939 research outputs found

    Radial Growth of Qilian Juniper on the Northeast Tibetan Plateau and Potential Climate Associations

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    There is controversy regarding the limiting climatic factor for tree radial growth at the alpine treeline on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. In this study, we collected 594 increment cores from 331 trees, grouped within four altitude belts spanning the range 3550 to 4020 m.a.s.l. on a single hillside. We have developed four equivalent ring-width chronologies and shown that there are no significant differences in their growth-climate responses during 1956 to 2011 or in their longer-term growth patterns during the period AD 1110–2011. The main climate influence on radial growth is shown to be precipitation variability. Missing ring analysis shows that tree radial growth at the uppermost treeline location is more sensitive to climate variation than that at other elevations, and poor tree radial growth is particularly linked to the occurrence of serious drought events. Hence water limitation, rather than temperature stress, plays the pivotal role in controlling the radial growth of Sabina przewalskii Kom. at the treeline in this region. This finding contradicts any generalisation that tree-ring chronologies from high-elevation treeline environments are mostly indicators of temperature changes

    Inhibition of SIRT1 Reactivates Silenced Cancer Genes without Loss of Promoter DNA Hypermethylation

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    The class III histone deactylase (HDAC), SIRT1, has cancer relevance because it regulates lifespan in multiple organisms, down-regulates p53 function through deacetylation, and is linked to polycomb gene silencing in Drosophila. However, it has not been reported to mediate heterochromatin formation or heritable silencing for endogenous mammalian genes. Herein, we show that SIRT1 localizes to promoters of several aberrantly silenced tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) in which 5′ CpG islands are densely hypermethylated, but not to these same promoters in cell lines in which the promoters are not hypermethylated and the genes are expressed. Heretofore, only type I and II HDACs, through deactylation of lysines 9 and 14 of histone H3 (H3-K9 and H3-K14, respectively), had been tied to the above TSG silencing. However, inhibition of these enzymes alone fails to re-activate the genes unless DNA methylation is first inhibited. In contrast, inhibition of SIRT1 by pharmacologic, dominant negative, and siRNA (small interfering RNA)–mediated inhibition in breast and colon cancer cells causes increased H4-K16 and H3-K9 acetylation at endogenous promoters and gene re-expression despite full retention of promoter DNA hypermethylation. Furthermore, SIRT1 inhibition affects key phenotypic aspects of cancer cells. We thus have identified a new component of epigenetic TSG silencing that may potentially link some epigenetic changes associated with aging with those found in cancer, and provide new directions for therapeutically targeting these important genes for re-expression

    Profiling allele-specific gene expression in brains from individuals with autism spectrum disorder reveals preferential minor allele usage.

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    One fundamental but understudied mechanism of gene regulation in disease is allele-specific expression (ASE), the preferential expression of one allele. We leveraged RNA-sequencing data from human brain to assess ASE in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). When ASE is observed in ASD, the allele with lower population frequency (minor allele) is preferentially more highly expressed than the major allele, opposite to the canonical pattern. Importantly, genes showing ASE in ASD are enriched in those downregulated in ASD postmortem brains and in genes harboring de novo mutations in ASD. Two regions, 14q32 and 15q11, containing all known orphan C/D box small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), are particularly enriched in shifts to higher minor allele expression. We demonstrate that this allele shifting enhances snoRNA-targeted splicing changes in ASD-related target genes in idiopathic ASD and 15q11-q13 duplication syndrome. Together, these results implicate allelic imbalance and dysregulation of orphan C/D box snoRNAs in ASD pathogenesis

    Histone deacetylase controls adult stem cell aging by balancing the expression of polycomb genes and jumonji domain containing 3

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    Aging is linked to loss of the self-renewal capacity of adult stem cells. Here, we observed that human multipotent stem cells (MSCs) underwent cellular senescence in vitro. Decreased expression of histone deacetylases (HDACs), followed by downregulation of polycomb group genes (PcGs), such as BMI1, EZH2 and SUZ12, and by upregulation of jumonji domain containing 3 (JMJD3), was observed in senescent MSCs. Similarly, HDAC inhibitors induced cellular senescence through downregulation of PcGs and upregulation of JMJD3. Regulation of PcGs was associated with HDAC inhibitor-induced hypophosphorylation of RB, which causes RB to bind to and decrease the transcriptional activity of E2F. JMJD3 expression regulation was dependant on histone acetylation status at its promoter regions. A histone acetyltransferase (HAT) inhibitor prevented replicative senescence of MSCs. These results suggest that HDAC activity might be important for MSC self-renewal by balancing PcGs and JMJD3 expression, which govern cellular senescence by p16INK4A regulation

    Direct Observation of Defects and Increased Ion Permeability of a Membrane Induced by Structurally Disordered Cu/Zn-Superoxide Dismutase Aggregates

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    Interactions between protein aggregates and a cellular membrane have been strongly implicated in many protein conformational diseases. However, such interactions for the case of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) protein, which is related to fatal neurodegenerative disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), have not been explored yet. For the first time, we report the direct observation of defect formation and increased ion permeability of a membrane induced by SOD1 aggregates using a supported lipid bilayer and membrane patches of human embryonic kidney cells as model membranes. We observed that aggregated SOD1 significantly induced the formation of defects within lipid membranes and caused the perturbation of membrane permeability, based on surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and electrophysiology. In the case of apo SOD1 with an unfolded structure, we found that it bound to the lipid membrane surface and slightly perturbed membrane permeability, compared to other folded proteins (holo SOD1 and bovine serum albumin). The changes in membrane integrity and permeability were found to be strongly dependent on the type of proteins and the amount of aggregates present. We expect that the findings presented herein will advance our understanding of the pathway by which structurally disordered SOD1 aggregates exert toxicity in vivo

    Thoracic CT findings of novel influenza A (H1N1) infection in immunocompromised patients

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    The goal of this study is to describe the spectrum of initial and follow-up CT findings of novel influenza A (H1N1) infection in a series of immunocompromised patients. Eight immunocompromised patients with documented novel influenza A (H1N1) had CT imaging at our institution between May 2009 and August 2009. A total of 20 CTs (initial and follow-up) were reviewed for the presence, severity, and distribution of the following: ground glass opacity, consolidation, interlobular septal thickening, mosaic perfusion, airway wall thickening, airway dilatation, nodules, cysts, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, lymphadenopathy, and air trapping. The most common findings were airway thickening/dilatation, peribronchial ground glass opacity, centrilobular nodules, and tree-in-bud opacities. Peripheral consolidation involving the lower lobes was also a common pattern. Findings frequently involved all lobes and were closely associated with either large or small airways. Two patients presented with atypical CT findings including focal lobar consolidation and patchy lower lobe consolidation with soft tissue centrilobular nodules. Most survivors showed near complete resolution of findings within 35 days. CT scans in immunocompromised patients with novel influenza H1N1 commonly show a strong airway predominance of findings or peripheral areas of consolidation involving the lower lobes. A subset of patients with novel influenza A (H1N1) will show findings not typical of viral infection