81 research outputs found

    Difficulty of Differential Diagnosis: Granulomatous Diseases of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses

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    Infectious diseases are important causes of granulomatous diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The most frequent bacterial agents responsible for granulomatous infections are Mycobacterium species (spp.) and Actinomyces spp. In the case of fungal pathogens, Aspergillus spp. are the most frequent. Mucor spp., Cryptococcus spp. and Histoplasma spp. are the other fungal microorganisms causing granulomatous reactions. In this case report, a patient suffering from a chronic nasal cavity lesion for 4 years with a recently developed premaxillary skin lesion is presented. Despite many biopsies having been performed and pathological studies conducted, a definitive diagnosis and an effective treatment could not be achieved. Finally, Aspergillus growth was observed in the fungal growth media when the material of the last skin biopsy was sent to microbiology as well as pathology. The patient was diagnosed as “chronic nasal fungal infection” and voricanozole treatment was initiated. Nine months after therapy, symptoms were almost totally resolved. In order to prevent similar difficulties of differential diagnosis, biopsy materials should be sent for aerobic, tuberculosis and fungal cultivation, as well as pathological examination, in order not to miss infectious diseases from the aetiology

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    Cost Of Energy Quality In Industrial Plants

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 201618. ve 19. Yüzyıllarda meydana gelen sanayi devrimiyle dünyamızda önemli bir yer sahibi olmaya başlayan enerji, yıllar geçtikçe önemini artırmış ve günümüz dünyasında vazgeçilmez bir hal almıştır. Hem ekonomik olarak hemde siyasi olarak büyük bir güç haline gelen enerji, ülkelerin gelişmişlik göstergelerinde kullanılan parametrelerden biri olduğu gibi ülke ekonomisi üzerindeki etkisi büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Türkiye gibi enerji kaynakları bakımından dışa bağımlı olan ülkeler için enerjinin önemi ekonomik açıdan olduğu kadar sürdürülebilirlik açısında da önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu sebeple enerji kullanımında dışa bağımlı olan ülkelerin enerji politikaları iki temel üzerine dayandırılabilir. Kendi ülkelerinde olan kaynaklara yönelme ve mevcut enerji tüketiminde verimliliğe dikkat ederek aynı işi daha az enerji kullanarak yapmaya özen göstermektir.Endüstriyel işletmeler enerji verimliliğiyle ilgili çeşitli projeler geliştirmektedir. Bu projeler elektriksel ve mekaniksel olarak temelde ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Elektrik ile ilgili hazırlanan projeler; verimli elektrik motorları kullanımı, verimli aydınlatma sistemleri kullanımı, atık ısıdan elektrik üretimi, kullanılan elektrik enerjisinin kaliteli hale getirilmesi gibi çeşitli başlıklar içermektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında endüstriyel işletmelerin enerji kalitesi analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarından yola çıkılarak bazı tesislerin enerji kalitesi parametrelerinde olağandışı durumlar tespit edilmiştir. Bu durumların işletmelerin elektrik enerjisi maliyetine etkisi hesaplanmıştır.The energy that started to have an important place in our world by the industrial revolution that took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, has increased in importance over the years and became indispensable in today's world. Energy, which is both economically and politically powerful, became one of the parameters used in the development indicators of the countries as well as have an important impact on the economies of the countries. For the countries that are depended on outsider energy resources like Turkey, the importance of energy has significant effect on both economy and sustainability of the countries. Therefore, those countries' politics about energy are based on two fundamentals. One of them is turning to the resources in its own country, and the other one is paying due attention to the efficiency of the current energy consumption. In general, the interpretations made about countries in the use of energy are applicable to industrial enterprises that are in competition with the world today. The target of the industrial plants is producing the maximum product with the minimum possible energy consumption. As a result, the producers will be able to decrease their cost of the production via decreasing the energy consumption. It can lead them to be more influential in terms of the competition in the international market. Additionally, this situation also contributes to the enviromental actions, thanks to decreased air polutions.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Social representation of events in world history: crosscultural consensus or Western discourse? How Turkish students view events in world history

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    Özer, Serap (Dogus Author) -- Ergün, Gökçe (Dogus Author)The perceptions of historical events are considered to be an important cultural, political, and social psychological variable. Earlier studies have shown a crosscultural consensus on historical events that are considered to be important. It has been indicated that a strong Western-Christian European template dominates the view of which events are considered to be important events in history, by many samples across the world. It was the aim of this study to test this finding with a Turkish sample, which would represent some unique characteristics in that it is Muslim, comes from an Empire background, and has undergone a recent nation-building process. College students (n = 372) responded to a questionnaire that was utilized in seven other countries. It was shown that Turkish students were not Eurocentric as expected by the literature: They were highly sociocentric; they gave importance to events related to Turkish history. They were similar to their European counterparts in that war and violence were given primary importance when selecting events as important in history. However, they did not behave as predicted by earlier literature: They did not see Western European events as having a primary importance in history but gave at least equal importance to events that originated from Ottoman Empire roots. The results were discussed in terms of the unique cultural and historical variables that contribute to the identity and social psychological attributions of Turkish students. Further research should focus on not only which events are considered as important historical events but also the reasons behind these. © 2013 Copyright International Union of Psychological Science