714 research outputs found

    Confirmation of circumstellar phosphine

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    Phosphine (PH3) was tentatively identified a few years ago in the carbon star envelopes IRC+10216 and CRL2688 from observations of an emission line at 266.9 GHz attributable to the J=1-0 rotational transition. We report the detection of the J=2-1 rotational transition of PH3 in IRC+10216 using the HIFI instrument on board Herschel, which definitively confirms the identification of PH3. Radiative transfer calculations indicate that infrared pumping to excited vibrational states plays an important role in the excitation of PH3 in the envelope of IRC+10216, and that the observed lines are consistent with phosphine being formed anywhere between the star and 100 R* from the star, with an abundance of 1e-8 relative to H2. The detection of PH3 challenges chemical models, none of which offers a satisfactory formation scenario. Although PH3 locks just 2 % of the total available phosphorus in IRC+10216, it is together with HCP, one of the major gas phase carriers of phosphorus in the inner circumstellar layers, suggesting that it could be also an important phosphorus species in other astronomical environments. This is the first unambiguous detection of PH3 outside the solar system, and a further step towards a better understanding of the chemistry of phosphorus in space.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Detection of parent molecules in the IR spectrum of P/Halley with the IKS-Vega spectrometer

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    The two spectroscopic channels of the IKS experiment on board the Vega probes were designed for the detection of emission bands of parent molecules and/or cometary dust, in the 2.5 to 5 micrometer range and the 6 to 12 micron range respectively. On Vega 1, the experiment worked successfully, and cometary spectra were recorded at distances from the comet nucleus ranging from about 250,000 to 40,000 km. The field of view was 1 deg and the spectral resolving power was about 50. On Vega 2, no result could be obtained due to a failure of the cryogenic system. The emission spectra obtained are briefly analyzed

    Seasonal Variability In The Ionosphere Of Uranus

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    Infrared ground-based observations using IRTF, UKIRT, and Keck II of Uranus have been analyzed as to identify the long-term behavior of the H-3(+) ionosphere. Between 1992 and 2008 there are 11 individual observing runs, each recording emission from the H-3(+) Q branch emission around 4 mu m through the telluric L' atmospheric window. The column-averaged rotational H-3(+) temperature ranges between 715 K in 1992 and 534 K in 2008, with the linear fit to all the run-averaged temperatures decreasing by 8 K year(-1). The temperature follows the fractional illumination curve of the planet, declining from solstice (1985) to equinox (2007). Variations in H-3(+) column density do not appear to be correlated to either solar cycle phase or season. The radiative cooling by H-3(+) is similar to 10 times larger than the ultraviolet solar energy being injected to the atmosphere. Despite the fact that the solar flux alone is incapable of heating the atmosphere to the observed temperatures, the geometry with respect to the Sun remains an important driver in determining the thermospheric temperature. Therefore, the energy source that heats the thermosphere must be linked to solar mechanisms. We suggest that this may be in the form of conductivity created by solar ionization of atmospheric neutrals and/or seasonally dependent magnetospherically driven current systems.STFC PP/E/000983/1, ST/G0022223/1RCUKGemini ObservatoryNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) NXX08A043G, NNX08AE38AAstronom

    Hdo And SO2 Thermal Mapping On Venus: Evidence For Strong SO2 Variability

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    We have been using the TEXES high-resolution imaging spectrometer at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility to map sulfur dioxide and deuterated water over the disk of Venus. Observations took place on January 10-12, 2012. The diameter of Venus was 13 arcsec, with an illumination factor of 80%. Data were recorded in the 1344-1370 cm(-1) range (around 7.35 mu m) with a spectral resolving power of 80 000 and a spatial resolution of about 1.5 arcsec. In this spectral range, the emission of Venus comes from above the cloud top (z = 60-80 km). Four HDO lines and tens of SO2 lines have been identified in our spectra. Mixing ratios have been estimated from HDO/CO2 and SO2/CO2 line depth ratios, using weak neighboring transitions of comparable depths. The HDO maps, recorded on Jan. 10 and Jan. 12, are globally uniform with no significant variation between the two dates. A slight enhancement of the HDO mixing ratio toward the limb might be interpreted as a possible increase of the D/H ratio with height above the cloud level. The mean H2O mixing ratio is found to be 1.5 +/-0.75 ppm, assuming a D/H ratio of 0.0312 (i.e. 200 times the terrestrial value) over the cloud deck. The SO2 maps, recorded each night from Jan. 10 to Jan. 12, show strong variations over the disk of Venus, by a factor as high as 5 to 10. In addition, the position of the maximum SO2 mixing ratio strongly varies on a timescale of 24 h. The maximum SO2 mixing ratio ranges between 75 +/-25 ppb and 125 +/-50 ppb between Jan. 10 and Jan. 12. The high variability of sulfur dioxide is probably a consequence of its very short photochemical lifetime.NASA NNX-08AE38A, NNX08AW33G S03NSF AST-0607312, AST-0708074Astronom

