17 research outputs found
Comparison of two suturing techniques in tracheobronchial anastomosis following the wedge carinal resection in dogs
Tracheobronchial resection in humans is a still problem in lung cancer invading the carina, because there is not a standard surgical procedure. This study aimed to compare postoperative complications and histopathological results of simple continuous and simple interrupted suturing techniques in tracheobronchial anastomosis following the wedge carinal resection in dogs. Twelve mongrel dogs were divided into A and B groups. Right pneumonectomy with wedge carinal resection technique was performed under general anesthesia, and then tracheobronchial resection line was sutured simple continuously in group A and simple interruptedly in group B. The dogs were checked during two months in terms of postoperative complications, and euthanized at the end of two months to evaluate tracheobronchial anastomosis lines histopathologically. No postoperative complication was encountered in group A; but, 2 dogs in group B died due to respiratory failure on postoperative 4(th) and 12(th) days. Autopsy of the dogs revealed tracheobronchial dehiscence and opening of the simple interrupted suturing line, which was considered operative technique failure of suturing. Histopathologically, the sections taken from tracheobronchial anastomosis line had similar microscopic results in both group. Statistically, Fisher's exact test was applied between groups to determine the differences with regard to postoperative complications and histopathological results. There was no statistically significant differences between the groups in postoperative complications and histopathological results. In conclusion, operative technique failure of suturing is still common in tracheobronchial anastomosis; however, taking the histopathological results of the study into consideration, it has been implied that both suturing technique can be performed in tracheobronchial anastomosis following the wedge carinal resection.Standart bir cerrahi prosedür olmadığından dolayı insanlarda karinaya yayılmış akciğer kanserlerinde trakeobronşiyal rezeksiyon hala problemdir. Bu çalışma köpeklerde kama karinal rezeksiyon sonrası trakeobronşiyal anastomozda basit sürekli ve basit ayrı dikiş tekniklerinin postoperatif komplikasyon ve histopatolojik bulgularını karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Oniki melez köpek A ve B gruplarına ayrıldı. Kama karinal rezeksiyon tekniği ile genel anestezi altında sağ pnömonektomi yapıldı ve sonrasında trakeobronşiyal rezeksiyon hattı grup A’da basit sürekli ve grup B’de basit ayrı olarak dikildi. Köpekler postoperatif komplikasyonlar bakımından iki ay boyunca kontrol edildi ve ikinci ayın sonunda trakeobronşiyal anastomoz hattını histopatolojik olarak değerlendirmek için ötenazi edildi. Grup A’da postoperatif komplikasyon görülmedi ancak grup B’de 2 köpek postoperatif 4 ve 12. günlerde solunum yetmezliğinden dolayı öldü. Köpeklerin otopsisi trakeobronşiyal dikiş hattında bozulma ve dikiş uygulamasının operatif teknik başarısızlığı olarak düşünülen basit ayrı dikiş uygulanan hattın açıklığını ortaya çıkardı. Histopatolojik olarak, trakeobronşiyal anastomoz hattından alınan kesitler her iki grupta benzer mikroskopik bulguları gösterdi. İstatistik olarak, postoperatif komplikasyon ve histopatolojik bulgular yönünden gruplar arasındaki farklılıkları belirlemek için Fisher’in kesin testi uygulandı. Postoperatif komplikasyon ve histopatolojik bulgularda gruplar arasında istatistik olarak önemli farklılık bulunmadı. Sonuç olarak dikiş uygulamasının operatif teknik başarısızlığı trakeobronşiyal anastomozda hala yaygındır. Ancak, çalışmanın histopatolojik bulguları göz önüne alındığında kama karinal rezeksiyon sonrası trakeobronşiyal anastomozda her iki dikiş tekniğin kullanılabileceği kanısına varıldı
Effects of Topical Thymoquinone in an Experimental Dry Eye Model
Objectives:To comparatively evaluate the effects of thymoquinone (TQ), the biologically active main component of volatile oil derived from Nigella sativa seeds, in an experimental dry eye model.Materials and Methods:A total of 36 BALB/c mice 10 weeks of age were used in the study. The mice were divided into 6 groups of 6 mice. Two groups were negative and positive controls, and the other 4 groups were treated with balanced salt solution, fluorometholone (FML), TQ, or vehicle (Tween80). After 1 week of treatment, the mice were killed and the eyes removed for histopathologic examination and cytokine analysis. Interleukin (IL)-1α tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, and lactoferrin levels in the conjunctival tissue were measured by multiplex immunobead assay. The presence of inflammatory cells in ocular tissue samples were investigated by hematoxylin-eosin and periodic acid-Schiff staining. Inflammatory T cells containing CXT receptor in the conjunctiva were determined by flow cytometry.Results:FLML and TQ groups had less inflammatory cell density and more goblet cells compared to the other groups. High levels of IL-1α and IL-2 were found in the TQ group.Conclusion:TQ treatment was associated with reduced inflammation in pathological examination, but did not significant lower cytokine levels
