11 research outputs found

    Influence of partial replacement of fish meal and fish oil with vegetable products on the growth and muscle cellularity of juvenile shi drum, Umbrina cirrosa

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    Seven-month-old shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa) specimens (mean weight 18.98 g, mean length 11.80 cm) were classified into 2 groups, a control group (C) fed a standard diet and a vegetal group (V) fed a diet with partial replacement of fish meal and fish oil by vegetable products. The body and muscle parameters were studied on days 0, 27, and 62 of the experiment. On day 27, body length was similar in both groups, but body weight was significantly lower in group V than in group C. The transverse area of the white muscle was also significantly lower in V than in C. Hypertrophy was higher in C than in V, whereas hyperplasia was higher in V than in C. On day 62, the body parameters showed similar results to those found on day 27. Muscle cellularity was different from that found on day 27, since hypertrophy was higher in V than in C and hyperplasia was higher in C than in V. The feed conversion rate and specific growth rate were similar in both groups, but the daily intake rate was lower in V than in C. Therefore, it seems that the percentage of vegetables in the vegetal feed was excessively high and this caused less acceptance by the fish. The hepatosomatic, viscerosomatic, and intestinal length indices were similar in both groups. Survival was nearly 100% in both groups.Verrugatos (Umbrina cirrosa) de 7 meses (peso medio de 18.98 g, longitud media de 11.80 cm) fueron clasificados en 2 grupos: un grupo control (C), que fue alimentado con una dieta estándar, y un grupo vegetal (V), que fue alimentado con una dieta con reemplazo parcial de harina y aceite de pescado por productos vegetales. Los parámetros corporales y musculares se estudiaron en los días 0, 27 y 62 del experimento. En el día 27, la longitud corporal fue similar en ambos grupos, pero el peso fue significativamente menor en el grupo V que en el C. El área transversa del músculo blanco fue significativamente menor en V que en C. La hipertrofia fue mayor en C que en V, mientras que la hiperplasia fue mayor en V que en C. En el día 62, los parámetros corporales mostraron resultados similares a los encontrados en el día 27. La celularidad muscular fue diferente a la encontrada en el día 27, de manera que la hipertrofia fue mayor en V que en C y la hiperplasia fue mayor en C que en V. La tasa de conversión de alimento y la tasa específica de crecimiento fueron similares en ambos grupos, pero la tasa diaria de alimentación fue menor en V que en C. Así, parece ser que el porcentaje de vegetales en la dieta vegetal fue excesivamente alto y ello causó menor aceptación por los peces. Los índices hepatosomáticos, digestosómaticos e intestinales fueron similares en ambos grupos. La supervivencia fue próxima al 100% en ambos grupos.Versión del editor0,45

    Gestión clínica de la consulta: previsibilidad y contenido clínico (estudio SyN-PC)

