17 research outputs found

    A Controversy That Has Been Tough to Swallow: Is the Treatment of Achalasia Now Digested?

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    Esophageal achalasia is a rare neurodegenerative disease of the esophagus and the lower esophageal sphincter that presents within a spectrum of disease severity related to progressive pathological changes, most commonly resulting in dysphagia. The pathophysiology of achalasia is still incompletely understood, but recent evidence suggests that degeneration of the postganglionic inhibitory nerves of the myenteric plexus could be due to an infectious or autoimmune mechanism, and nitric oxide is the neurotransmitter affected. Current treatment of achalasia is directed at palliation of symptoms. Therapies include pharmacological therapy, endoscopic injection of botulinum toxin, endoscopic dilation, and surgery. Until the late 1980s, endoscopic dilation was the first line of therapy. The advent of safe and effective minimally invasive surgical techniques in the early 1990s paved the way for the introduction of laparoscopic myotomy. This review will discuss the most up-to-date information regarding the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of achalasia, including a historical perspective. The laparoscopic Heller myotomy with partial fundoplication performed at an experienced center is currently the first line of therapy because it offers a low complication rate, the most durable symptom relief, and the lowest incidence of postoperative gastroesophageal reflux

    Alterações da motilidade esofagiana em pacientes cirróticos com varizes de esôfago não submetidos a tratamento endoscópico Esophageal motor disorders in cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices non-submitted to endoscopic treatment

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    RACIONAL: A cirrose hepática apresenta como uma das principais causas de morbimortalidade, a hipertensão porta com o desenvolvimento de varizes esofagianas, possibilidade de hemorragia digestiva alta e agravamento da insuficiência hepática. É importante identificar fatores preditivos causais ou agravantes desta condição e se possível, preveni-los. Nos últimos anos tem se observado a associação de distúrbios motores de esôfago e de refluxo gastroesofágico em pacientes cirróticos com varizes de esôfago. OBJETIVOS: Estudar a prevalência dos distúrbios de motilidade esofagiana e, entre eles, da motilidade esofagiana ineficaz, neste grupo de pacientes e seus possíveis fatores preditivos. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se de maneira prospectiva, 74 pacientes com cirrose hepática e varizes esofagianas diagnosticadas por endoscopia digestiva alta, virgens de tratamento endoscópico terapêutico. Todos foram submetidos a um protocolo de investigação clínica, a esofagomanometria e 55 pacientes também realizaram pHmetria esofagiana ambulatorial. RESULTADOS: Alterações da motilidade esofagiana foram observadas em 44 pacientes (60%), sendo a mais prevalente a motilidade esofagiana ineficaz, verificada em 28%. Refluxo anormal foi encontrado em 35% dos pacientes. Não houve correlação entre anormalidade manométrica em geral e motilidade esofagiana ineficaz, em particular, e a presença de sintomas esofagianos ou típicos de doença do refluxo, refluxo anormal, a gravidade da doença, a presença de ascite e o calibre das varizes. CONCLUSÕES: A maioria dos cirróticos com varizes esofagianas não submetidos a tratamento endoscópico apresenta distúrbios motores do esôfago, sem fatores preditivos identificáveis. A importância clínica desses achados necessita de maior aprofundamento na questão, para elucidar seu papel definitivo.<br>BACKGROUND: The hepatic cirrhosis has as one of the main morbid-mortality causes, the portal hypertension with the development of esophageal varices, the possibility of a digestive hemorrhage and worsening of hepatic insufficiency. It is important to identify causal predictive or aggravating factors and if possible to prevent them. In the last years, it has been observed the association of esophageal motor disorders and gastro-esophageal reflux in cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices. AIMS: To study the prevalence of the esophageal motility disorders and among them, the ineffective esophageal motility, in patients with hepatic cirrhosis and esophageal varices, without previous endoscopic therapeutic and the predictives factors. METHODS: Prospectively, it has been evaluate 74 patients suffering from liver cirrhosis and esophagic varices, without previous endoscopic treatment. All of them were submitted to a clinical protocol, esophageal manometry and 55 patients also held the ambulatory esophageal pHmetry. RESULTS: Esophageal motility disorders have been found in 44 patients (60%). The most prevalent was the ineffective esophageal motility, observed in 28%. The abnormal reflux disease was diagnosed through the pHmetry in 35% of the patients. There were no correlation between the manometrical abnormality in general and the ineffective esophageal motility in particular and the esophageal or gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms, the abnormal reflux, the disease seriousness, the ascites presence and the gauge of the varices. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of cirrhotic patients with non-treated esophageal varices present esophageal motor disorders. No predictive factor was found. The clinical relevance of these findings need more researches in the scope to define the real meaning of theses abnormalities

    Stress Experienced by Teachers and Stressors in Dependence on the Institution of Education

