13 research outputs found

    A Non-Invasive method of quantifying pancreatic volume in mice using micro-MRI

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    In experimental models of pancreatic growth and recovery, changes in pancreatic size are assessed by euthanizing a large cohort of animals at varying time points and measuring organ mass. However, to ascertain this information in clinical practice, patients with pancreatic disorders routinely undergo non-invasive cross-sectional imaging of the pancreas using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT). The aim of the current study was to develop a thinsliced, optimized sequence protocol using a high field MRI to accurately calculate pancreatic volumes in the most common experimental animal, the mouse. Using a 7 Telsa Bruker micro-MRI system, we performed abdominal imaging in whole-fixed mice in three standard planes: axial, sagittal, and coronal. The contour of the pancreas was traced using Vitrea software and then transformed into a 3-dimensional (3D) reconstruction, from which volumetric measurements were calculated. Images were optimized using heart perfusion-fixation, T1 sequence analysis, and 0.2 to 0.4 mm thick slices. As proof of principle, increases in pancreatic volume among mice of different ages correlated tightly with increasing body weight. In summary, this is the first study to measure pancreatic volumes in mice, using a high field 7 Tesla micro-MRI and a thin-sliced, optimized sequence protocol. We anticipate that micro-MRI will improve the ability to non-invasively quantify changes in pancreatic size and will dramatically reduce the number of animals required to serially assess pancreatic growth and recovery.© 2014 Paredes et al

    Effects of dietary fatty acids on insulin sensitivity and secretion

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    Globalization and global market have contributed to increased consumption of high-fat, energy-dense diets, particularly rich in saturated fatty acids( SFAs). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) regulate fuel partitioning within the cells by inducing their own oxidation through the reduction of lipogenic gene expression and the enhancement of the expression of those genes controlling lipid oxidation and thermogenesis. Moreover, PUFAs prevent insulin resistance by increasing membrane fluidity and GLUT4 transport. In contrast, SFAs are stored in non-adipocyte cells as triglycerides (TG) leading to cellular damage as a sequence of their lipotoxicity. Triglyceride accumulation in skeletal muscle cells (IMTG) derives from increased FA uptake coupled with deficient FA oxidation. High levels of circulating FAs enhance the expression of FA translocase the FA transport proteins within the myocites. The biochemical mechanisms responsible for lower fatty acid oxidation involve reduced carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT) activity, as a likely consequence of increased intracellular concentrations of malonyl-CoA; reduced glycogen synthase activity; and impairment of insulin signalling and glucose transport. The depletion of IMTG depots is strictly associated with an improvement of insulin sensitivity, via a reduced acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) mRNA expression and an increased GLUT4 expression and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity. In pancreatic islets, TG accumulation causes impairment of insulin secretion. In rat models, beta-cell dysfunction is related to increased triacylglycerol content in islets, increased production of nitric oxide, ceramide synthesis and beta-cell apoptosis. The decreased insulin gene promoter activity and binding of the pancreas-duodenum homeobox-1 (PDX-1) transcription factor to the insulin gene seem to mediate TG effect in islets. In humans, acute and prolonged effects of FAs on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion have been widely investigated as well as the effect of high-fat diets on insulin sensitivity and secretion and on the development of type 2 diabetes