69 research outputs found

    Open Research: the Imperative of Working Together to Make This Happen

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    A Blueprint For Planning And Designing Staged-authentic Heritage Attractions In Small Island Nations

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    The purpose of this largely qualitative study was to develop a blueprint for planning and designing a staged-authentic heritage tourist attraction for small island nations. Data were gathered and analyzed in three phases. In Phase I, existing and potential supply, demand, and external variables associated with staged-authentic heritage attractions were identified, and a preliminary planning model and conceptual framework was developed. In Phase II, the model was refined. A blueprint containing seven major questions and 26 sequential steps was developed. In Phase III, the blueprint was tested using focus groups and an online tourist survey in the Caribbean region (Aruba) in order to determine the extent to which it could be useful to those responsible for the development of staged-authentic heritage tourist attractions. It was concluded that (a) the devised blueprint is appropriate and effective for planning and designing a staged-authentic heritage attraction for small island nations, (b) the seven questions and 26 steps developed to support the methodological flowchart ensure attention to essential activities and events in the planning and designing of a staged-authentic heritage attraction, and (c) continuous collaboration among all stakeholders is required in planning and designing staged-authentic heritage attractions so as to ensure commitment of those who would be contributors, supporters, and developers of the project. Implications for the use of the blueprint and for staged-authentic heritage attractions were offered. Also presented were recommendations for future research

    Findings from the Nutrition Challenge Program

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    Obesity is an epidemic in the United States. Over 61% of U.S. adults and 58% of Nevada adults have Body Mass Index’s (BMI) that classify them as either overweight or obese (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System [BRFSS], 2005). According to a recent article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, obesity was the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States behind tobacco use (Mokdad, Marks, Stroup & Gerberding, 2004). While obesity and overweight are complex, multi-factorial health conditions, an important contributor to the overweight and obesity epidemic is poor dietary habits. One of the major public health nutrition education efforts in the past few years has been to encourage Americans to eat more fruits and vegetables. Current dietary guidelines recommend consuming between 5 and 9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day depending on age and gender. A person’s physical activity level and age determine how many calories they need each day and their calorie needs determine how many servings of fruits and vegetables they should eat each day. Only 23% of adults nationwide and 22% of Nevada adults are currently meeting that recommendation, most at the low end (BRFSS, 2005)

    Investigating the Effect of Mechanical Beach Cleaning on Nesting, Hatching and Emergence Success of Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and Green (Chelonia mydas) Sea Turtles in Broward County, Florida

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    Sea turtles face many threats to their populations globally. Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) are listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List as Endangered. In Florida, loggerhead and green sea turtles nest along the coastline during April-September. Mechanical beach cleaning is an aesthetic service performed daily on some beaches in Florida to clean the wrack line and/or the entire beach of debris. Alterations made to beaches by methods such as mechanical beach cleaning have the potential to impact sea turtle nesting, hatching, and emergence success. Generalized linear mixed models were performed to investigate the impacts of mechanical beach cleaning on nesting, hatching and emergence success of loggerhead and green turtles from 1997-2015 in Broward County, Florida. The results showed mechanical beach cleaning had an effect on nesting success, however, hatching and emergence success were not affected by mechanical beach cleaning. These results indicate that mechanical beach cleaning cannot solely be used to determine sea turtle management or conservation guidelines in Broward County

    Public Posting as a Strategy to Increase Walking: A Worksite Intervention

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    Because most American adults do not meet recommended physical activity guidelines, the need for new and innovative strategies is apparent. The current study employed public posting in an attempt to increase walking behavior in a worksite setting. Pedometer generated data was publicly posted in a prominent location in the worksite. In our study that utilized a pre-experimental design, we found that walking steps were statistically higher during the intervention and in a post intervention period as compared to the baseline data. We conclude that the public posting of physical activity data has the potential to increase walking behavior

    Authentic Experiences Assessment Instrument: The Case of Millennial Students and Cultural Attractions in Central Florida

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    Three types of authenticity were chosen to analyze cultural attractions—they were: staged or real authenticity, sensory authenticity, and existential authenticity. A group of millennium students that visited Orlando’s cultural attractions from the University of Central Florida were part of this study. Results show that the term “culture” is unclear among students. Also gender might play a role in determining what is perceived as “authenticity.” In general the focus group discussion had a consensus that these three types of authenticity were the right ones to measured cultural attractions, people, and behaviors

    The Effects of Physical Activity on Reading and Mathematics Achievement in an Elementary Classroom

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    The purpose of this action research was to determine the effects of physical activity on reading and mathematics achievement on two first grade classrooms. The intervention took place over a period of four weeks in a public school setting with 38 students. Data was collected using teacher feedback, student self-assessment, a teacher log, and weekly reading and mathematics probes. Our results show that reading scores slightly improved after the intervention while mathematics scores stayed fairly consistent. Both first-grade teachers reported that they would continue to use physical activity prior to academic instruction in their classrooms because it helped students to focus and get their bodies and brains ready to learn. The student self-assessment revealed most first graders enjoyed the activity breaks and thought the breaks helped them to focus. Altogether, it appears physical activity before academic instruction had a positive impact on student achievement. Looking ahead, students will have more input on the types of activity breaks used within their classroom. Teachers can also educate their students and other colleagues on how physical activity can help students achieve greater outcomes. Further research topics include determining what type of breaks, calming compared to cardiovascular; have the greatest impact on student achievement

    The development of soft skills during internships: The hospitality student’s voice

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    This paper considers the value of industrial placements in providing an opportunity for hospitality students to develop soft skills in the workplace in addition to the technical skills learned at their educational establishments. While there are concepts such as “problem-based learning” which help students to think across subject silos, this paper argues that internships offer a valuable opportunity for students to learn and for industry to promote their organisations to prospective employees. Using a year’s worth of student workplace diaries, the researchers identify that, in addition to hard skills, students learn communication skills, professionalism, teamwork and personal development. The paper concludes by suggesting that this exploratory analysis of student diaries demonstrates the importance of internships, but that more could be done to increase their value and to make the industry attractive to prospective employees. Opportunities for further research include more gathering and analysis of these documents which give voice to the lived experience of hospitality students on placement.Keywords: international student, internship, New Zealand, placement, reflection, soft skills, work integrated learnin
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