31 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Identification of Ampicillin Resistance Determinants in Enterococcus faecium

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    Enterococcus faecium has become a nosocomial pathogen of major importance, causing infections that are difficult to treat owing to its multi-drug resistance. In particular, resistance to the β-lactam antibiotic ampicillin has become ubiquitous among clinical isolates. Mutations in the low-affinity penicillin binding protein PBP5 have previously been shown to be important for ampicillin resistance in E. faecium, but the existence of additional resistance determinants has been suggested. Here, we constructed a high-density transposon mutant library in E. faecium and developed a transposon mutant tracking approach termed Microarray-based Transposon Mapping (M-TraM), leading to the identification of a compendium of E. faecium genes that contribute to ampicillin resistance. These genes are part of the core genome of E. faecium, indicating a high potential for E. faecium to evolve towards β-lactam resistance. To validate the M-TraM results, we adapted a Cre-lox recombination system to construct targeted, markerless mutants in E. faecium. We confirmed the role of four genes in ampicillin resistance by the generation of targeted mutants and further characterized these mutants regarding their resistance to lysozyme. The results revealed that ddcP, a gene predicted to encode a low-molecular-weight penicillin binding protein with D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase activity, was essential for high-level ampicillin resistance. Furthermore, deletion of ddcP sensitized E. faecium to lysozyme and abolished membrane-associated D,D-carboxypeptidase activity. This study has led to the development of a broadly applicable platform for functional genomic-based studies in E. faecium, and it provides a new perspective on the genetic basis of ampicillin resistance in this organism

    Maintaining epithelial stemness with p63

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    In stratified epithelial and glandular tissues, homeostasis relies on the self-renewing capacity of stem cells, which are within the basal layer. The p53 family member p63 is an indispensable transcription factor for epithelial morphogenesis and stemness. A splice variant of the transcription factor p63 that lacks an amino-terminal domain, Delta Np63, is selectively found in the basal compartments of several ectoderm-derived tissues such as stratified and glandular epithelia, in which it is required for the replenishment of stem cells. Thus far, the transcriptional programs downstream of p63 in stemness regulation remain incompletely defined. Unveiling the molecular basis of stem cell self-renewal may be relevant in understanding how this process may contribute to cancer development. In this review, we specifically highlight experimental investigations, which suggest that p63 is a marker of normal epithelial stem cells and describe p63 transcriptional targets that may be involved in stemness regulation. Finally, we discuss relevant findings implicating p63 in epithelial cancer stem cell biology

    The E3 ubiquitin ligase WWP1 sustains the growth of acute myeloid leukaemia

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    The E3 ubiquitin ligase (E3) WWP1 is an oncogenic factor implicated in the maintenance of different types of epithelial cancers. The role of WW domain-containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1 (WWP1) in haematological neoplasms remains unknown. Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is characterized by the expansion of malignant myeloid cells blocked at different stages of differentiation. Here we report that the expression of WWP1 is significantly augmented in a large cohort of primary AML patients and in AML cell lines, compared with haematopoietic cells from healthy donors. We show that WWP1 inactivation severely impairs the growth of primary AML blasts and cell lines in vitro. In vivo, we observed a reduced leukaemogenic potential of WWP1-depleted AML cells upon transplantation into immunocompromised mice. Mechanistically, WWP1 inactivation induces the accumulation of its protein substrate p27(Kip1), which ultimately contributes to G(0)/G(1) cell cycle arrest of AML blasts. In addition, WWP1 depletion triggers the autophagy signalling and reduces survival of leukaemic cells. Collectively, our findings provide molecular insights into the anticancer potential of WWP1 inhibition, suggesting that this E3 is a promising biomarker and druggable target in AML

    Serial Forced Displacement in American Cities, 1916–2010

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    Serial forced displacement has been defined as the repetitive, coercive upheaval of groups. In this essay, we examine the history of serial forced displacement in American cities due to federal, state, and local government policies. We propose that serial forced displacement sets up a dynamic process that includes an increase in interpersonal and structural violence, an inability to react in a timely fashion to patterns of threat or opportunity, and a cycle of fragmentation as a result of the first two. We present the history of the policies as they affected one urban neighborhood, Pittsburgh’s Hill District. We conclude by examining ways in which this problematic process might be addressed

    p73 Regulates Primary Cortical Neuron Metabolism: a Global Metabolic Profile

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    The transcription factor p73 has been demonstrated to play a significant role in survival and differentiation of neuronal stem cells. In this report, by employing comprehensive metabolic profile and mitochondrial bioenergetics analysis, we have explored the metabolic alterations in cortical neurons isolated from p73 N-terminal isoform specific knockout animals. We found that loss of the TAp73 or ΔNp73 triggers selective biochemical changes. In particular, p73 isoforms regulate sphingolipid and phospholipid biochemical pathway signaling. Indeed, sphinganine and sphingosine levels were reduced in p73-depleted cortical neurons, and decreased levels of several membrane phospholipids were also observed. Moreover, in line with the complexity associated with p73 functions, loss of the TAp73 seems to increase glycolysis, whereas on the contrary, loss of ΔNp73 isoform reduces glucose metabolism, indicating an isoform-specific differential effect on glycolysis. These changes in glycolytic flux were not reflected by parallel alterations of mitochondrial respiration, as only a slight increase of mitochondrial maximal respiration was observed in p73-depleted cortical neurons. Overall, our findings reinforce the key role of p73 in regulating cellular metabolism and point out that p73 exerts its functions in neuronal biology at least partially through the regulation of metabolic pathways

    Cell death pathologies: targeting death pathways and the immune system for cancer therapy

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    Alterations in the molecular mechanisms of cell death are a common feature of cancer. These alterations enable malignant cells to survive intrinsic death signalling leading to accumulation of genetic aberrations and helping them to cope with adverse conditions. Regulated cell death has historically been exclusively associated with classical apoptosis; however, increasing evidence indicates that several alternative mechanisms orchestrate multiple death pathways, such as ferroptosis, entosis, necroptosis and immunogenic cell death, each with distinct underlying molecular mechanisms. Although pharmacological targeting of cell death pathways has been the subject of intensive efforts in recent decades with a dominant focus on targeting apoptosis, the identification of these novel death pathways has opened additional venues for intervention in cancer cells and the immune system. In this mini-review, we cover some recent progress on major recently emerged cell death modalities, emphasizing their potential clinical and therapeutic implications. We also discuss the interplay between cell death and immune response, highlighting the potential of the combination of traditional anticancer therapy and immunocheckpoint blockade. While attempting to stimulate discussion and draw attention to the possible clinical impact of these more recently emerged cell death modalities, we also cover the major progress achieved in translating strategies for manipulation of apoptotic pathways into the clinic, focusing on the attempts to target the anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 and the tumour suppressor p53