30 research outputs found

    Circulating testosterone and prostate-specific antigen in nipple aspirate fluid and tissue are associated with breast cancer.

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    Preliminary evidence has associated testosterone and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) with breast cancer. Our objective was to determine whether a) testosterone levels in nipple aspirate fluid (NAF), serum, or breast tissue are associated with breast cancer; b) testosterone levels in serum are associated with levels in NAF; c) PSA in NAF, serum, or breast tissue is associated with breast cancer; and d) serum PSA is associated with NAF PSA levels. We obtained 342 NAF specimens from 171 women by means of a modified breast pump. Additionally, we collected 201 blood samples from 99 women and 51 tissue samples from 41 subjects who underwent surgical resection for suspected disease. Women currently using birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy were excluded from the study. Controlling for age and menopausal status, serum testosterone was significantly increased in women with breast cancer (p = 0.002). NAF and serum testosterone levels were not associated. Neither NAF nor tissue testosterone was associated with breast cancer. Controlling for menopausal status and age, NAF PSA was significantly decreased in women with breast cancer (p \u3c 0.001). We did not find serum PSA to be associated with breast cancer, although we found an indication that, in postmenopausal women, its levels were lower in women with cancer. Serum PSA was associated with NAF PSA in postmenopausal women (p \u3c 0.001). PSA levels in cancerous tissue were significantly lower than in benign breast specimens from subjects without cancer (p = 0.011), whereas levels of PSA in histologically benign specimens from subjects with cancer were intermediate. Our results suggest that serum testosterone is increased and NAF PSA is decreased in women with breast cancer, with PSA expression being higher in normal than in cancerous breast tissues. NAF and serum PSA levels in postmenopausal women are correlated, suggesting that as laboratory assessment of PSA becomes more sensitive, serum PSA may become useful in identifying women with breast cancer

    Expression of a prostate-associated protein, human glandular kallikrein (hK2), in breast tumours and in normal breast secretions

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    The recent demonstration of human glandular kallikrein (hK2) expression in a breast carcinoma cell line has suggested that this putatively prostate-restricted, steroid hormone-regulated protease may also be expressed in breast epithelium in vivo and secreted into the mammary duct system. Given that the only substrate yet identified for hK2 activity is the precursor of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), the expression of which in breast carcinomas may be associated with favourable prognosis, our purpose was to examine the expression pattern of both hK2 and PSA in breast tumour tissues. Cytosolic extracts of 336 primary breast carcinomas prepared for routine oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) analysis, as well as 31 nipple aspirates from six women with non-diseased mammary glands, were assayed for hK2 and PSA using immunofluorometric assays developed by the authors. In the tumour extracts, measurable hK2 and PSA concentrations were detected in 53% and 73% of cases respectively, and were positively correlated to each other (r = 0.59, P = 0.0001). Higher concentrations of PSA and hK2 were found in tumours expressing steroid hormone receptors (P = 0.0001 for PSA and P = 0.0001 for hK2, by Wilcoxon tests for both ER and PR), and both PSA (r = 0.25, P = 0.0001) and hK2 (r = 0.22, P = 0.0001) correlated directly with PR levels. A negative correlation between patient age and PSA (r = –0.12, P = 0.03) was also found. Both proteins were present in nipple aspirate fluid at relatively high concentrations which were positively correlated (r = 0.53, P = 0.002). The molecular weights of the immunoreactive species quantified by the hK2 and PSA assays were established by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and were consistent with the known molecular weights of hK2 and PSA. Together these data provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that both malignant breast tissue and normal breast secretion contain measurable quantities of hK2, and that the degree of hK2 expression or secretion is directly proportional to the expression of PSA and steroid hormone receptors. hK2 expression may therefore be a marker of steroid hormone action in breast tissue. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    The promoter and the enhancer region of the KLK 3 (prostate specific antigen) gene is frequently mutated in breast tumours and in breast carcinoma cell lines