    Environmental protection of titanium alloys in centrifugal compressors at 500°C in saline atmosphere

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    The use of the titanium alloy Ti-6246 (Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–6Mo, wt-%) for gas turbine compressors allows an increase in working temperature and stress level. Under severe service conditions, the material experiences combined high temperature and high mechanical stress and, in saline atmospheres, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) can occur, leading to catastrophic mechanical failure. The present study was performed to evaluate the potential of several surface treatments to protect Ti-6246 alloy, after salt deposit, from hot salt SCC at temperatures ?500°C and 500 MPa static mechanical stress conditions. Shot peening, thermal oxidation and metal–ceramic coatings were investigated. Experimental results confirm the existence of brittle stress corrosion phenomena marked by a low residual elongation of test samples and the presence of oxides on the fracture surfaces. Both shot peening and metal–ceramic coatings increase the hot salt SCC resistance of the alloy. Times to rupture were improved by a factor of 3 for shot peening and by a factor of 10 for metal–ceramic coatings. Inversely, the time to rupture of preoxidised alloys has been halved compared with uncoated alloys. As well as these interesting quantitative results, structural studies of metal–ceramic coatings showed that they are mechanically and chemically compatible with the titanium alloy substructure and should work under severe thermomechanical stresses and aggressive atmospheres

    A 380 GHz SIS receiver using Nb/AlO(x)/Nb junctions for a radioastronomical balloon-borne experiment: PRONAOS

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    The superheterodyne detection technique used for the spectrometer instrument of the PRONAOS project will provide a very high spectral resolution (delta nu/nu = 10(exp -6)). The most critical components are those located at the front-end of the receiver: their contribution dominates the total noise of the receiver. Therefore, it is important to perform accurate studies for specific components, such as mixers and multipliers working in the submillimeter wave range. Difficulties in generating enough local oscillator (LO) power at high frequencies make SIS mixers very desirable for operation above 300 GHz. The low LO power requirements and the low noise temperature of these mixers are the primary reason for building an SIS receiver. This paper reports the successful fabrication of small (less than or equal to 1 sq micron) Nb/Al-O(x)/Nb junctions and arrays with excellent I-V characteristics and very good reliability, resulting in a low noise receiver performance measured in the 368/380 GHz frequency range

    Mid-Infrared Ethane Emission on Neptune and Uranus

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    We report 8- to 13-micron spectral observations of Neptune and Uranus from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility spanning more than a decade. The spectroscopic data indicate a steady increase in Neptune's mean atmospheric 12-micron ethane emission from 1985 to 2003, followed by a slight decrease in 2004. The simplest explanation for the intensity variation is an increase in stratospheric effective temperature from 155 +/- 3 K in 1985 to 176 +/- 3 K in 2003 (an average rate of 1.2 K/year), and subsequent decrease to 165 +/- 3 K in 2004. We also detected variation of the overall spectral structure of the ethane band, specifically an apparent absorption structure in the central portion of the band; this structure arises from coarse spectral sampling coupled with a non-uniform response function within the detector elements. We also report a probable direct detection of ethane emission on Uranus. The deduced peak mole fraction is approximately an order of magnitude higher than previous upper limits for Uranus. The model fit suggests an effective temperature of 114 +/- 3 K for the globally-averaged stratosphere of Uranus, which is consistent with recent measurements indicative of seasonal variation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 16 pages, 10 figures, 2 table