17 research outputs found

    Os vinte principais mercados para exportação agrícola no futuro.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar e classificar quais serão os 20 maiores mercados mundiais importadores de produtos agrícolas e agroindustriais, bem como indicar os produtos brasileiros com maior potencial de exportação para cada um desses mercados. Para tanto, utilizou-se a lista dos 20 maiores importadores desses produtos, no ano de 2010, e aplicaram-se 11 indicadores de ordem econÎmica, financeira e social para se obter a classificação dos mercados mais interessantes como importadores. As fontes dos dados foram: Estatísticas de Comercio Exterior do Agronegócio Brasileiro (Agrostat), Trade Statistics for International Business Development (Trademap), World Economic OutLook Data Base, do Fundo Monetårio Internacional, Doing Business, do Banco Mundial, e Programa das NaçÔes Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (Pnud). Os resultados indicaram os 20 mais interessantes mercados mundiais para efeito de priorização das exportaçÔes dos mencionados produtos, no presente e no futuro, bem como os países para os quais as exportaçÔes brasileiras podem aumentar

    The role of environmental filtering, geographic distance and dispersal barriers in shaping the turnover of plant and animal species in Amazonia

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    To determine the effect of rivers, environmental conditions, and isolation by distance on the distribution of species in Amazonia. Location: Brazilian Amazonia. Time period: Current. Major taxa studied: Birds, fishes, bats, ants, termites, butterflies, ferns + lycophytes, gingers and palms. We compiled a unique dataset of biotic and abiotic information from 822 plots spread over the Brazilian Amazon. We evaluated the effects of environment, geographic distance and dispersal barriers (rivers) on assemblage composition of animal and plant taxa using multivariate techniques and distance- and raw-data-based regression approaches. Environmental variables (soil/water), geographic distance, and rivers were associated with the distribution of most taxa. The wide and relatively old Amazon River tended to determine differences in community composition for most biological groups. Despite this association, environment and geographic distance were generally more important than rivers in explaining the changes in species composition. The results from multi-taxa comparisons suggest that variation in community composition in Amazonia reflects both dispersal limitation (isolation by distance or by large rivers) and the adaptation of species to local environmental conditions. Larger and older river barriers influenced the distribution of species. However, in general this effect is weaker than the effects of environmental gradients or geographical distance at broad scales in Amazonia, but the relative importance of each of these processes varies among biological groups

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Behavioral and Psychosocial Correlates of HIV Testing Among Male Clients of Female Sex Workers in Tijuana, Mexico

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    We use data collected from a sample of 400 male clients of female sex workers (FSW) to examine their HIV testing behavior. We present frequencies of HIV testing and used bivariate and multivariable analyses to assess its socio-demographic, behavioral, and psychosocial correlates. We found that the majority (55%) of male clients of FSW in Tijuana, Mexico had never had an HIV test and the prevalence of HIV testing within the past year was low (9%). In multivariable analyses, significant correlates of having ever tested for HIV were higher age, higher HIV knowledge score, lower sexual compulsiveness score, lower misogynistic attitudes score, having a condom break during sex with a FSW, and higher frequency of sex with a FSW while she was high. Our findings represent an important starting point for developing effective interventions to address the need to promote HIV testing among this population

    Screening for Dissociative Disorders in Psychiatric Out- and Day Care-Patients

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    Dissociative disorders are frequent and clinically relevant conditions in psychiatric populations. Yet, their recognition in clinical practice is often poor. This study evaluated the performance of three well known and internationally used dissociation scales in screening for dissociative disorders. Consecutively treated out- and day care-patients (n = 160) from several psychiatric units in Switzerland completed the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES), Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20), and Multidimensional Inventory for Dissociation (MID). The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders-Revised (SCID-D-R) was then administered. Test performance of the scales was analyzed by receiver operating characteristic curves. The diagnostic accuracy, represented by the area under the curve, did not differ significantly between the three summary scales. Cut-off scores for detecting at least 80 % of any dissociative disorder and dissociative disorder-not-otherwise-specified/dissociative identity disorder, respectively, were 12 and 20 for the DES, 30 and 33 for the SDQ-20, and 28 and 28 for the MID summary scale. The diagnostic accuracy of the DES subscale ‘absorption’ and the MID subscale ‘somatic symptoms’ was equal or slightly lower than the corresponding summary scale. The DES, SDQ-20, and MID summary scales are suitable in screening for dissociative disorders in general psychiatric out- and day care-patients. Adequate cut-off scores in the German-adapted DES are lower than in non-German versions. Screening with the DES subscale ‘absorption’ and the MID subscale ‘somatic symptoms’ could be more efficient without the loss of diagnostic accuracy