23 research outputs found

    The Frequency and Distribution of Idiopathic Osteosclerosis of the Jaw

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    Objectives: To determine the prevalence of idiopathic osteosclerosis (IO) in the jaw by radiographic evaluation and to investigate the relationship between the findings in relation to age, gender, and localization. Methods: The study included 2,211 panoramic radiographs obtained from the patients (915 men and 1,296 women) whose ages ranged from 10-77 and who visited the Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology in the Faculty of Dentistry, Erciyes University between 2008 and 2009. Results: Of 2,211 patients, 135 patients (6.1%) had IO. The prevalence obtained in our study was in the range reported in the literature. IO was detected more often in mandible rather than the maxilla. In addition, mandibular molar localization was the most common localization, and most of the lesions were associated with root apices. Conclusions: In view of the findings, IO can be defined as developmental variations of normal bony architecture, which are unrelated to local stimuli. The lesions can arise at any age, any location with no sex predilection, and IO usually requires no treatment other than diagnosis. Because all these lesions were located in the jaw and could only is detected in panoramic evaluations, this indicates the importance of careful diagnostic evaluation of radiographies in dental examinations

    Detection of bifid mandibular condyle using computed tomography

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    Objective: To determine the frequency and characteristics of bifid mandibular condyle (BMC) using computed tomography (CT) evaluation. Study Design: A retrospective study was carried out using the CT records of 550 patients referred to the Medical School of Erciyes University (Kayseri, Turkey) between 2007 and 2010. T-tests were used to compare frequency of BMC between the left and right sides and between female and male patients. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software and a chi-squared test. Results: Of the 550 Patients, 10 patients (1.82%) were found to have BMCs. Five patients were female (50%) and five were male (50%). Of these 10 patients, 7 (70%) had unilateral and 3 (30%) had bilateral BMCs. As a result, a total of 13 BMCs were found in 10 patients. No statistically significant differences were found between either the right- and left-sided BMCs or between female and male patients (p >.05). Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first retrospective study investigating the prevalence and characteristics of BMC using computed tomography. Although BMC is an uncommon anomaly, it may be a more frequent condition in the Turkish population. Further studies and research on the orientation of duplicated condylar heads should be carried out

    The prevalence of pulp stones in a Turkish population. A radiographic survey

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    Objectives: The goal of this retrospective study was to determine the prevalence of pulp stones in a Turkish population. Any possible associations between pulp stones and gender, tooth type and dental arch were also evaluated. Study Design: Four hundred and sixty nine patients' bitewing radiographs which were reached through the patient database of Erciyes University Dentistry School, Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology were examined. Of these 469 subjects whose mean age was 24(± 10.7), 302 were females and 167 were males. A total of 6,926 teeth were examined during this study. Pulp stones were recorded as present or absent and any relations with gender, tooth type and dental arch were noted. Results: Pulp stones were identified in 270 (57.6 %) of the subjects and in 1,038 (15 %) of the teeth examined. Their presence were seldom found in the premolars (9.07%) but was much higher in the molars (90.92 %). Pulp stone occurrence was significantly more common in the first molars than in the second molars, and in the first premolars than in the second premolars in each dental arch. Their occurrence was higher in the maxilla than in the mandible for each tooth type. No difference between the two genders could be identified. Conclusion: Pulp stones are not only incidental radiographic findings of the pulp tissue but may also be an indicator of some serious underlying disease. On the other hand, they may provide useful information to predict about the susceptibility of patients for other dystrophic soft tissue calcifications such as urinary calculi and calcified atheromas. However, further study on this issue is needed. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Detection of incidental carotid artery calcifications during dental examinations: Panoramic radiography as an important aid in dentistry

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    Objective. This study aimed to determine the diagnostic reliability of panoramic radiographs (PRs) in the detection of carotid artery calcifications (CACs) during routine dental examination by comparing them with color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) examination as the criterion standard. The correlations between CAC formation and systemic diseases, body mass index, smoking, and age were also examined

    Bilateral bifid mandibular condyle: Report of a case with condylar fractures

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    Bifid mandibular condyle is an uncommon anatomic variation with a varied etiology implicated with its development. It can be symptomatic or the majority of the cases are diagnosed incidentally during radiographic examination. Bifid mandibular condyle may have a developmental origin or may occur secondary to trauma. The purpose of this paper is to report a case with bilateral bifid mandibular condyles associated with a history of condylar fractures presented with computed tomography and panoramic radiography findings

    Investigation and differential diagnosis of Stafne bone cavities with cone beam computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging: Report of two cases

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    Stafne bone cavity (SBC), commonly known as Stafne bone cyst or defect is mostly asymptomatic, appearing as a unilateral, round or ovoid, radiolucent defect with thick and corticated border. Defects that are referred as pseudocysts generally occur in mandibular molar region, below the mandibular canal at the lingual side of the mandible and may grow slowly in time. They have been also located lingually in the anterior mandible above the mylohyoid muscle, and on the ascending ramus just inferior to mandibular condyle or very rarely buccal region of the ascending ramus. The aim of this case report is to present two unusual cases of SBC detected incidentally during radiographic examination with cone beam computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings. In the first case, significant enlargement caused vestibular resorption of the buccal cortex, which is a rare finding with SBCs and in the second case the large bone resorption reached up to the mental foramen

    An unusual peripheral osteoma of the mandibular notch: a case report with computed tomography evaluation

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    An osteoma, a slow-growing benign osseous neoplasm of the bone, is characterized by a proliferation of osteoblasts that form bone trabeculae in the connective tissue stroma. It is an uncommon condition that generally occurs in the maxillofacial bones. This neoplasm may be clinically silent for years without any symptoms. It is usually diagnosed when it becomes enlarged and is incidentally observed during a radiological examination. The radiographic characteristic of the lesion is a well circumscribed round or oval radiopaque mass. In this paper, we present a case of an unusual localization of a peripheral osteoma incidentally detected during radiographic examination with subsequent three-dimensional computed tomography evaluation