134 research outputs found

    Inferences on the source mechanisms of the 1930 Irpinia (Southern Italy) earthquake from simulations of the kinematic rupture process

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    We examine here a number of parameters that define the source of the earthquake that occurred on 23rd July 1930 in Southern Italy (in the Irpinia region). Starting from the source models proposed in different studies, we have simulated the acceleration field for each hypothesized model, and compared it with the macroseismic data. We then used the hybrid stochastic-deterministic technique proposed by Zollo et al. (1997) for the simulation of the ground motion associated with the rupture of an extended fault. The accelerations simulated for several sites were associated with the intensities using the empirical relationship proposed by Trifunac and Brady (1975), before being compared with the available data from the macroseismic catalogue. A good reproduction of the macroseismic field is provided by a normal fault striking in Apenninic direction (approximately NW-SE) and dipping 55° toward the SW

    Ground motion scenarios for the 1997 colfiorito, central Italy earthquake

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    In this paper we report the results of several investigations aimed at evaluating ground motion scenarios for the September 26th, 1997 Colfiorito earthquake (Mw 6.0, 09:40 UTC). We model the observed variability of ground motions through synthetic scenarios which simulate an earthquake rupture propagating at constant rupture velocity (2.7 km/s) and the inferred directivity. We discuss the variability of kinematic source parameters, such as the nucleation position and the rupture velocity, and how it influences the predicted ground motions and it does not account for the total standard deviation of the empirical predictive model valid for the region. Finally, we used the results from the scenario studies for the Colfiorito earthquake to integrate the probabilistic and deterministic approaches for seismic hazard assessment

    Scenari di scuotimento e di danno atteso in aree di interesse prioritario e/o strategico

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    Il Progetto S3 si pone come obiettivo il calcolo di scenari di scuotimento in alcune aree italiane nel caso di accadimento del terremoto massimo credibile (Maximum Credible Earthquake). Il progetto si articola in sette Tasks. I primi due Tasks sono a carattere prevalentemente metodologico e comprendono le attività propedeutiche e conoscitive per la generazione di scenari di scuotimento a scala urbana; l'ultimo è relativo al trasferimento dei risultati degli studi di scenario di scuotimento atteso alla comunità ingegneristica per valutazioni relative al danno e al DPC per la gestione del territorio; infine gli altri quattro Tasks corrispondono ciascuno ad una delle aree proposte e forniranno risultati prevalentemente applicativi specifici per l'area oggetto di studio. Nelle due aree di validazione saranno generati scenari di scuotimento corrispondenti agli eventi sismici occorsi; viceversa nelle due aree di previsione saranno generati più scenari di scuotimento, corrispondenti alle diverse ipotesi di accadimento del terremoto massimo credibile (MCE)
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