21 research outputs found

    Stable chlorine isotopes in arid non-marine basins: Instances and possible fractionation mechanisms

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    Stable chlorine isotopes are useful geochemical tracers in processes involving the formation and evolution of evaporitic halite. Halite and dissolved chloride in groundwater that has interacted with halite in arid non-marine basins has a delta Cl-37 range of 0 +/- 3 parts per thousand, far greater than the range for marine evaporites. Basins characterized by high positive (-1 to +3 parts per thousand), near-0%, and negative (-0.3 to -2.6%) are documented. Halite in weathered crusts of sedimentary rocks has delta Cl-37 values as high as +5.6 parts per thousand. Salt-excluding halophyte plants excrete salt with a delta Cl-37 range of -2.1 to -0.8%. Differentiated rock chloride sources exist, e.g. in granitoid micas, but cannot provide sufficient chloride to account for the observed data. Single-pass application of known fractionating mechanisms, equilibrium salt-crystal interaction and disequilibrium diffusive transport, cannot account for the large ranges of delta Cl-37. Cumulative fractionation as a result of multiple wetting-drying cycles in vadose playas that produce halite crusts can produce observed positive delta Cl-37 values in hundreds to thousands of cycles. Diffusive isotope fractionation as a result of multiple wetting-drying cycles operating at a spatial scale of 1-10 cm can produce high delta Cl-37 values in residual halite. Chloride in rainwater is subject to complex fractionation, but develops negative delta Cl-37 values in certain situations; such may explain halite deposits with bulk negative delta Cl-37 values. Future field studies will benefit from a better understanding of hydrology and rainwater chemistry, and systematic collection of data for both Cl and Br.Environmental Isotope Laboratory at the University of Arizona24 month embargo. First available online 27 Aug 2017.This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Intercomparison of high precision C-14 measurements at the University of Arizona and the Queens University of Belfast radiocarbon laboratories

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    High-precision measurements were completed concurrently at the University of Arizona and the Queen's University of Belfast on blind samples of Irish oak originally measured for the 1986 radiocarbon calibration curve. Subsequent single-year Sequoindendron results were decadally averaged and compared with published results on decadal Douglas-fir samples. The results of these intercomparisons show that the Arizona high-precision results compare favorably with published values from the University of Washington, but show a systematic offset with published Belfast data

    Secular variation of Delta C-14 during the Medieval Solar Maximum : A progress report

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    The Earth is within the Contemporaneous Solar Maximum (CSM), analogous to the Medieval Solar Maximum (MSM). If this analogy is valid, solar activity will continue to increase well into the 21st century, we have completed 75 single-ring and 10 double-ring measurements from AD 1065 to AD 1150 to obtain information about solar activity during this postulated analog to solar activity during the MSM. Delta(14)C decreases steadily during the period AD 1065 to AD 1150 but with cyclical oscillations around the decreasing trend. These oscillations can be successfully modeled by four cycles. These four frequencies are 1/52 yr(-1), 1/22 yr(-1), 1/11 yr(-1), and 1/5.5 yr, i.e., the 4th harmonic of the Suess cycle, the Hale and Schwabe cycles and the 2nd harmonic of the Schwabe cycle

    Origin and residence time of groundwater based on stable and radioactive isotopes in the Heihe River Basin, northwestern China

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    Study region: The Heihe River Basin (HRB) is one of several arid basins in which runoff from the Qilian Mountain recharges basin aquifers. Study focus: A basin-wide dataset (δ18O, D, 3H and 14C) is used to determine the present and past relationships between precipitation, surface runoff and recharge, to constrain groundwater residence times, and to infer Holocene climate change. New hydrological insights for the region: Groundwater in the upper region (UR) of HRB has (δ18O, δD) clustered near (−8.0, −46‰), consistent with present-day Qilian Mountain precipitation. Tritium of groundwater >26 TU indicates post-bomb recharge. Mountain runoff provides recharge to alluvial-fluvial aquifers in the Middle Region (MR) and Lower Region (LR) along the main river of the HRB. Between 1986 and 2001, anthropogenic tritium releases affected north-central China, affecting HRB precipitation. Irrigation reflux strongly affects isotopes in basin groundwater, generating anomalous samples with low tritium and post-bomb 14C, or high tritium and pre-bomb 14C. Stable isotopes in Qilian Mountain runoff have evolved in response to climate change. A 1‰ shift in δ18O since 1960 coincides with drying of the Aral Sea, possibly affecting moisture advected from the west. A 6–8‰ shift before 12 ka may indicate the former extent of the South Asian monsoon. Keywords: Heihe River Basin (HRB), Groundwater origin, Residence time, Stable and radioactive isotopes, Northwestern Chin

    Preliminary O and H isotope data for groundwater from the Hueco Bolson (El Paso, Texas; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua): constraints on water sources

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    Groundwater from municipal and monitoring wells gives δ18^{18}O and δ2^{2}H values plotting in several fields that distinguish water sources as follows. Values are presented below as (δ18^{18}O\permil,δ2^{2}H \permil). Present-day Rio Grande water (-6 to-7, -62 to -66) is strongly affected by evaporation in New Mexico reservoirs. Groundwater from post-bomb infiltration in the river bed is similar. Groundwater from Texas includes non-evaporated water (-9, -63) associated with the flanks of the 1500 m Franklin Mts., and (-10 to -11, -70 to -78) probably derived from the 2500-3500 m San Andres and Sacramento Mts. in New Mexico. Groundwater with strong evaporation signatures (-5.5 to -9, -41 to -64) occurs east of El Paso, and may represent mixtures of river- and mountain-derived water, or evaporated surface water from lower basin elevations. Groundwater from Ciudad Juárez, (-11 to -12, -80 to -90), did not originate as present-day Rio Grande surface water or groundwater from the Hueco Bolson in Texas. Two hypothetical sources are consistent with isotope data: 1. Pre-dam snow-melt from Colorado, supplied as Rio Grande water; 2 Late Quaternary lake water from pluvial Lake Palomas, supplied by underflow from the adjacent Bolson de los Muertos area of Chihuahua. Historical water level data indicate that significant recharge from the Rio Grande was unlikely before aquifer development