305 research outputs found

    Age de début de la presbytie chez le sujet noir camerounais

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    Introduction: la prescription d'une addition dans notre pratique n'est pas rare chez les patients de moins de 40 ans. Nous avons recherché le besoin d'une addition après étude objective de la réfraction et partant déterminer l'âge moyen de début de la presbytie. Méthodes: nous avons mené une étude transversale et descriptive à l'Hôpital Central de Yaoundé durant trois mois chez les patients âgés de 35 à 45 ans. Ils ont tous bénéficié d'une étude objective de la réfraction sous cycloplégie. La correction de la vision de loin était faite sous cycloplégie, alors que l'addition en vison de près était évaluée deux jours plus tard lorsque la cycloplégie n'était plus effective. La prescription probable d'une addition à la correction de loin devait être réalisée 2 jours après la cycloplégie. L'analyse statistique a été faite avec le logiciel IBM SPSS 20.0. Résultats: nous avons examiné 55 patients soit 110 yeux. L'âge moyen des patients était de 41,87±2,5 ans, avec un sex-ratio de 0,28 en faveur des femmes. L'astigmatisme hypermétropique était l'amétropie la plus fréquente avec 58,2% de cas suivi de l'hypermétropie avec 24,6%. Nous n'avons retrouvé aucun sujet myope. L'âge moyen de début de la presbytie dans cette tranche d'âge était de 43,2±1,7 ans. Après correction objective en vision de loin, aucun patient n'avait besoin d'une addition avant 40 ans. Par ailleurs, 4 patients sur 10 avec une amétropie hypermétropique n'ont pas besoin d'addition avant 45 ans. La prescription d'une addition était liée de façon significative à l'âge. Conclusion: l'âge moyen de début de la presbytie est de 43,2±1,7 ans. Avant 45 ans, toute prescription d'une addition doit être précédée d'une étude objective de la réfraction

    Mechanics of tooth movement produced by quad–helix appliance-Finite element simulation-

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    松本歯科大学大学院歯学独立研究科博士(歯学)学位申請論文;硬組織疾患制御再建学講座(主指導教員:岡藤 範正教授

    Fine definition of the pedigree haplotypes of closely related rice cultivars by means of genome-wide discovery of single-nucleotide polymorphisms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To create useful gene combinations in crop breeding, it is necessary to clarify the dynamics of the genome composition created by breeding practices. A large quantity of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data is required to permit discrimination of chromosome segments among modern cultivars, which are genetically related. Here, we used a high-throughput sequencer to conduct whole-genome sequencing of an elite Japanese rice cultivar, Koshihikari, which is closely related to Nipponbare, whose genome sequencing has been completed. Then we designed a high-throughput typing array based on the SNP information by comparison of the two sequences. Finally, we applied this array to analyze historical representative rice cultivars to understand the dynamics of their genome composition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total 5.89-Gb sequence for Koshihikari, equivalent to 15.7× the entire rice genome, was mapped using the Pseudomolecules 4.0 database for Nipponbare. The resultant Koshihikari genome sequence corresponded to 80.1% of the Nipponbare sequence and led to the identification of 67 051 SNPs. A high-throughput typing array consisting of 1917 SNP sites distributed throughout the genome was designed to genotype 151 representative Japanese cultivars that have been grown during the past 150 years. We could identify the ancestral origin of the pedigree haplotypes in 60.9% of the Koshihikari genome and 18 consensus haplotype blocks which are inherited from traditional landraces to current improved varieties. Moreover, it was predicted that modern breeding practices have generally decreased genetic diversity</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Detection of genome-wide SNPs by both high-throughput sequencer and typing array made it possible to evaluate genomic composition of genetically related rice varieties. With the aid of their pedigree information, we clarified the dynamics of chromosome recombination during the historical rice breeding process. We also found several genomic regions decreasing genetic diversity which might be caused by a recent human selection in rice breeding. The definition of pedigree haplotypes by means of genome-wide SNPs will facilitate next-generation breeding of rice and other crops.</p

    Discovery of Genome-Wide DNA Polymorphisms in a Landrace Cultivar of Japonica Rice by Whole-Genome Sequencing

