4 research outputs found

    Разработка математической модели узла гидрофторирования производства гексафторида урана

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    Cadmium poses a major environmental and human health threat because of its constant release through anthropogenic activities. A need, therefore, exists for cost-effective remediation procedures. Phytoremediation, the use of plants to extract contaminants from soils and groundwater, has revealed great potential. However, it is limited by the fact that plants need time, nutrient supply and, moreover, have a limited metal uptake capacity. Synthetic chelators have shown positive effects in enhancing heavy metal extraction through phytoremediation, but they have also revealed a vast number of negative side-effects. The objective of this research was to investigate the use of humic acids as an alternative to synthetic chelators. Humic acids were applied to a cadmium-contaminated soil at various dosages, and the uptake of cadmium into Nicotiana tabacum SR-1 was determined in relation to the amounts of total and bioavailable cadmium in the soil. It was found that the theoretical bioavailability of cadmium, as determined by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction, did not change, but its plant uptake was enhanced significantly, in some cases up to 65%. Humic acids added at a rate of 2 gkg(exp -1) soil increased the cadmium concentration in the shoots from 30.9 to 39.9 mg kg(exp -1). A possible reason for this enhancement is the decrease in pH, resulting in higher cadmium availability. Another possibility taken into account is that plants may take up cadmium complexes with humic acid fragments, which result from microbiological degradation or, self-dissociation

    Chelating agents to solubilize heavy metals from Oxisols contaminated by the addition of organic and inorganic residues Uso de quelantes na solubilização de metais pesados de Latossolos contaminados pela adição de resíduos orgânico e inorgânico

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    Phytoremediation is an attractive technique for soils contaminated with heavy metals, especially in conjunction with chelating agents to assist metal phytoextraction. Nevertheless, their studies in Brazil are rare. Thus, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the efficiency of the chelating agents EDDS and EDTA for the solubilization of heavy metals from two Oxisols contaminated by organic sources in Jaguariúna (LVJ) and inorganic sources in Paulínia (LVP), São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil. First, the soil samples were fractionated and the DTPA method was used to quantify heavy metals available forms. The results indicated that the metals were highly available in the soil fractions and could be solubilized by the chelating agents. The soil was suspended for 24 h in a chelating agent solution (EDTA or EDDS) at rates of 0, 250, 500 and 750 mg kg-1 of soil. The concentration of solubilized heavy metals was determined in the resulting solution. The extent of metal solubilization varied according to soil type, the chelating agent added and the specific metal. The amount of iron solubilized, as compared to the total iron (LVJ) was 11% (EDTA) and 19% (EDDS). EDDS solubilized more Cu than EDTA in both soils but more Ni in LVJ, while EDTA solubilized more Zn in both soils but more Cd in LVP. Both EDTA and EDDS may be useful for phytoextraction from soils, although the iron content is an important factor regarding the phytoextraction of heavy metals with chelating agents in Oxisols.<br>A fitoextração tem sido uma opção atrativa para remediar solos contaminados com metais pesados, principalmente quando associada à aplicação de quelantes ao solo, embora no Brasil seus estudos sejam muito incipientes. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência dos quelantes EDTA e EDDS na solubilização de metais pesados em Latossolos contaminados por Cu, Zn, Cd e Ni, cujas fontes de contaminação foram: orgânica em Jaguariúna (LVJ) e inorgânica em Paulínia (LVP). Antes da solubilização dos metais com os quelantes as amostras de solo foram submetidas ao fracionamento seqüencial e à extração dos metais pesados pelo método do DTPA. Ainda, as amostras dos dois solos foram agitadas com as soluções dos quelantes, por 24 h, usando as seguintes doses: 0, 250, 500 e 750 mg kg-1 de solo, realizando-se a determinação dos metais pesados no sobrenadante. Tanto a extração com DTPA como o fracionamento seqüencial indicaram que os metais estavam nas frações disponíveis que poderiam ser solubilizados pelos quelantes. As quantidades solubilizadas de Cu, Fe, Zn e Ni variaram em função do tipo de solo, dos quelantes e das doses aplicadas. A solubilização do Fe em relação ao seu teor total no LVJ foi de 11% (EDTA) e 19% (EDDS). O EDDS solubilizou mais Cu em ambos os solos e Ni no LVJ, enquanto o EDTA apresentou maior solubilização do Zn também em ambos os solos e do Cd no LVP. Portanto, a utilização de tais complexantes pode ser promissora na fitoextração de metais em solos, mas a avaliação da concentração de Fe no solo torna-se importante quando se utiliza a técnica de fitoextração assistida por quelantes para remediar Latossolos contaminados com metais