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    ObjetivoDescribir la actividad asistencial en función de la naturaleza de la consulta (previsibilidad) y las necesidades de los pacientes (contenido clínico). Analizar la relación con las características de la consulta, del paciente y del centroDiseñoEstudio observacional descriptivo multicéntricoEmplazamientoAtención primaria. Área 17 de la Conselleria de Sanidad de la Comunidad Valenciana. Población de 197.316 habitantes. Trece centros de saludParticipantesRecogida de información en tiempo real por un observador externo. Muestreo aleatorio estratificado de 2.051 pacientes que ocasionaron 3.008 motivos de consulta médicaMediciones principalesConsulta previsible (Pr): se puede prever su contenido (revisiones, recogida de resultados). Consulta imprevisible (Ip): no podemos prever su contenido (problemas agudos) y surgen inesperadamente. Engloba la consulta urgente. Consulta administrativa (Ad): tareas burocráticas (recetas, partes de confirmación, certificados). Consulta asistencial (As): prevenir, diagnosticar y tratar la enfermedad, o realizar seguimiento de ésta. Variables del paciente, el centro y la consultaResultadosEl 60% (n=1.809; IC del 95%, 58,69–61,59%) de los motivos fueron previsibles y el 40% (n=1.199; IC del 95%, 36,6–43,12%), imprevisibles. El 50% (n=1.509; IC del 95%, 47,26–53,06%) fueron consultas asistenciales y el 50% (n=1.499; IC del 95%, 46,34–53,39%), administrativas. El 40% (n=1.189; IC del 95%, 37,78–41,28%) fueron previsibles-administrativas y tan sólo un 21% (n=620; IC del 95%, 19,16– 22,06%) resultaron de carácter previsible-asistencial. El 30% (n=889; IC del 95%, 27,92–31,18%) fueron de carácter imprevisible–asistencial y el 10% (n=310; IC del 95%, 9,22– 11,4%), imprevisibles-administrativas. En los pacientes con un único motivo, el 48% (n=577; IC del 95%, 44,25–52,05%) fueron consultas previsibles-administrativas. Los centros docentes o informatizados tienen menos carga de consultas previsibles-administrativas. Éstas aumentan con la edad del paciente y con la presión asistencialConclusionesCasi un 40% de los motivos de consulta son previsibles-administrativos, lo que implica una gestión clínica inadecuada. Sería necesaria una intervención que permitiera liberar tiempo médico consumido en asuntos burocráticos para dedicarlo a la tarea asistencial propiamente dichaObjectivesTo describe care activity as a function of the nature of the consultation (predictability) and the needs of the patients (clinical content). To analyse the relationship of these with the characteristics of the consultation, of the patient and of the centreDesignMulti-centre, descriptive, observational study.SettingPrimary care. Area 17 of the Health Department of the Community of Valencia, with 197 316 inhabitants and 12 health centresParticipantsInformation gathering in real time by outside observer. Stratified randomised sampling of 2051 patients who gave rise to 3008 reasons for medical consultationMain measurementsPredictable consultations (Pr): their content can be foreseen (check-ups, picking up results). Unpredictable consultations (Unp): we cannot predict their content (acute problems may arise unexpectedly). These include urgent consultations. Administrative consultations (Ad): bureaucratic tasks (prescriptions, repeat sick-notes, sick certificates). Care consultations (Car): prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the illness, or monitoring of it. Variables here are the patient, the doctor and the consultationResults60% (1809) (95% CI, 58.69%–61.59%) of the reasons were Pr and 40% (1199) (95% CI, 36.6%–43.12%) were Unp. 50% (1509) (95% CI, 47.26%–53.06%) were Car, and 50% Ad (1499) (95% CI, 46.34%–53.39%). 40% (1189) (95% CI, 37.78%–41.28%) were Pr-Ad and only 21% (620) (95% CI, 19.16%–22.06%) were Pr-Car. 30% (889) (95% CI, 27.92%–31.18%) were Unp–Car, and 10% (310) (95% CI, 9.22%– 11.4%) Unp-Ad. 48% of patients with a single reason for attendance were Pr-Ad (577) (95% CI, 44.25%–52.05). Teaching centres and computerised ones had less Pr-Ad load. Pr-Ad consultations increased with patient´s age and with case-load.ConclusionsAlmost 40% of the reasons for consultation are Pr-Ad, which implies inadequate clinical management. An intervention is needed to free up medical time consumed by bureaucratic questions, so that this time can be devoted fully to health-care task

    Fourier analysis methodology of trabecular orientation measurement in the human tibial epiphysis

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    Methods to quantify trabecular orientation are crucial in order to assess the exact trajectory of trabeculae in anatomical and histological sections. Specific methods for evaluating trabecular orientation include the ‘point counting’ technique (Whitehouse, 1974), manual tracing of trabecular outlines on a digitising board (Whitehouse, 1980), textural analysis (Veenland et al. 1998), graphic representation of vectors (Shimizu et al. 1993; Kamibayashi et al. 1995) and both mathematical (Geraets, 1998) and fractal analysis (Millard et al. 1998). Optical and computer-assisted methods to detect trabecular orientation of bone using the Fourier transform were introduced by Oxnard (1982) later refined by Kuo & Carter (1991) (see also Oxnard, 1993, for a review), in the analysis of planar sections of vertebral bodies as well as in planar radiographs of cancellous bone in the distal radius (Wigderowitz et al. 1997). At present no studies have applied this technique to 2-D images or to the study of dried bones. We report a universal computer-automated technique for assessing the preferential orientation of the tibial subarticular trabeculae based on Fourier analysis, emphasis being placed on the search for improvements in accuracy over previous methods and applied to large stereoscopic (2-D) fields of anatomical sections of dried human tibiae. Previous studies on the trajectorial architecture of the tibial epiphysis (Takechi, 1977; Maquet, 1984) and research data about trabecular orientation (Kamibayashi et al. 1995) have not employed Fourier analysis

    New developments in numerical modelling of the radar signature of rocket exhaust plumes

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present the new developments of the multiphysics numerical models designed for predicting the time-dependent electromagnetic signature of rocket engine plumes. We first describe the physical and numerical model for aerothermochemical physics and for electromagnetic applications. A mock up rocket engine (MoSER) has been designed and its signature has been measured in UHF and X band. The results were compared to simulation