1,127 research outputs found

    Automatic threshold determination for a local approach of change detection in long-term signal recordings

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    CUSUM (cumulative sum) is a well-known method that can be used to detect changes in a signal when the parameters of this signal are known. This paper presents an adaptation of the CUSUM-based change detection algorithms to long-term signal recordings where the various hypotheses contained in the signal are unknown. The starting point of the work was the dynamic cumulative sum (DCS) algorithm, previously developed for application to long-term electromyography (EMG) recordings. DCS has been improved in two ways. The first was a new procedure to estimate the distribution parameters to ensure the respect of the detectability property. The second was the definition of two separate, automatically determined thresholds. One of them (lower threshold) acted to stop the estimation process, the other one (upper threshold) was applied to the detection function. The automatic determination of the thresholds was based on the Kullback-Leibler distance which gives information about the distance between the detected segments (events). Tests on simulated data demonstrated the efficiency of these improvements of the DCS algorithm

    IL23 and TGF-ß diminish macrophage associated metastasis in pancreatic carcinoma

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    Abstract The precise role of tumor associated macrophages remains unclear in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) while TGF-ß has an unclear role in metastases formation. In order to understand the role of IL23, an interleukin associated with macrophage polarization, we investigated IL23 in the context of TGF-ß expression in PDAC. We hypothesized that IL23 expression is associated with metastatic development and survival in PDAC. We investigated IL23 and TGF-ß protein expression on resected PDAC patient tumor sections who were divided into short-term (30 months) survivors. Panc-1 cells treated with IL23, TGF-ß, macrophages, or combinations thereof, were orthotopically implanted into NSG mice. Patients in the long-term survivor group had higher IL23 protein expression (P = 0.01). IL23 expression was linearly correlated with TGF-ß expression in patients in the short-term survivor group (P = 0.038). Macrophages induce a higher rate of PDAC metastasis in the mouse model (P = 0.02), which is abrogated by IL23 and TGF-ß treatment (P < 0.001). Macrophages serve a critical role in PDAC tumor growth and metastasis. TGF-ß contributes to a less tumorigenic TME through regulation of macrophages. Macrophages increases PDAC primary tumor growth and metastases formation while combined IL23 and TGF-ß pre-treatment diminishes these processes

    Correlation of cutaneous tension distribution and tissue oxygenation with acute external tissue expansion

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    Today, the biomechanical fundamentals of skin expansion are based on viscoelastic models of the skin. Although many studies have been conducted in vitro, analyses performed in vivo are rare. Here, we present in vivo measurements of the expansion at the skin surface as well as measurement of the corresponding intracutaneous oxygen partial pressure. In our study the average skin stretching was 24%, with a standard deviation of 11%, excluding age or gender dependency. The measurement of intracutaneous oxygen partial pressure produced strong inter-individual fluctuations, including initial values at the beginning of the measurement, as well as varying individual patient reactions to expansion of the skin. Taken together, we propose that even large defect wounds can be closed successfully using the mass displacement caused by expansion especially in areas where soft, voluminous tissue layers are present

    Cardiovascular Dynamics in Crocodylus porosus Breathing Air and During Voluntary Aerobic Dives

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    Pressure records from the heart and outflow vessels of the heart of Crocodylus porosus resolve previously conflicting results, showing that left aortic filling via the foramen of Panizza may occur during both cardiac diastole and systole. Filling of the left aorta during diastole, identified by the asynchrony and comparative shape of pressure events in the left and right aortae, is reconciled more easily with the anatomy, which suggests that the foramen would be occluded by opening of the pocket valves at the base of the right aorta during systole. Filling during systole, indicated when pressure traces in the left and right aortae could be superimposed, was associated with lower systemic pressures, which may occur at the end of a voluntary aerobic dive or can be induced by lowering water temperature or during a long forced dive. To explain this flexibility, we propose that the foramen of Panizza is of variable calibre. The presence of a 'right-left' shunt, in which increased right ventricular pressure leads to blood being diverted from the lungs and exiting the right ventricle via the left aorta, was found to be a frequent though not obligate correlate of voluntary aerobic dives. This contrasts with the previous concept of the shunt as a correlate of diving bradycardia. The magnitude of the shunt is difficult to assess but is likely to be relatively small. This information has allowed some new insights into the functional significance of the complex anatomy of the crocodilian heart and major blood vessels

    Additive Antinociceptive Effects of a Combination of Vitamin C and Vitamin E after Peripheral Nerve Injury

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    Accumulating evidence indicates that increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) contributes to the development of exaggerated pain hypersensitivity during persistent pain. In the present study, we investigated the antinociceptive efficacy of the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E in mouse models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. We show that systemic administration of a combination of vitamins C and E inhibited the early behavioral responses to formalin injection and the neuropathic pain behavior after peripheral nerve injury, but not the inflammatory pain behavior induced by Complete Freund's Adjuvant. In contrast, vitamin C or vitamin E given alone failed to affect the nociceptive behavior in all tested models. The attenuated neuropathic pain behavior induced by the vitamin C and E combination was paralleled by a reduced p38 phosphorylation in the spinal cord and in dorsal root ganglia, and was also observed after intrathecal injection of the vitamins. Moreover, the vitamin C and E combination ameliorated the allodynia induced by an intrathecally delivered ROS donor. Our results suggest that administration of vitamins C and E in combination may exert synergistic antinociceptive effects, and further indicate that ROS essentially contribute to nociceptive processing in special pain states

    Epithelioid Angiosarcoma of the Small Intestine After Occupational Exposure to Radiation and Polyvinyl Chloride: A case Report and Review of Literature

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    Angiosarcomas represent 1–2% of soft tissue sarcomas and most frequently occur in the subcutis. They may affect internal organs, such as the heart, liver, and spleen, and only rarely do they emerge in the gastrointestinal tract. The association between angiosarcomas and certain toxic chemical substances or previous external-beam radiation therapy is well documented
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