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    Molecular breeding approaches are of growing importance to crop improvement. However, closely related cultivars generally used for crossing material lack sufficient known DNA polymorphisms due to their genetic relatedness. Next-generation sequencing allows the identification of a massive number of DNA polymorphisms such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions–deletions (InDels) between highly homologous genomes. Using this technology, we performed whole-genome sequencing of a landrace of japonica rice, Omachi, which is used for sake brewing and is an important source for modern cultivars. A total of 229 million reads, each comprising 75 nucleotides of the Omachi genome, was generated with 45-fold coverage and uniquely mapped to 89.7% of the Nipponbare genome, a closely related cultivar. We identified 132,462 SNPs, 16,448 insertions and 19,318 deletions between the Omachi and Nipponbare genomes. An SNP array was designed to validate 731 selected SNPs, resulting in validation rates of 95 and 88% for the Omachi and Nipponbare genomes, respectively. Among the 577 SNPs validated in both genomes, 532 are entirely new SNP markers not previously reported between related rice cultivars. We also validated InDels on a part of chromosome 2 as DNA markers and successfully genotyped five japonica rice cultivars. Our results present the methodology and extensive data on SNPs and InDels available for whole-genome genotyping and marker-assisted breeding. The polymorphism information between Omachi and Nipponbare is available at NGRC_Rice_Omachi (http://www.nodai-genome.org/oryza_sativa_en.html)

    Intraocular live male filarial Loa loa worm

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    We report a case of Loa loa filariasis in an 8-month-old child who presented with a 3-month history of irritated acute red eye and insomnia. Examination revealed a living and active adult Loa loa worm in the anterior chamber of the left eye. The worm was extracted under general anesthetic

    Prevalence and etiologies of visual handicaps in leprosy patients in the south of Cameroon

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    We report on a prospective study undertaken in April 2008, in 11 leper villages of the Southern Cameroon. Our aim was to determine the prevalence and the causes of bilateral blindness, low vision and unilateral blindness in the population of leprosy patients, irrespective of the clinical aspects of the illness

    La craniectomie decompressive dans la prise en charge des traumatismes craniens graves avec signes radiologiques d’engagement cerebral.

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    Introduction La craniectomie d&eacute;compressive peut- elle am&eacute;liorer le pronostic des patients victimes d&rsquo;un traumatisme cr&acirc;nien ferm&eacute; grave avec engagement c&eacute;r&eacute;bral ? Objectif Le but de la pr&eacute;sente &eacute;tude &eacute;tait d&rsquo;&eacute;valuer l&rsquo;efficacit&eacute; de la craniectomie d&eacute;compressive dans la prise en charge du traumatisme cr&acirc;nien grave, isol&eacute; et ferm&eacute; avec signes radiologiques d&rsquo;engagement c&eacute;r&eacute;bral. M&eacute;thodes Il s&rsquo;agissait d&rsquo;une &eacute;tude r&eacute;alis&eacute;e &agrave; l&rsquo;H&ocirc;pital G&eacute;n&eacute;ral de Douala pendant 36 mois, de janvier 2007 &agrave; d&eacute;cembre 2009, incluant 13 patients victimes d&rsquo;un traumatisme cr&acirc;nien grave, isol&eacute; et ferm&eacute;, pr&eacute;sentant les signes radiologiques d&rsquo;engagement c&eacute;r&eacute;bral. La craniectomie d&eacute;compressive &eacute;tait indiqu&eacute;e devant l&rsquo;aggravation ou la persistance du tableau clinique et radiologique malgr&eacute; le traitement m&eacute;dical conventionnel. R&eacute;sultats Apr&egrave;s deux &agrave; dix mois de suivi, l&rsquo;&eacute;volution fut class&eacute;e selon le score du coma &eacute;volutif ; "Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) score ". Dix patients (76, 93 %) ont &eacute;volu&eacute; favorablement GOS (4-5).Un patient (07,69%) est rest&eacute; v&eacute;g&eacute;tatif GOS3. Deux d&eacute;c&egrave;s (15,38%) ont &eacute;t&eacute; observ&eacute; GOS1. Les principales complications &eacute;taient : une hydroc&eacute;phalie, une hernie c&eacute;r&eacute;brale &agrave; travers le foramen de craniectomie, un abc&egrave;s du cerveau et un &eacute;tat de mal convulsif. Conclusion La craniectomie d&eacute;compressive est une m&eacute;thode efficace pouvant am&eacute;liorer le pronostic des patients victimes de traumatisme cr&acirc;nien grave avec signes radiologiques d&rsquo;engagement c&eacute;r&eacute;bral.Mots cl&eacute;s : craniectomie-d&eacute;compressive-engagement c&eacute;r&eacute;bral-traumatisme cr&acirc;nien