71 research outputs found

    BTN1A1 , FABP3 and TG genes polymorphism in East Anatolian red cattle breed and South Anatolian red cattle breed

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    The aim of the study was to determine butyrophilin, thyroglobulin and fatty acid binding protein genes in East Anatolian Red cattle breed and South Anatolian Red cattle breed. In the study, unrelated 50 South Anatolian red and 50 East Anatolian red cattle were used. Genomic DNA was isolated from whole blood using standart salt-out protocol. The polymerase chain reaction technique was used for gene amplification. Allele and genotype distribution and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was calculated by using PopGene32 software program. For BTN1A1 gene, A allele frequency was higher in East Anatolian red (EAR) and South Anatolian red (SAR) cattles. In TG gene, T allele frequency was higher in SAR breed but this frequency was lower in EAR cattle breed. For FABP3 gene, G allele frequency was lower in SAR breed but it was higher in EAR breed. The presented results should be confirmed in future investigations, taking into consideration all possible genotype at different loci and using other restriction enzymes for recognizing the variants.Keywords: BTN1A1, TG, FABP3, cattle, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment lenght polymorphism (PCR-RFLP)African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(20), pp. 2802-280

    Genotipske i alelske frekvencije polimorfizama u ABCG2, PPARGC1A i OLR1 genima kod domaćih rasa goveda u Turskoj

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    This study was carried out to determine polymorphisms of four genes in South Anatolian Red (SAR) and East Anatolian Red (EAR) indigenous cattle breeds in Turkey. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) mtor gamma coactivator 1 alpha (PPARGC1A) gene and g.8232C>A in oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor 1 (OLR1) gene. The frequency of the ancestral allele A of the ABCG2 gene Y581S polymorphism was found to be very high (SAR: 0.63; EAR: 0.64) in both cattle breeds. The CC genotypes of PPARGC1A gene c.1892T>C (SAR: 0.65; EAR: 0.80) and OLR1 gene g.8232C>A polymorphisms (SAR: 0.82; EAR: 0.86), which are associated with high milk fat percentage, had higher frequencies than those of the other genotypes. In conclusion, onitored in this study are Y581S in ATP binding cassette sub family G member 2 (ABCG2) gene, c.1892T>C and c.3359A>C in peroxisome proliferator-activated recepwe might suggest that the allele distribution of the ABCG2 gene Y581S polymorphism can be the evidence indicating autosomal gene flow from zebu cattle to SAR and EAR cattle breeds.Studija je obavljena u cilju određivanja polimorfi zma četiri gena kod južne anadolijske crvene (SAR) i istočne anadolijske crvene (EAR) domaće rase goveda u Turskoj. Pojedinačni nukleotidni polimorfi zmi (SNPs) koji su posmatrani u ovoj studiji su Y581S u ATP vezujućoj kaseti podfamilije G člana 2 (ABCG2) gena, c.1892T>C i c.3359A>C u PPARGC1A genu i g.8232C>A u genu za oksidisani lipoproteinski receptor male gustine (OLR1). Ustanovljeno je da je učestalost polimorfi zma alela A predaka ABCG2 gena Y581S veoma visoka (SAR: 0.63; EAR:0.64) i to kod obe rase goveda. Učestalost polimorfi zama CC genotipova PPARGC1A gena c. 1982T>C (SAR: 0.65; EAR: 0.80) i OLR1 gena g.8232C>A (SAR: 0.82; EAR: 0.86) koji su povezani sa visokim procentom masti u mleku, bile su veće u poređenju sa drugim genotipovima. U zaključku može da se sugeriše da distribucija polimorfi zma alela ABCG2 gena Y581S može da bude pokazatelj putanje autozomnog gena od zebu govečeta do SAR i EAR rasa goveda