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    KLK3 or prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a serine protease, which is an established tumour marker of prostatic adenocarcinoma. PSA is now used widely for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with prostate cancer. Recent studies have demonstrated that about 70% of breast cancers produce PSA. In this study, we examined the molecular mechanism underlying the expression of the PSA gene in breast cancer and breast cancer cell lines. We analysed nine breast tumours categorized on the basis of high- or low-PSA expression in tumour cytosols and four breast cancer cell lines. To determine abnormalities associated with PSA expression in breast tumours, genomic DNA was extracted and all five exons of the PSA gene were polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified and sequenced on both strands. PCR amplification was also performed for the promoter and enhancer elements of the PSA gene. No mutations were observed in the coding portion of the gene. A polymorphism was observed in exon 2 from three breast tumours. However, sequencing of the promoter and the enhancer elements of the PSA gene reveals several point mutations. Within a 5.8-kb promoter/enhancer region of the PSA gene, we detected 16 different mutational hotspots (appearing more than once in the nine tumours). Among these hotspots, two appeared in seven out of nine tumours. Most importantly, the androgen response element (ARE I) in the proximal promoter was found mutated in four tumours and in the breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7. Mutations associated with the ARE I have been shown previously to result in an 80% decrease in PSA gene expression. The mutations in the core enhancer and promoter region probably contribute to the aberrant expression of the PSA gene in breast tumours, possibly by altering the regulation of the gene by steroid hormones. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Biologic markers of risk in nipple aspirate fluid are associated with residual cancer and tumour size

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    We previously demonstrated that nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) can be obtained from virtually all non-Asian women between the ages of 30 and 72. The focus of this report is to (1) determine the association of candidate markers of breast cancer risk in NAF obtained from fresh mastectomy specimens with residual breast carcinoma, and (2) evaluate the association of the markers with breast tumour progression. Nipple aspiration was performed on 97 specimens. Cytology, DNA index (including % hypertetraploid cells), cell cycle parameters (S phase fraction, % cells in G2/M), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), epidermal growth factor (EGF), testosterone, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and prostaglandin D synthase (PGDS) were evaluated in NAF for their association with (1) residual ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or invasive cancer, and (2) pathologic tumour size. NAF was obtained from 99% (96/97) of specimens. Atypical and malignant NAF cytology were significantly associated with residual DCIS or invasive cancer (P = 0.001) and with larger tumours (P = 0.004). One hundred per cent and 88% of subjects with malignant and atypical NAF cytology, respectively, had residual carcinoma. The percentage of cells in G2/M and DNA index were associated both with risk of residual carcinoma (P = 0.01 for each) and larger tumour size (DNA index, P = 0.03; G2/M, P = 0.05), although neither biomarker improved the ability of NAF cytology, to predict residual breast cancer. Higher DNA index was associated with atypical cytology (P = 0.0001). In summary, atypical and malignant NAF cytology are associated with larger tumour size, and are highly predictive of residual carcinoma after needle or excisional biopsy of the breast. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Expression of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) correlates with poor response to tamoxifen therapy in recurrent breast cancer

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    Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a serine protease which may play a role in a variety of cancer types, including breast cancer. In the present study, we evaluated whether the level of PSA in breast tumour cytosol could be associated with prognosis in primary breast cancer, or with response to tamoxifen therapy in recurrent disease. PSA levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in breast tumour cytosols, and were correlated with prognosis in 1516 patients with primary breast cancer and with response to first-line tamoxifen therapy in 434 patients with recurrent disease. Relating the levels of PSA with classical prognostic factors, low levels were more often found in larger tumours, tumours of older and post-menopausal patients, and in steroid hormone receptor-negative tumours. There was no significant association between the levels of PSA with grade of differentiation or the number of involved lymph nodes. In patients with primary breast cancer, PSA was not significantly related to the rate of relapse, and a positive association of PSA with an improved survival could be attributed to its relationship to age. In patients with recurrent breast cancer, a high level of PSA was significantly related to a poor response to tamoxifen therapy, and a short progression-free and overall survival after start of treatment for recurrent disease. In Cox multivariate analyses for response to therapy and for (progression-free) survival, corrected for age/menopausal status, disease-free interval, site of relapse and steroid hormone receptor status, PSA was an independent variable of poor prognosis. It is concluded that the level of PSA in cytosols of primary breast tumours might be a marker to select breast cancer patients who may benefit from systemic tamoxifen therapy. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Increased Phosphorylation of Vimentin in Noninfiltrative Meningiomas

