8 research outputs found

    Interobserver reliability in the classification of pairs of records formed by probabilistic linkage of SISMAMA databases

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    ntroduction: The study assessed interobserver reliability in the classification of record pairs formed during probabilistic linkage of health-related databases, a key step in the methodology validation to be used in a larger on-going study on inequalities in the access to breast and cervical cancer control activities in Brazil (DAAC-SIS). Methodology: The RecLink software was used to link two databases of the Breast Cancer Control Information System (SISMAMA) in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil: a reference database, which included 301 screening mammograms with probable benign diagnosis (BI-RADS 3 category) recorded in October 2010, and a database comprising 158,517 mammograms registered in 2011. Subsequently, the 215 pairs of records that were not assigned the maximum RecLink score were independently classified as being true or false by ten independent evaluators from four participating centers. Results: The Kappa coefficient ranged from 0.87 to 1.00. Six evaluators were in perfect agreement with one or more evaluators from the other centers. The global Kappa was 0.96 (95% confidence interval — 95%CI 0.94 – 0.99). Discussion: Assessment of interobserver reliability is key to ensuring the quality of the record linkage, and it should be routine practice in studies of this nature. The disclosure of such results contributes to transparency in the conduct of such studies and in the reporting of their findings. Conclusion: Interobserver reliability in this study was excellent, indicating satisfactory team consistency in the classification of record pairs

    Knowledge on Pressure Ulcer Prevention Among Nursing Professionals Conocimiento de los profesionales de enfermería sobre prevención de la úlcera por presión Conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem sobre prevenção da úlcera por pressão

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    This study aimed to describe and to analyze knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention among nursing team members working in direct care to adult and elderly patients at a university hospital. A descriptive and exploratory research was carried out between January and March 2009, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee at the study institution. Data were collected through a validated questionnaire. Participants were 386 professionals, of whom 64.8% were nursing auxiliaries/technicians and 35.2% baccalaureate nurses (BSN). The mean percentage of correct answers on the knowledge test was 79.4% (SD=8.3%) for nurses and 73.6% (SD=9.8%) for nursing auxiliaries/technicians. Both professional categories display knowledge deficits in some areas related to the theme. The identification of deficient areas can guide strategic planning with a view to the dissemination and adoption of prevention measures by the team.<br>Este estudio tuvo por objetivo describir y analizar el conocimiento de los miembros del equipo de enfermería, que actúan directamente en la asistencia a pacientes adultos y ancianos, en un hospital universitario, sobre la prevención de la úlcera por presión. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, realizado entre enero y marzo de 2009, aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación de la institución. Los datos fueron recolectaos por medio de un cuestionario validado. De los 386 participantes, 64,8% eran auxiliares/técnicos de enfermería y 35,2%, enfermeros. El porcentaje promedio de aciertos en la prueba de conocimiento fue 79,4% (de=8,3%) para los enfermeros y 73,6% (de=9,8%) para los auxiliares/técnicos de enfermería. Concluimos que ambas categorías de profesionales presentan déficits de conocimiento en algunas áreas del tema en referencia. La identificación de las áreas deficientes puede orientar la planificación de estrategias para diseminación y adopción de medidas preventivas por el equipo.<br>O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever e analisar o conhecimento dos membros da equipe de enfermagem que atuam diretamente na assistência a pacientes adultos e idosos, em um hospital universitário, sobre a prevenção da úlcera por pressão. Trata-se de estudo descritivo-exploratório, realizado entre janeiro e março de 2009, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da instituição. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário validado. Participaram deste estudo 386 indivíduos, 64,8% eram auxiliares/técnicos de enfermagem e 35,2%, enfermeiros. Vê-se, pelos resultados, que a porcentagem média de acertos no teste de conhecimento foi de 79,4% (dp=8,3%) para os enfermeiros e 73,6% (dp=9,8%) para os auxiliares/técnicos de enfermagem. Conclui-se que ambas as categorias de profissionais apresentam déficits de conhecimento em algumas áreas referentes ao tema. A identificação das áreas deficientes pode nortear o planejamento de estratégias para disseminação e para adoção de medidas preventivas pela equipe