32 research outputs found

    Comparison of ultraviolet Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) measurements of diffusers used in the calibration of the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS)

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    The measurement and long-term monitoring of global total ozone by ultraviolet albedo measuring satellite instruments require accurate and precise determination of the Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) of laboratory-based diffusers used in the pre-launch calibration of those instruments. To assess the ability of laboratories to provide accurate Ultra Violet (UV) diffuse BRDF measurements, a BRDF measurement comparison was initiated by the NASA Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Project. From December 1998 to September 1999, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), TPD TNO (formerly the TNO Institute of Applied Physics), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) made BRDF measurements on four Spectralon diffusers used in the pre-launch calibration of three TOMS instruments. The diffusers were measured at the six TOMS wavelengths and at the incident and scatter angles used in the TOMS pre-launch calibration. The participation of GSFC, TPD TNO, and NIST in the comparison establishes a link between the diffuser calibrations of the on-orbit TOMS instruments, the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), and a national standards laboratory. The results of the comparison show that all of the BRDF measurements on the four diffusers agreed within +0.85 % to -1.10 % of the average BRDF and were well within the combined measurement uncertainties of the participating laboratories

    Disentangling the abundance–impact relationship for invasive species

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    To predict the threat of biological invasions to native species, it is critical that we understand how increasing abundance of invasive alien species (IAS) affects native populations and communities. The form of this relationship across taxa and ecosystems is unknown, but is expected to depend strongly on the trophic position of the IAS relative to the native species. Using a global metaanalysis based on 1,258 empirical studies presented in 201 scientific publications, we assessed the shape, direction, and strength of native responses to increasing invader abundance. We also tested how native responses varied with relative trophic position and for responses at the population vs. community levels. As IAS abundance increased, native populations declined nonlinearly by 20%, on average, and community metrics declined linearly by 25%. When at higher trophic levels, invaders tended to cause a strong, nonlinear decline in native populations and communities, with the greatest impacts occurring at low invader abundance. In contrast, invaders at the same trophic level tended to cause a linear decline in native populations and communities, while invaders at lower trophic levels had no consistent impacts. At the community level, increasing invader abundance had significantly larger effects on species evenness and diversity than on species richness. Our results show that native responses to invasion depend critically on invasive species’ abundance and trophic position. Further, these general abundance–impact relationships reveal how IAS impacts are likely to develop during the invasion process and when to best manage them

    Choice of grazed herbage or maize silage by lactating dairy cows: influence of sward height and concentrate level Preferência por pastagem ou silagem de milho por vacas leiteiras em lactação: influência da altura do pasto e do nível de concentrado

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    The preference of lactating dairy cows for grazed herbage or maize silage (MS), simultaneously offered ad libitum in the field, was examined at two sward heights (SH 4-6 and 8-10cm) and two concentrate levels (CL 0 and 6kg day-1) in a 2x2 factorial arrangement within a completely randomised experimental design. The experiment lasted 35 days and was carried out in spring using 24 multiparous Holstein Friesian cows. On average, the cows proportionately spent more time grazing than eating MS (0.85:0.15) and even though the higher rate of intake (RI) of dry matter (DM) of MS compared with grazed herbage (76 versus 26g DM min-1), the proportion of total DM intake as herbage was higher compared to that of MS (0.56:0.44). The higher crude protein and low fibre content of grazed herbage appeared to have a higher priority of choice than RI, as the cows chose to graze for longer (grazing time 385 min, MS feeding time 67min) despite the lower RI of herbage. The low proportion MS intake indicated that RI was a secondary factor of choice. Concentrate supplementation had a greater depressing effect on herbage intake than on MS intake. These results suggest that the animals reduce the intake of feed with lower RI when the labor associated to eat is decreased. The factors influencing the choice for herbage over maize silage remain unclear.<br>A preferência de vacas leiteiras em lactação por pasto ou silagem de milho (SM) oferecidas ad libitum simultaneamente no pasto foi avaliada quanto a duas alturas de pastagem (4-6 e 8-10cm) e dois níveis de concentrado (0 e 6kg dia-1), em um arranjo fatorial 2x2 dentro de um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. O experimento, com duração de 35 dias, foi executado na primavera utilizando 24 vacas multíparas da raça Holandesa. As vacas passaram, em média, proporcionalmente mais tempo pastando do que comendo SM (0,85:0,15) e, mesmo considerando a maior taxa de consumo (TC) de matéria seca (MS) de SM comparada com a da pastagem (76 versus 26g MS min-1), a proporção do total do consumo de MS como pastagem foi mais alta comparada com aquela da SM (0,56:0,44). A proteína crua mais alta e o menor conteúdo de fibra da pastagem pareceram ter prioridade na escolha pelos animais do que a TC, pois as vacas preferiram pastar por mais tempo (tempo de pastejo = 385min, tempo para comer SM = 67min), não obstante ter havido menor TC na pastagem. A baixa proporção de consumo de SM indicou que a TC foi um fator secundário na preferência dos animais. A suplementação concentrada teve maior efeito depressor no consumo de pastagem que o consumo de SM. Estes resultados sugerem que a prioridade dos animais, quando o trabalho associado com o comer é reduzido, é o de diminuir o consumo de alimento com menor TC. Os fatores que influenciaram a preferência por pastagem sobre silagem de milho ainda não são totalmente claros

    Managed relocation: Integrating the scientific, regulatory, and ethical challenges

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    Managed relocation is defined as the movement of species, populations, or genotypes to places outside the areas of their historical distributions to maintain biological diversity or ecosystem functioning with changing climate. It has been claimed that a major extinction event is under way and that climate change is increasing its severity. Projections indicating that climate change may drive substantial losses of biodiversity have compelled some scientists to suggest that traditional management strategies are insufficient. The managed relocation of species is a controversial management response to climate change. The published literature has emphasized biological concerns over difficult ethical, legal, and policy issues. Furthermore, ongoing managed relocation actions lack scientific and societal engagement. Our interdisciplinary team considered ethics, law, policy, ecology, and natural resources management to identify the key issues of managed relocation relevant for developing sound policies that support decisions for resource management. We recommend that government agencies develop and adopt best practices for managed relocation