262 research outputs found

    The implementation and validation of improved landsurface hydrology in an atmospheric general circulation model

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    Landsurface hydrological parameterizations are implemented in the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) General Circulation Model (GCM). These parameterizations are: (1) runoff and evapotranspiration functions that include the effects of subgrid scale spatial variability and use physically based equations of hydrologic flux at the soil surface, and (2) a realistic soil moisture diffusion scheme for the movement of water in the soil column. A one dimensional climate model with a complete hydrologic cycle is used to screen the basic sensitivities of the hydrological parameterizations before implementation into the full three dimensional GCM. Results of the final simulation with the GISS GCM and the new landsurface hydrology indicate that the runoff rate, especially in the tropics is significantly improved. As a result, the remaining components of the heat and moisture balance show comparable improvements when compared to observations. The validation of model results is carried from the large global (ocean and landsurface) scale, to the zonal, continental, and finally the finer river basin scales

    Temporal disaggregation of satellite-derived monthly precipitation estimates and the resulting propagation of error in partitioning of water at the land surface

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    International audienceGlobal estimates of precipitation can now be made using data from a combination of geosynchronous and low earth-orbit satellites. However, revisit patterns of polar-orbiting satellites and the need to sample mixed-clouds scenes from geosynchronous satellites leads to the coarsening of the temporal resolution to the monthly scale. There are prohibitive limitations to the applicability of monthly-scale aggregated precipitation estimates in many hydrological applications. The nonlinear and threshold dependencies of surface hydrological processes on precipitation may cause the hydrological response of the surface to vary considerably based on the intermittent temporal structure of the forcing. Therefore, to make the monthly satellite data useful for hydrological applications (i.e. water balance studies, rainfall-runoff modelling, etc.), it is necessary to disaggregate the monthly precipitation estimates into shorter time intervals so that they may be used in surface hydrology models. In this study, two simple statistical disaggregation schemes are developed for use with monthly precipitation estimates provided by satellites. The two techniques are shown to perform relatively well in introducing a reasonable temporal structure into the disaggregated time series. An ensemble of disaggregated realisations was routed through two land surface models of varying complexity so that the error propagation that takes place over the course of the month could be characterised. Results suggest that one of the proposed disaggregation schemes can be used in hydrological applications without introducing significant error. Keywords: precipitation, temporal disaggregation, hydrological modelling, error propagatio

    Harmonic propagation of variability in surface energy balance within a coupled soil-vegetation-atmosphere system

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    International audienceThe response of a soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum model to incoming radiation forcing is investigated in order to gain insights into the coupling of soil and atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) states and fluxes. The response is characterized through amplitude and phase propagation of the harmonics in order to differentiate between the response of the system to forcing at different frequencies (daily to hourly to near instantaneous). Stochastic noise is added to the surface energy balance. The amplitude of the noise is maximum at midday when the incoming radiative forcing is also at its peak. The temperatures and turbulent heat fluxes are shown to act as low-pass filters of the incoming radiation or energy budget noise variability at the surface. Conversely, soil heat flux is shown to act as a high-pass filter because of the strong contrast in the soil and air heat capacities and thermal conductivities. As a consequence, heat diffusion formulations that numerically dampen such forcing are potentially incapable of representing rapid fluctuations in soil heat flux (=30 min) and therefore introduce errors in the land-surface energy partitioning. The soil-vegetation-ABL continuum model and an electrical analogy for it are used to explain the frequency-dependent differences in the relative effectiveness of turbulent heat fluxes versus ground heat flux in dissipating noise in radiative forcing. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union

    Systematic errors in ground heat flux estimation and their correction

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    Incoming radiation forcing at the land surface is partitioned among the components of the surface energy balance in varying proportions depending on the time scale of the forcing. Based on a land-atmosphere analytic continuum model, a numerical land surface model, and field observations we show that high-frequency fluctuations in incoming radiation (with period less than 6 h, for example, due to intermittent clouds) are preferentially partitioned toward ground heat flux. These higher frequencies are concentrated in the 0–1 cm surface soil layer. Subsequently, measurements even at a few centimeters deep in the soil profile miss part of the surface soil heat flux signal. The attenuation of the high-frequency soil heat flux spectrum throughout the soil profile leads to systematic errors in both measurements and modeling, which require a very fine sampling near the soil surface (0–1 cm). Calorimetric measurement techniques introduce a systematic error in the form of an artificial band-pass filter if the temperature probes are not placed at appropriate depths. In addition, the temporal calculation of the change in the heat storage term of the calorimetric method can further distort the reconstruction of the surface soil heat flux signal. A correction methodology is introduced which provides practical application as well as insights into the estimation of surface soil heat flux and the closure of surface energy balance based on field measurements

