18 research outputs found

    Analysis of autapomorphic point mutations provides a key for the tangled taxonomic distinction of the closely related species, Euplotes crassus, E. minuta and E. vannus (Ciliophora, Euplotida)

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    A well-defined clade of the Euplotes phylogenetic tree is represented by marine species characterized by a single-type dargyrome and ten fronto-ventral cirri. Three of them, namely Euplotes crassus, E. minuta and E. vannus, form a complex of closely related species of large use in experimental ciliatology. Despite morphometric and genetic analyses having substantiated their taxonomic separation, ambiguities still persist in strain assignments to one or another species. In addition to objective reasons intrinsic to significant overlapping of most morphological parameters, ambiguities also result from divergences (inherited from past literature) in deciding which of the two morphotypes, E. crassus or E. vannus, is characterized by a larger or a medium cell body size (E. minuta being clearly distinct by a smaller morphotype). By analysing nuclear SSU-rRNA gene and ITS region sequences from 37 strains, previously assigned to E. crassus, E. minuta and E. vannus based on conventional taxonomic parameters, we identified and used ITS autapomorphic point mutations to design three species-specific primers. In combination with an Euplotes-generic primer, they proved to be very effective in running polymerase chain reactions that produce amplicons of species-specific size that reliably resolve ambiguities in assigning strains to E. crassus, E. minuta or E. vannus

    Biogeography and Character Evolution of the Ciliate Genus Euplotes (Spirotrichea, Euplotia), with Description of Euplotes curdsi sp. nov.

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    Ciliates comprise a diverse and ecologically important phylum of unicellular protists. One of the most specious and best-defined genera is Euplotes, which constitutes more than 70 morphospecies, many of which have never been molecularly tested. The increasing number of described Euplotes taxa emphasizes the importance for detailed characterizations of new ones, requiring standardized morphological observations, sequencing of molecular markers and careful comparison with previous literature. Here we describe Euplotes curdsi sp. nov., distinguishable by the combination of the following features: 45±65 μm length, oval or elongated shape with both ends rounded, narrow peristome with 25±34 adoral membranelles, conspicuous paroral membrane, double-eurystomus dorsal argyrome type, 6±7 dorsolateral kineties and 10 frontoventral cirri. Three populations of the novel species have been found in brackish and marine samples in the Mediterranean and the White Sea. We provide the SSU rRNA gene sequences of these populations, and an updated phylogeny of the genus Euplotes. Using the molecular phylogenetic tree, we inferred aspects of the biogeographical history of the genus and the evolution of its most important taxonomic characters in order to provide a frame for future descriptions. Ultimately, these data reveal recurrent trends of freshwater invasion and highlight the dynamic, yet convergent, morphological evolution of Euplotes

    Non-adaptive behavior of isotropically heated, inert populations of Oxytricha bifaria (Ciliophora, Stichotrichia)

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    The physiological effects on isotropically heated populations of Oxytricha bifaria cultured at 24 degrees C were investigated. At 34.6 degrees C ciliates became inert, and did not adaptively react to either cold or warm microgradients; they neither moved towards the favorable cold thermal source nor escaped from the unfavorable warm one. The inert oxytrichas were only able to perform the Side-Stepping Reaction (SSR) on the same spot. However, mobile ciliates at 31.6 degrees C reacted to the cold microgradient by immediately orienting themselves towards its source, without accelerating but reducing their SSR frequency. Moreover, in a warm microgradient such ciliates immediately increased their SSR frequency, then moved away from the thermal source. At 34.6 degrees C the behavior of ciliates was not-adaptive--not acting to guide the organisms to more favorable conditions--whereas at 31.6 degrees C it was still clearly adaptive. Therefore, the locomotory inertness of the oxytrichas at 34.6 degrees C was the result of thermal stress rather than their behavioral response to the environmental isotropy, in contrast to populations of the same species made inert at 9 degrees

    Effects of gasteropod predation on the reproductive output of an overexploited deep octocoral

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    The study presented herein is aimed at quantifying the effects of the partial predation exerted by the gastropod Pseudosimnia carnea on the reproductive features of the highly valuable, slow-growing, and long-lived red coral, Corallium rubrum. Seventy-five colonies were collected just before annual spawning from a red coral population living between 85 and 90 m deep in the NW Mediterranean; of these, 35 % were affected by P. carnea. Female colonies were more frequently preyed upon than males (3:1 ratio). Overall, 1,100 polyps were dissected and examined for their reproductive content. The mean number of polyps per colony and the mean fecundity of female polyps and colonies were significantly reduced by gastropod predation, which affected colonies independently of their size; in particular, colony fecundity was reduced by 81 %. The consequent reduction in population reproductive output is likely to have long-term effects on preyed-upon populations and thereby limit their resilience to intense commercial harvesting

    Preferenze alimentari in Bombyx mori: saggi comportamentali

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    Le larve del baco da seta (Bombyx mori L.) sono strettamente monofaghe, infeudate al gelso (Morus spp.) e legate alla presenza di foglia fresca. I dati presentati riguardano lo studio dell’attrattività da parte di alcuni ceppi del baco da seta (due cinesi, due giapponesi e due poliibridi) nei confronti di diete sostitutive, preparate con diverse percentuali di polvere di foglia di gelso essiccata (da 0% a 40%). Lo scopo è quello di determinare il ceppo/i con le migliori “prestazioni” verso la dieta contenente la minor percentuale di gelso compatibile con lo sviluppo dell’organismo. L’indagine è eseguita su larve in I età in condizioni chimico-fisiche controllate. I valori più alti di affluenza al cibo sono stati raggiunti dai ceppi giapponesi, indipendentemente dalla percentuale di gelso; per gli altri ceppi l’attrattività aumenta proporzionalmente alla quantità di gelso presente. Per meglio comprendere i fattori che possono essere responsabili di questo comportamento, su tre diete (0%, 25% e 40%) è stata eseguita, per ogni ceppo, un’analisi delle traiettorie percorse dalle larve per il raggiungimento della dieta. Lo sviluppo cinematico e geometrico della locomozione dell’organismo sono studiati tramite i seguenti indici: l’indice geometrico, che esprime il rapporto tra la distanza dal punto iniziale al punto finale del percorso (D) e la lunghezza (L) effettiva del tragitto (Ig = D/L), descrivendo la geometria complessiva della traettoria seguita; l’indice cinetico (Ik= L/t), che esprime la velocità media della larva; il tasso di dislocazione (Rd = Ik . Ig = D/t), che esprime il tasso di spostamento teorico dell’organismo indipendentemente dalla geometria della traettoria e dalla velocità effettiva posseduta. I risultati ottenuti indicano che, per quanto concerne l’efficienza geometrica del percorso, non esistono differenze significative tra i vari ceppi. Per quanto riguarda l’indice cinetico sono riscontrate delle differenze significative: in particolare, il ceppo cinese 121 risulta più veloce quanto più è bassa la percentuale di gelso, mentre il ceppo giapponese 71 è tanto più veloce quanto maggiore è la quantità di gelso nella dieta. Gli altri ceppi mostrano un comportamento intermedio. In conclusione, si può affermare che il sistema di analisi applicato in questo studio è in grado di fornire indicazioni utili per la scelta del ceppo e della percentuale di gelso idonei per l’allevamento del baco da seta con dieta sostitutiva