Türk Yumuşak Güç ve Kamu Diplomasisinin Yükseliş ve Düşüşü
This article explores Turkey’s public diplomacy and soft power policies under the government of the Justice and Development Party (JDP) over the period of 2003 to 2016. Thus, Turkish foreign policy is analysed within the framework of soft power policy and the new institutional design of the country’s public diplomacy. The main research questions of the study are as follows: “What are Turkey’s public diplomacy mechanisms and instruments, and furthermore, why did Turkey begin to implement public diplomacy under the JDP governments? Additionally, how does Turkey implement soft power policies in line with the new foreign policy doctrine?” The study has two fundamental arguments: First, the JDP leaders’ ambition to become a regional power and the leader of the Middle East and Muslim world has played the chief role in pushing forward with public diplomacy and soft power policies. Secondly, the new vision and identity of the ruling party leaders have been effective in the transformation process for a shift towards soft power and public diplomacy in new foreign policy doctrine within a modern understanding. In this context, the JDP rule initiated public diplomacy and soft power policies until the Arab Spring, which era could characterize the rise of Turkish soft power. However, Turkish soft power began to fall particularly in the wake of the Syrian crisis.Bu makale 2003-2016 yılları arasındaki AK Parti döneminde uygulanan Türkiye’nin kamu diplomasisi ve yumuşak güç politikalarını analiz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda araştırmada yumuşak güç kavramı ve kamu diplomasisinin yeni kurumsal mekanizmaları çerçevesinde Türk dış politikasının analiz edilmesi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışma için şu temel araştırma soruları belirlenmiştir: Türkiye’nin kamu diplomasisi mekanizmaları ve araçları nelerdir?, Neden Türkiye, AK Parti döneminde kamu diplomasisi politikası uygulama gereğini duymuştur?, ayrıca Türkiye, yumuşak güç politikasını nasıl yeni dış politika doktrini düzleminde uygulamıştır? Bu çerçevede iki temel argüman geliştirilmiştir: Birincisi, kamu diplomasisi ve yumuşak güç politikalarının uygulanmasını sağlayan motivasyon, AK Parti liderlerinin Müslüman Ortadoğu’da bölgesel güç ve İslam dünyasının lideri olma ideali olmuştur. İkincisi, AK Parti liderlerinin yeni vizyon ve kimliği, kamu diplomasisi ve yumuşak güç temelli dış politika doktrinini dönüştürmüştür. Arap Baharı sürecine kadar AK Parti hükümetleri, kamu diplomasisi ve yumuşak güç politikalarını uygulamıştır. Ancak Suriye krizi, Türkiye’nin komşularla sıfır sorun, serbest ticaret bölgesi inşa etme gibi yumuşak güç politikalarının sonunu getirmiştir. Bundan sonra hükümetin sert güç politikalarını uygulamaya geçmesiyle birlikte Türk dış politikasında 2003 ile 2011 arası yükselişte olan yumuşak gücün düşüşü başlamıştır
The success of surgery in the first 24 hours in patients with esophageal perforation
Objective: Esophageal perforation (EP) is a critical and potentially life-threatening condition with considerable rates of morbidity and mortality. Despite many advances in thoracic surgery, the management of patients with EP is still controversial.Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 34 patients treated for EP, 62% male, mean age 53.9 years. Sixty-two percent of the EPs were iatrogenic. Spontaneous and traumatic EP rates were 26% and 6%, respectively. Three patients had EP in the cervical esophagus and 31 in the thoracic esophagus.Results: Mean time to initial treatment was 34.2 hours. Twenty patients comprised the early group 24 h). Management of the EP included primary closure in 30 patients, non-surgical treatment in two, stent in one and resection in one. Mortality occurred in nine of the 34 patients (26%). Mortality was EP-related in four patients. Three of the nine patients that died were in the early group (p<0.05). Mean hospital stay was 13.4 days.Conclusion: EP remains a potentially fatal condition and requires early diagnosis and accurate treatment to prevent the morbidity and mortality