    21st Century Changes in U.S. Heavy Precipitation Frequency Based on Resolved Atmospheric Patterns

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    Gridded precipitation-gauge observations and global atmospheric reanalysis are combined to develop an analogue method for detecting the occurrence of heavy precipitation events based on the prevailing large-scale atmospheric conditions. Combinations of different atmospheric variables for circulation features (geopotential height and wind vector) and moisture plumes (surface specific humidity, column precipitable water, and precipitable water up to 500hPa) are examined to construct the analogue schemes for the winter (DJF) of the Pacific Coast California (PCCA) and the summer (JJA) of the Midwestern United States (MWST). The detection diagnostics of various analogue schemes are calibrated with 27-yr (1979–2005) and then validated with 9-yr (2006–2014) NASA Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA). All of the analogue schemes are found to significantly improve upon MERRA precipitation in characterizing the number and interannual variations of observed heavy precipitation events in the MWST which is one of weakest regions for MERRA summer precipitation. When evaluated with the late 20th century simulations from an ensemble of climate models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), all analogue schemes produce model medians of heavy precipitation frequency that are more consistent with observations and have smaller inter-model discrepancies when compared with the model-based precipitation. Further, the performances of analogue schemes with vector winds are comparable to those of geopotential height, and no analogue scheme with one of three water vapor content variables is clearly superior to another. Under two radiative forcing scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 and 8.5), the CMIP5-based analogue schemes produce a trend in the occurrence of heavy events through the 21st century consistent with the model-based precipitation, but with smaller inter-model disparity. The strongest reduction in the disparity of the results is seen for the RCP8.5 scenario. The median trends in DJF heavy precipitation frequency for PCCA are positive, but for JJA heavy event frequency over the MWST region, the median trends are slightly negative. Overall, the presented analyses highlight the potential of the analogue as a powerful diagnostic tool for model deficiencies and its complementarity to an evaluation that considers modeled precipitation alone to assess heavy precipitation frequency. The consistency found here between projections from analogues and model precipitation increases confidence in projected heavy precipitation frequency changes in a warming climate.This work was funded by the NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study Research Announcement (NNH07ZDA001N) and MacroSystems Biology Program Grant (NSF-AES EF#1137306) from the National Science Foundation

    Controls on runoff generation and scale-dependence in a distributed hydrologic model

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    International audienceHydrologic response in natural catchments is controlled by a set of complex interactions between storm properties, basin characteristics and antecedent wetness conditions. This study investigates the transient runoff response to spatially-uniform storms of varying properties using a distributed model of the coupled surface-subsurface system, which treats heterogeneities in topography, soils and vegetation. We demonstrate the control that the partitioning into multiple runoff mechanisms (infiltration-excess, saturation-excess, perched return flow and groundwater exfiltration) has on nonlinearities in the rainfall-runoff transformation and its scale-dependence. Antecedent wetness imposed through a distributed water table position is varied to illustrate its effect on runoff generation. Results indicate that transitions observed in basin flood response (magnitude, timing and volume) can be explained by shifts in the surface-subsurface partitioning. An analysis of the spatial organization of runoff production also shows that multiple mechanisms have specific catchment niches and can occur simultaneously in the basin. In addition, catchment scale plays an important role in the distribution of runoff production as basin characteristics (soils, vegetation, topography and initial wetness) are varied with basin area. For example, we illustrate how storm characteristics and antecedent wetness play a dramatic role in the scaling properties of the catchment runoff ratio

    Large-eddy simulatoin of flow field and pollutant dispession in urban street canyons under unstable atmospheric

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    Thermal stratification plays an important role in the air flow and pollutant dispersion processes. This study employed a large-eddy simulation (LES) code based on a one-equation subgrid-scale (SGS) model to investigate the flow field and pollutant dispersion characteristics inside urban street canyons. The unstable thermal stratification was simulated by heating the ground level of the street canyons. The thermal buoyancy forces were, using the Boussinesq assumption, taken into account in both the Navier-Stokes equations and the transport equation for SGS turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). The LES had been validated against experimental data obtained in wind tunnel studies before it was applied to study the detailed turbulence and pollutant dispersion characteristics in urban street canyons. The effects of different bulk Richardson number (Rb) were investigated. Several typical temperature differences between the street bottom and ambient air were configured to simulate the scenarios occurring at different times during the day.postprintThe 7th International Conference of Urban Climate (ICUC-7), Yokohama, Japan, 29 June-3 July 2009
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