515 research outputs found

    Priming intuition disfavors instrumental harm but not impartial beneficence

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    Understanding the cognitive underpinnings of moral judgment is one of most pressing problems in psychological science. Some highly-cited studies suggest that reliance on intuition decreases utilitarian (expected welfare maximizing) judgments in sacrificial moral dilemmas in which one has to decide whether to instrumentally harm (IH) one person to save a greater number of people. However, recent work suggests that such dilemmas are limited in that they fail to capture the positive, defining core of utilitarianism: commitment to impartial beneficence (IB). Accordingly, a new two-dimensional model of utilitarian judgment has been proposed that distinguishes IH and IB components. The role of intuition on this new model has not been studied. Does relying on intuition disfavor utilitarian choices only along the dimension of instrumental harm or does it also do so along the dimension of impartial beneficence? To answer this question, we conducted three studies (total N = 970, two preregistered) using conceptual priming of intuition versus deliberation on moral judgments. Our evidence converges on an interaction effect, with intuition decreasing utilitarian judgments in IH—as suggested by previous work—but failing to do so in IB. These findings bolster the recently proposed two-dimensional model of utilitarian moral judgment, and point to new avenues for future research

    A constructive algorithm for the Cartan decomposition of SU(2^N)

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    We present an explicit numerical method to obtain the Cartan-Khaneja-Glaser decomposition of a general element G of SU(2^N) in terms of its `Cartan' and `non-Cartan' components. This effectively factors G in terms of group elements that belong in SU(2^n) with n<N, a procedure that can be iterated down to n=2. We show that every step reduces to solving the zeros of a matrix polynomial, obtained by truncation of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula, numerically. All computational tasks involved are straightforward and the overall truncation errors are well under control.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, matlab file at http://cam.qubit.org/users/jiannis

    Sustainability: An Analysis of Organizational Reporting and Implications for ERP systems

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    Given the increasing interest in sustainability, many companies are voluntarily producing sustainability reports for the general public. Companies generate these reports as a mechanism to signal environmental and global commitment to the public. Individuals use information from these reports to form thoughts on whether to purchase products or services from companies or whether to invest in the company. There is much variation in what sustainability means in the context of a business; therefore, reporting processes differ between companies. This paper presents the results of a content analysis of 15 sustainability reports which yielded 145 unique activities. These results are assisting us as we develop and validate an instrument of the most important activities in various sustainability dimensions. Using the finalized activities we will make inferences for ERP vendors in designing functionality to capture sustainability measures. Our findings will guide researchers and practitioners in measuring the dimensions of sustainability and using ERP systems to support sustainability reporting

    Valuing the acute subjective experience

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    Psychedelics, including psilocybin, and other consciousness-altering compounds such as 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), currently are being scientifically investigated for their potential therapeutic uses, with a primary focus on measurable outcomes: for example, alleviation of symptoms or increases in self-reported well-being. Accordingly, much recent discussion about the possible value of these substances has turned on estimates of the magnitude and duration of persisting positive effects in comparison to harms. However, many have described the value of a psychedelic experience with little or no reference to such therapeutic benefits, instead seeming to find the experience valuable in its own right. How can we make sense of such testimony? Could a psychedelic experience be valuable even if there were no persisting beneficial effects? If so, how? Using the concept of psychological richness, combined with insights from the philosophy of aesthetics and the enhancement literature, this essay explores potential sources of value in the acute subjective experience, apart from the value derived from persisting beneficial effects

    Broad Medical Uncertainty and the Ethical Obligation for Openness

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    Copyright © The Author(s) 2022. This paper argues that there exists a collective epistemic state of ‘Broad Medical Uncertainty’ (BMU) regarding the effectiveness of many medical interventions. We outline the features of BMU, and describe some of the main contributing factors. These include flaws in medical research methodologies, bias in publication practices, financial and other conflicts of interest, and features of how evidence is translated into practice. These result in a significant degree of uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of many medical treatments and unduly optimistic beliefs about the benefit / harm profiles of such treatments. We argue for an ethical presumption in favour of openness regarding BMU as part of a ‘Corrective Response’. We then consider some objections to this position (the ‘Anti-Corrective Response’), including concerns that public honesty about flaws in medical research could undermine trust in healthcare institutions. We suggest that, as it stands, the Anti-Corrective Response is unconvincing.This research was funded in part by the Wellcome Trust [Grant number WT203132/Z/16/Z]. This project/publication was made possible through the support of a grant from The Honesty Project at Wake Forest University and the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Honesty Project, Wake Forest University, or the John Templeton Foundation [Grant number 61842 PI: Brown]

    Oncology providers' perspectives on endocrine therapy prescribing and management.

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    Adjuvant endocrine therapy (ET) can reduce the risk of recurrence among females with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. Overall, initiation and adherence to ET are suboptimal, though reasons are not well described. The study's objective was to better understand ET decision making, prescribing, and patient management from oncology providers' perspectives. Using purposive sampling, we recruited oncology providers who saw five or more breast cancer patients per week (n=20). We conducted 30-45-minute telephone interviews, using a semistructured guide to elicit perspectives on ET use. We used thematic content analysis to systematically identify categories of meaning and double-coded transcripts using Atlas.ti. Providers recommend ET to all eligible patients except those with contraindications or other risk factors. Providers base their ET prescribing decisions on the patient's menopausal status, side effects, and comorbidities. ET is typically discussed multiple times: at the onset of breast cancer treatment and in more detail after other treatment completion. Providers felt that the associated recurrence risk reduction is the most compelling argument for patients during ET decision making. While providers rarely perceived noninitiation as a problem, nonadherence was prevalent, often due to unresolvable side effects. From the clinicians' perspectives, side effects from ET are the dominant factor in nonadherence. Efforts to improve adherence should focus on strategies to minimize side effects and ensure clinicians and patients are well informed regarding optimal side effect management. This finding has important implications for novel endocrine regimens that offer improved outcomes through longer duration or more intensive therapy

    Multimodality and Memory in the Mise en page of Guillaume de Machaut's Mass

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    Guillaume de Machaut’s mass survives in only five manuscripts, which all form part of the surprisingly homogeneous ‘complete works’ set of Machaut manuscripts. In this contribution, I argue that the details of mise en page in these manuscripts are reflective both of scribal memorial processes and multimodality in action: in this work where one of the major modes (image) is absent, the musical notation itself takes on an additional aesthetic role, that of visual beauty. In these manuscripts, the mass takes its place within the music section, surrounded there by lays, motets, virelais, and rondeaux, these surrounded (or preceded) by courtly ‘dits’ and lyrics not set to music. Four of these five manuscripts are illuminated, and all provide musical notation: all, therefore, are overtly multimodal. Despite the lavish illumination in the manuscripts, the mass is never adorned with a miniature, nor is it mentioned in Machaut’s ‘Prologue’ to his works. The aesthetic beauty of the mise en page of the mass, therefore, is derived from the musical notation, while the text-music setting shows a distinct divide between the two contrasting compositional techniques of the mass
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