178 research outputs found

    Efeito de cultivar e espaçamento em diferentes ambientes de produção de arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a performance de 3 cultivares contrastantes (BRSPrimavera, BRSMGCuringa e Douradão) e quatro espaçamentos entre linhas (0,25; 0,35; 0,45 e 0,55 cm) em quatro diferentes ambientes, CNPAF2 (sem deficiência hídrica), CNPAF, Porangatu e Formoso do Araguaia

    Software tools for project management: focus on collaborative management

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    Today, projects involve members from different geographical areas more than any other time in history. Thus, adequate Collaborative Project Management Software (CollabPMS) solutions are needed to enable individuals and organizations to manage, communicate and work together across time and space barriers. This article describes a set of managerial and collaborative functionalities that a CollabPMS should provide to support the complexities of a distributed project effectively. Out of hundreds software packages available in the market, four were selected, ProjectLibre, Redmine, Microsoft Project 2013 and Clarizen, to assess if they have the described functionalities. Clarizen can be considered the best software for managing distributed projects, because it provides, by default, all the managerial functions and the collaborative features that support the coordinated collaboration level. ProjectLibre was the software that less stood out in this evaluation, although it provides the majority of the outlined managerial functionalities it doesn't support any level of collaboration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ­Genotypic value in hybrid progenies of Panicum maximum Jacq.

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    Genetic breeding of forage plants has increasingly contributed to the release of more productive plants. In this regard, evaluating the genotypic value is essential when aiming to rank genotypes based on the mean free of environmental factors. Therefore, this study aimed to predict the genotypic value of agronomic and nutritive value characters of three progenies of Panicum maximum. Hybrids were evaluated in a clonal test in an incomplete-randomized design with three treatments (progenies 1, 2, and 3) and two replications (clones). Six harvests were performed at 25cm from the ground level throughout one year. Progeny 2 provided better results for total and leaf dry mass yield, regrowth, and height, and lower incidence of leaf spot. Progenies 1 and 3 had a better response for qualitative characters such as higher crude protein and digestibility and lower lignin and fiber content. Hybrid progenies of P. maximum have forage characters of interest for breeding, and when using ?Mombaça? grass as parents, the progeny stands out for leaf production and resistance to leaf spot and for ?Tanzania? grass as parent has resulted in better forage quality

    Caracterização química de biomassas residuais de macaúba para produção de biocarvão.

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    A macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) é uma palmeira nativa do cerrado brasileiro com grande potencial comercial, especialmente para a extração de óleos vegetais que podem ser destinados à produção de biocombustíveis ou para outros segmentos industriais. Biomassas residuais da macaúba são geradas no campo e no seu processamento industrial e podem ser convertidas em produtos com alto valor agregado, como biocarvões (biochar e carvão ativado)

    Simulation of macauba palm cultivation: an energy-balance and greenhouse gas emissions analysis

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    The expansion of the production and use of bioenergy is one of the most efficient mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Nevertheless, the environmental impact of the production processes for many raw materials remains unexplored. Several studies have pointed to macauba palm as a promising species for biofuel production in the tropics, but investigations on the environmental benefits of its cultivation have not been reported so far. In this work, an analysis of macauba production system in terms of GHG emissions and CO2 uptake has been conducted for a productive cycle. The energy conversion efficiency per unit area of land has been put in relationship with crop productivity and related to the dilution effect of production inputs. Simulation results estimate GHG emissions of 180 Mg CO2eq·ha-1 and a CO2 fixation ranging from 796 to 1137 Mg CO2eq·ha-1. The net energy balance would reach 512.3 GJ·ha-1 and energy efficiency would be 24.2 GJ·GJ-1. These results suggest that macauba would outperform traditional energy crops such as sugarcane, oil palm, sunflower, corn or jatropha in terms of efficiency. The domestication and exploitation in extensive farming of this species as an agroforestry crop, although still at an early stage, has a bright future

    Curva de dose resposta para atividade residual do herbicida diclosulam em girassol.

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    O bioensaio é um método de menor custo e de maior simplicidade para estimativa de resíduo de herbicida no solo. O herbicida diclosulam é um produto muito utilizado na agricultura pela sua eficiência no manejo de plantas daninhas, porém, o mesmo apresenta grande capacidade residual. O girassol (Helianthus annuus) é uma espécie bastante sensível ao diclosulam, podendo ser utilizado como planta bioindicadora

    Biochar e carvão ativado de endocarpo de macaúba: efeito da ativação na microestrutura e na capacidade de troca catiônica (pH 7).

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    A macaúba é uma oleaginosa nativa do Brasil de grande produtividade de óleo e outras biomassas. O endocarpo, produto residual da extração dos óleos da polpa e amêndoa, reúne características adequadas para produção de biocarvões (biochar e carvão ativado), produtos com grande aplicação tecnológica. Na agricultura, o biochar é útil para fixação de carbono e para promover a melhoria da qualidade do solo. Já os carvões ativados são utilizados principalmente como agentes adsorvedores