs cm**-2 s**-1 over the selected area. This covers the Decl<2.5 deg part of the south Galactic cap region (b<-20 deg) - with the exclusion of patches of low RASS1 exposure time and of the Magellanic Clouds area - for a total of 8235 deg**2. 130 candidate sources fulfill our selection criteria for bonafide clusters of galaxies in this area. Of these, 101 are Abell/ACO clusters, while 29 do not have a counterpart in these catalogs. Of these clusters, 126 (97%) clusters have a redshift and for these we compute an X-ray luminosity. 20% of the cluster redshifts come from new observations, as part of the ESO Key Program REFLEX Cluster Survey that is under completion. Considering the intrinsic biases and incompletenesses introduced by the flux selection and source identification processes, we estimate the overall completeness to be better than 90%. The observed number count distribution, LogN-LogS, is well fitted by a power law with slope alpha = 1.34 +/- 0.15 and normalization A = 11.87 +/- 1.04 sr**-1 (10**-11 ergs cm**-2 s**-1)**alpha, in good agreement with other measurements.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures and 3 tables included, LaTex, emulateapj.sty and epsf.sty, accepted for publication in ApJ: scheduled for the March 20, 1999, Vol.514. The cluster catalog is available at http://www.merate.mi.astro.it/~degrand

    Measurements of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Scaling Relations for Clusters of Galaxies

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    We present new measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect from clusters of galaxies using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Infrared Experiment (SuZIE II). We combine these new measurements with previous cluster observations with the SuZIE instrument to form a sample of 15 clusters of galaxies. For this sample we calculate the central Comptonization, y, and the integrated SZ flux decrement, S, for each of our clusters. We find that the integrated SZ flux is a more robust observable derived from our measurements than the central Comptonization due to inadequacies in the spatial modelling of the intra-cluster gas with a standard Beta model. This is highlighted by comparing our central Comptonization results with values calculated from measurements using the BIMA and OVRO interferometers. On average, the SuZIE calculated central Comptonizations are approximately 60% higher in the cooling flow clusters than the interferometric values, compared to only approximately 12% higher in the non-cooling flow clusters. We believe this discrepancy to be in large part due to the spatial modelling of the intra-cluster gas. From our cluster sample we construct y-T and S-T scaling relations. The y-T scaling relation is inconsistent with what we would expect for self-similar clusters; however this result is questionable because of the large systematic uncertainty in the central Comptonization. The S-T scaling relation has a slope and redshift evolution consistent with what we expect for self-similar clusters with a characteristic density that scales with the mean density of the universe. We rule out zero redshift evolution of the S-T relation at 90% confidence.Comment: Accepted to Astrophysical Journal. 52 pages, 14 tables, 7 figures ;replaced to match ApJ accepted versio