326 research outputs found

    Compact Drawings of 1-Planar Graphs with Right-Angle Crossings and Few Bends

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    We study the following classes of beyond-planar graphs: 1-planar, IC-planar, and NIC-planar graphs. These are the graphs that admit a 1-planar, IC-planar, and NIC-planar drawing, respectively. A drawing of a graph is 1-planar if every edge is crossed at most once. A 1-planar drawing is IC-planar if no two pairs of crossing edges share a vertex. A 1-planar drawing is NIC-planar if no two pairs of crossing edges share two vertices. We study the relations of these beyond-planar graph classes (beyond-planar graphs is a collective term for the primary attempts to generalize the planar graphs) to right-angle crossing (RAC) graphs that admit compact drawings on the grid with few bends. We present four drawing algorithms that preserve the given embeddings. First, we show that every nn-vertex NIC-planar graph admits a NIC-planar RAC drawing with at most one bend per edge on a grid of size O(n)×O(n)O(n) \times O(n). Then, we show that every nn-vertex 1-planar graph admits a 1-planar RAC drawing with at most two bends per edge on a grid of size O(n3)×O(n3)O(n^3) \times O(n^3). Finally, we make two known algorithms embedding-preserving; for drawing 1-planar RAC graphs with at most one bend per edge and for drawing IC-planar RAC graphs straight-line

    Recognizing and Drawing IC-planar Graphs

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    IC-planar graphs are those graphs that admit a drawing where no two crossed edges share an end-vertex and each edge is crossed at most once. They are a proper subfamily of the 1-planar graphs. Given an embedded IC-planar graph GG with nn vertices, we present an O(n)O(n)-time algorithm that computes a straight-line drawing of GG in quadratic area, and an O(n3)O(n^3)-time algorithm that computes a straight-line drawing of GG with right-angle crossings in exponential area. Both these area requirements are worst-case optimal. We also show that it is NP-complete to test IC-planarity both in the general case and in the case in which a rotation system is fixed for the input graph. Furthermore, we describe a polynomial-time algorithm to test whether a set of matching edges can be added to a triangulated planar graph such that the resulting graph is IC-planar

    A generic algorithm for layout of biological networks

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    BackgroundBiological networks are widely used to represent processes in biological systems and to capture interactions and dependencies between biological entities. Their size and complexity is steadily increasing due to the ongoing growth of knowledge in the life sciences. To aid understanding of biological networks several algorithms for laying out and graphically representing networks and network analysis results have been developed. However, current algorithms are specialized to particular layout styles and therefore different algorithms are required for each kind of network and/or style of layout. This increases implementation effort and means that new algorithms must be developed for new layout styles. Furthermore, additional effort is necessary to compose different layout conventions in the same diagram. Also the user cannot usually customize the placement of nodes to tailor the layout to their particular need or task and there is little support for interactive network exploration.ResultsWe present a novel algorithm to visualize different biological networks and network analysis results in meaningful ways depending on network types and analysis outcome. Our method is based on constrained graph layout and we demonstrate how it can handle the drawing conventions used in biological networks.ConclusionThe presented algorithm offers the ability to produce many of the fundamental popular drawing styles while allowing the exibility of constraints to further tailor these layouts.publishe

    Small grid embeddings of 3-polytopes

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    We introduce an algorithm that embeds a given 3-connected planar graph as a convex 3-polytope with integer coordinates. The size of the coordinates is bounded by O(27.55n)=O(188n)O(2^{7.55n})=O(188^{n}). If the graph contains a triangle we can bound the integer coordinates by O(24.82n)O(2^{4.82n}). If the graph contains a quadrilateral we can bound the integer coordinates by O(25.46n)O(2^{5.46n}). The crucial part of the algorithm is to find a convex plane embedding whose edges can be weighted such that the sum of the weighted edges, seen as vectors, cancel at every point. It is well known that this can be guaranteed for the interior vertices by applying a technique of Tutte. We show how to extend Tutte's ideas to construct a plane embedding where the weighted vector sums cancel also on the vertices of the boundary face

    "A calorie is a calorie" violates the second law of thermodynamics

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    The principle of "a calorie is a calorie," that weight change in hypocaloric diets is independent of macronutrient composition, is widely held in the popular and technical literature, and is frequently justified by appeal to the laws of thermodynamics. We review here some aspects of thermodynamics that bear on weight loss and the effect of macronutrient composition. The focus is the so-called metabolic advantage in low-carbohydrate diets – greater weight loss compared to isocaloric diets of different composition. Two laws of thermodynamics are relevant to the systems considered in nutrition and, whereas the first law is a conservation (of energy) law, the second is a dissipation law: something (negative entropy) is lost and therefore balance is not to be expected in diet interventions. Here, we propose that a misunderstanding of the second law accounts for the controversy about the role of macronutrient effect on weight loss and we review some aspects of elementary thermodynamics. We use data in the literature to show that thermogenesis is sufficient to predict metabolic advantage. Whereas homeostasis ensures balance under many conditions, as a general principle, "a calorie is a calorie" violates the second law of thermodynamics

    To what extent can online mapping be decolonial? A journey throughout Indigenous cartography in Canada

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    In this paper, we describe and reflect upon our journey through Indigenous online mapping in Canada. This journey has been planned according to an academic goal: assessing the potential of online cartography for decolonial purposes. To reach this goal, we have followed methodological directions provided by Indigenous scholar Linda Tuhiwai Smith to review 18 Indigenous web-mapping sites across Canada. Supported by a series of ten interviews, this content analysis enabled us to sketch some of the contours of contemporary Indigenous cartography. On one hand, Indigenous communities largely control the data that are shared on these websites. They also partially control the way these data are represented through the mobilization of digital storytelling technologies that are better aligned with Indigenous ways of envisioning relationships to places than conventional maps. On the other hand, they do not have much control over the technological aspects of these projects, for which they remain heavily dependent on non-Indigenous partners. Throughout this journey, we noticed that women’s voices remained marginal in most of these mapping projects, but we also identified evidence supporting the idea that these voices are starting to play a vital role in the on-going effort of decolonizing mapping processes

    Modularity clustering is force-directed layout

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    Two natural and widely used representations for the community structure of networks are clusterings, which partition the vertex set into disjoint subsets, and layouts, which assign the vertices to positions in a metric space. This paper unifies prominent characterizations of layout quality and clustering quality, by showing that energy models of pairwise attraction and repulsion subsume Newman and Girvan's modularity measure. Layouts with optimal energy are relaxations of, and are thus consistent with, clusterings with optimal modularity, which is of practical relevance because both representations are complementary and often used together.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, see http://code.google.com/p/linloglayout/ for downloading the graph clustering and layout softwar

    Heating of nuclei with energetic anti-protons

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    International audienceHigh-energy γ rays associated with the decay of the giant dipole resonance have been measured for two fusion reactions leading to the 140Sm compound nucleus at an excitation energy of 71 MeV. The observed yield increases with the asymmetry in the ratios of the number of neutrons to protons in the entrance channel. This is interpreted as resulting from giant dipole phonons excited at the moment of collision in an N/Z asymmetric reaction