40 research outputs found


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    Lipomlar, en sık saptanan mezenşimal orjinli benign tümörlerdir. Vücutta herhangi bir yerde izlenebilirler, servikal bölgede ise oldukça nadir olarak karşımıza çıkarlar ve posterior cilt altı düzeyde daha sık rastlanırlar. Asemptomatik yavaş büyüyen yumuşak doku kitlesi olarak karşımıza çıkan lipomlar, dev boyutlara ulaşabilirler. Bu olgu bildirisinde nadir rastlanmaları nedeniyle anterior ve posterior servikal bölgede yerleşimli histopatolojik olarak tanısı doğrulanmış iki dev lipom olgusunun radyolojik bulguları literatür eşliğinde tartışılmıştır. Lipomas are the most frequent benign tumors of mesencymal origin. Even though they can be viewed anywhere in the body, come as quite rare in the cervical region and can be seen more common in the posterior cervical region subcutaneously. Lipomas which appear as asymptomatic, slow growing soft tissue masses can reach giant proportions. In this case report, due to seeing rarely, two cases of giant lipomas in the anterior and posterior servical region are discussed by radiologic findings; the diagnosis was histopathologically confirmed

    Magnetic Resonance Sialography Findings of Submandibular Ducts Imaging

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    Purpose. We aimed to assess the problem solving capability of magnetic resonance sialography (MR sialography), a noninvasive method for imaging submandibular gland ducts and determining duct-related pathologies, by comparing diseased and healthy cases. Materials and Methods. We conducted radiological assessment on a total of 60 submandibular glands (mean age 44.7) in 20 cases and 10 volunteers. MR sialography examinations were conducted with single-shot fast spin-echo sequence by using a surface coil placed on the submandibular gland. Each gland was evaluated in terms of the length, width and stricture of the main duct, as well as the difference between the intraparenchymal duct width, and the main duct width. Statistical analysis was performed. Results. In the MR sialography the primary duct mean length was determined as 51 mm (40–57 mm) in all submandibular glands. On the MR sialography imaging, the visualization ratio of the ductal system of submandibular gland was evaluated in the cases and volunteers. Conclusion. MR sialography is an effective and a noninvasive method in imaging submandibular gland ducts, demonstrating the presence, location and degree of stricture/dilatation, and elucidating the disease etiology

    An essay on contributions of sociology to marketing

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    Pazarlama bilimi, ilgili alan yazını incelendiğinde uzun dönemi kapsamayan ve genç bir bilim görünümü çizmekle birlikte, esasında pazarlama faaliyetleri insanlık tarihi kadar uzun bir geçmişe sahiptir. Dolayısıyla bu bilim dalının oluşması ve temellendirilmesi süreci çok yönlü bir değerlendirmeye gereksinim duymaktadır. Bu sayede pazarlama bilimi daha anlaşılır ve görünür bir kimliğe kavuşacaktır.Bu çalışmanın amacı, sosyoloji ve pazarlama bilimleri arasındaki etkileşimin ortaya konulmasıdır. Uygulamalı sosyal bilim olan pazarlama yüksek oranda temel sosyal bilimlerden olan sosyoloji biliminin öğretilerinden yararlanmaktadır. Bu etkileşimin yansımaları, pazarlama biliminin kapsamına, açıklayıcı teorilerine, araştırma yöntem ve modellerine ve tabii ki uygulamalarına kadar uzanmaktadır. Dolayısıyla pazarlamanın sentez yapısı, sosyoloji biliminin pazarlamaya olan katkıları ve tüketimin sosyolojik boyutu bu çalışmanın ortaya koymak istediği düşüncenin temellerini oluşturmaktadır.When related literature is reviewed, along with it seems like marketing science does not cover long term and it is young discipline, in substance marketing activities has a long history as the history of humanity. Hence, the process of forming and grounding of this science needs a multifaceted evaluation. Thus, marketing as a social science will gain a more understandable and a more apparent identity.The purpose of this study is to present the interaction between the sciences of sociology and marketing. Marketing is an applied social science highly benefits from the doctrines of sociology which is one of the main social sciences. The reflections of this interaction reach to the scope of marketing, its explanatory theories, research techniques, models and also practices. Therefore, synthesis structure of marketing, contributions of sociology to marketing and the sociological dimension of consumption form the base of thought that this study tries to reveal

    The third-person perception of sex appeals in hedonic and utilitarian product ads

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    WOS:000507477500001Ads making use of sexual appeals have the potential to attract attention, but they also run the risk of offending viewers. In this paper, two studies were performed to explore consumers' third-person perceptions of sexual appeals in advertising for hedonic and utilitarian products. This research examined whether the third-person perception mediates the relationship between attitude toward the ad and purchase intention. We also examined whether these relationships are contingent on attitude toward sexual stimuli (positive vs. negative). Canadian (N = 400) and Turkish (N = 400) undergraduate students participated in each study. Findings consistently demonstrate that third-person phenomenon was supported in each study. The exact form of the third-person perception, however, differs across product types and cultural contexts. Also, attitude toward ads significantly affects third-person perception. In turn, third-person perception significantly affects both purchase intention on self and purchase intention on others. Furthermore, these relationships are contingent on the attitude toward sexual stimuli.Anadolu University Scientific Research Projects CommissionAnadolu University [1410E404]; Scientific and Technological Research Council of TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [2214/A]This work was supported by the Anadolu University Scientific Research Projects Commission under Grant [1410E404]. Nezahat Ekici was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey to conduct this research under Grant [2214/A research fellowship program]

    A Case of Stage III Lateral Pharyngeal Diverticulum Imaged with Different Radiologic Methods: Case Report

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    Lateral pharyngeal diverticulum (LPD) is a rare pathology of the pharyngeal wall. It may be congenital or acquired. Acquired LPD is more common compared to the congenital one. LPDs are usually bilateral and small and thus do not cause any physical signs. However, unilateral and large LPDs have clinical significance since they may lead to difficulty in swallowing, weight loss, aspiration and pneumonia Making a clinical diagnosis is difficult. LPD is a functional diverticulum and may easily be overlooked with routine pharyngo-esophageal examinations. Thus videofluoroscopic techniques are valuable for the diagnosis. In this study, an unilateral stage III LPD case diagnosed with videofluoroscopic technique and also displayed with neck ultrasonography and computed tomography was presented in order to call attention to LPD