11 research outputs found

    Botanique. Compte rendu de l'herborisation du 10 mai à Viviers (Ardèche)

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    Espine Urbain. Botanique. Compte rendu de l'herborisation du 10 mai à Viviers (Ardèche) . In: Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, 39ᵉ année, n°7, septembre 1970. pp. 35-37

    Ministères ecclésiastiques divers et consécration

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    Espine Henri d'. Ministères ecclésiastiques divers et consécration. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 36e année n°3,1956. Hommage au Professeur Jean-Daniel Benoît à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire. pp. 179-185

    Essai statistique sur la mortalité du canton de Genève pendant l'année 1838 : considérée tant en général que sous le rapport nosologique

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    par Marc d'EspineAus: Annales d'hygiène publique ; 23,

    Grundriss der Kinderkrankheiten für praktische Ärzte und Studirende

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    von A. d'Espine und C. Picot. Hrsg. von S. EhrenhausAus dem Franz. übers

    Contribution à l'étude de la septicémie puerpérale, par le Dr H.-A. d'Espine,...

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    Contient une table des matièresAvec mode text

    Aprendizaje Basado en la Investigación: caso UNEMI

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    This research work stems from the need raised in the various regulations established in Ecuador, where the urgency of transforming the national education system through the development of research in higher education, making the use Based Learning evidenced research (ABI), in a good teaching strategy to achieve an end. It is intended to demonstrate the relationship between the increase in teaching scientific production and use of teaching methods Based Learning Research within the learning process in the classrooms of the State University of Milagro, UNEMI, in order to contribute to the creation of new knowledge. It is a qualitative and quantitative research transversal, which had 304 students as participants. ABI Questionnaire, created by the authors, and the data were analyzed through SPSS software was used. The results indicate the growth in the use of scientific papers by students (76.32%) and increased scientific production of teachers. It is concluded that there is a relationship between students using more scientific information to perform their autonomous work and teachers who share their research in the classroo