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Tissue invasion or tissue infiltration are clinical behaviors of a poor-prognosis subset of meningiomas. We carried out proteomic analyses of tissue extracts to discover new markers to accurately distinguish between infiltrative and noninfiltrative meningiomas. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Protein lysates of 64 different tissue samples (including two brain-invasive and 32 infiltrative tumors) were submitted to SELDI-TOF mass spectrometric analysis. Mass profiles were used to build up both unsupervised and supervised hierarchical clustering. One marker was found at high levels in noninvasive and noninfiltrative tumors and appeared to be a discriminative marker for clustering infiltrative and/or invasive meningiomas versus noninvasive meningiomas in two distinct subsets. Sensitivity and specificity were 86.7% and 100%, respectively. This marker was purified and identified as a multiphosphorylated form of vimentin, a cytoskeletal protein expressed in meningiomas. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Specific forms of vimentin can be surrogate molecular indicators of the invasive/infiltrative phenotype in tumors

    Application of Biomarkers in Cancer Risk Management: Evaluation from Stochastic Clonal Evolutionary and Dynamic System Optimization Points of View

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    Aside from primary prevention, early detection remains the most effective way to decrease mortality associated with the majority of solid cancers. Previous cancer screening models are largely based on classification of at-risk populations into three conceptually defined groups (normal, cancer without symptoms, and cancer with symptoms). Unfortunately, this approach has achieved limited successes in reducing cancer mortality. With advances in molecular biology and genomic technologies, many candidate somatic genetic and epigenetic “biomarkers” have been identified as potential predictors of cancer risk. However, none have yet been validated as robust predictors of progression to cancer or shown to reduce cancer mortality. In this Perspective, we first define the necessary and sufficient conditions for precise prediction of future cancer development and early cancer detection within a simple physical model framework. We then evaluate cancer risk prediction and early detection from a dynamic clonal evolution point of view, examining the implications of dynamic clonal evolution of biomarkers and the application of clonal evolution for cancer risk management in clinical practice. Finally, we propose a framework to guide future collaborative research between mathematical modelers and biomarker researchers to design studies to investigate and model dynamic clonal evolution. This approach will allow optimization of available resources for cancer control and intervention timing based on molecular biomarkers in predicting cancer among various risk subsets that dynamically evolve over time


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    Sources of Bias in Specimens for Research About Molecular Markers for Cancer

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    Claims about the diagnostic or prognostic accuracy of markers often prove disappointing when “discrimination” found between cancers versus normals is due to bias, a systematic difference between compared groups. This article describes a framework to help simplify and organize current problems in marker research by focusing on the role of specimens as a source of bias in observational research and using that focus to address problems and improve reliability. The central idea is that the “fundamental comparison” in research about markers (ie, the comparison done to assess whether a marker discriminates) involves two distinct processes that are “connected” by specimens. If subject selection (first process) creates baseline inequality between groups being compared, then laboratory analysis of specimens (second process) may erroneously find positive results. Although both processes are important, subject selection more fundamentally influences the quality of marker research, because it can hardwire bias into all comparisons in a way that cannot be corrected by any refinement in laboratory analysis. An appreciation of the separateness of these two processes—and placing investigators with appropriate expertise in charge of each—may increase the reliability of research about cancer biomarkers