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    Mokytojų darbas vykstant socialiniams pokyčiams ir besitęsiančioms švietimo reformoms atsidūrė nuolatinės kaitos proceso sūkuryje. Visa tai turi itin stiprų poveikį ir įtaką mokytojo profesinei veiklai, jos kokybei ir darbo efektyvumui, patiriamam stresui. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti pedagogų patiriamą stresą bei stresorius priklausomai nuo ugdymo įstaigos. Duomenys buvo renkami anoniminės anketinės apklausos metodu. Taikytas atsitiktinės atrankos metodas. Tyrimas atliktas dviejuose Jonavos ugdymo įstaigose: gimnazijoje ir lopšelyje – darželyje. Streso pedagogų darbe tyrime dalyvavo 56 respondentai: 36 gimnazijos ir 20 lopšelio – darželio pedagogų. Stresui pedagogų darbe įvertinti buvo taikoma J. Pikūno ir A. Palujanskienės metodika. Apklausos metu pateiktas klausimynas, atskleidžiantis vidinius stresorius, kurie tuo pačiu metu gali būti vertinami ir kaip vidinio streso požymiai. Duomenų statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 17.0 programinį paketą. Tyrimas parodė, kad 30% lopšelio – darželio pedagogų jaučia nežymų stresą arba kad vidinių stresorių nepavyksta įveikti įprastu būdu (χ2=22,41; p<0,001). Nustatyta, kad gimnazijoje ir lopšelyje – darželyje jaučiamas vidutinis stresas bei trečdaliui lopšelio – darželio pedagogų nepavyksta įprastu būdu įveikti vidinių stresorių ir tai sukelia nežymų stresą.In the context of social changes and ongoing education reforms, teachers’ work found itself in the midst of continuous turnover. All those processes strongly affect and influence teachers’ professional activities, their quality and work efficiency, as well as their experienced stress. The aim of the research was to analyze stress experienced by teachers and stressors in dependence on the institution of education. The data were collected using the methods of questionnaire survey. The subjects were selected using the random sampling strategy. The study was conducted in two Jonava institutions of education: a gymnasium and a preschool. The study on stress in teachers’ work involved 56 respondents: 36 of them were from the gymnasium, 20 – from preschool. Stress in teachers’ work was evaluated applying the methodology of J. Pikūnas and A. Palujanskienė. The questionnaire used in the survey revealed internal stressors which at the same time could be evaluated as internal signs of stress. Statistical data analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0 programme package. Research showed that 30% of teachers at the preschool experienced low levels of stress, and their internal stressors could not be overcome in usual ways (χ2=22.41; p<0.001). It was established that teachers both in the gymnasium and preschool felt internal stress, and one third of preschool teachers were unable to overcome internal stressors, which caused low stres

    Achalasia in the elderly patient: a comparative study

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    CONTEXT: Achalasia is a primary esophageal motor disorder secondary to the degeneration of ganglion cells of the inhibitory intramural myenteric plexus. It affects both sexes similarly and has two peaks of incidence, one in the 3rd to 4th decades of life and the other after 60 years of age. The effect of age on esophageal motility of patients with achalasia is not well known. Studies have shown that healthy older people, when compared to the young, have: a) a lower number of ganglion cells in the intramural myenteric plexus; b) a reduced normal relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter; and c) a reduced esophageal peristalsis. Thus, as both age and achalasia can produce comparable degenerative changes in the intramural myenteric plexus, it is possible that advanced age could be an important factor in enhancing the clinical and manometric abnormalities commonly found in patients with achalasia. OBJECTIVES: To compare the clinical, radiological and manometric findings in young as compared to elderly (>60 years old) achalasia patients. METHODS: A retrospective study of a group of patients with untreated achalasia separated into young and elderly patients. Demographic, clinical, serology for Chagas' disease, radiological and manometric data were compared between these groups. The level of significance was P<0.05. RESULTS: The study included 105 patients, 52 young (25 M/27 F, mean age 40 years old) and 53 elderly (21 M/32 F, mean age 70 years old). The elderly group had a higher prevalence of Chagas' disease (P = 0.004) and a lower pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter [26.4 mm Hg vs 31.9 mm Hg] P = 0.001, a difference that persisted when analyzed only elderly and young patients with idiopathic achalasia. Younger patients had a higher prevalence of heartburn (P = 0.001) and chest pain (P = 0.012) than the elderly. CONCLUSION: Elderly patients with achalasia had a lower esophageal sphincter pressure than the young, even when we excluded patients with Chagas' disease but, as a group, they were less symptomatic

    Estudo de alterações na cavidade oral em pacientes com doença do refluxo gastroesofágico Study in oral cavity alterations in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    RACIONAL: A doença do refluxo gastroesofágico, afecção de elevada e crescente incidência, pode se manifestar através de sintomas típicos (pirose e regurgitação) e atípicos (pulmonares, otorrinolaringológicos e bucais). OBJETIVO:Analisar as alterações na cavidade oral de pacientes com a doença do refluxo gastroesofágico. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 100 pacientes, sendo 50 acometidos por doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (grupo 1) e 50 controles (grupo 2). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a exame clínico oral e questionário específico, e naqueles do grupo 1, foram realizadas endoscopia digestiva alta e manometria e pHmetria esofágicas. RESULTADOS: A endoscopia digestiva alta demonstrou esofagite em todos os pacientes, sendo erosiva em 20, não-erosiva em 30 e hérnia hiatal em 38. A pressão média no esfíncter inferior do esôfago foi de 11 ± 4,8 mm Hg e no superior de 75 ± 26,5 mm Hg. Em 42 pacientes do grupo 1 (84%) foi observado refluxo gastroesofágico patológico. O exame clínico oral mostrou: erosões dentárias no grupo 1: 273 faces e no grupo 2: 5; dentes cariados no grupo 1: 23 e 115 no grupo 2; abrasão no grupo 1: 58 e no grupo 2: 95; desgaste por atrito: 408 no grupo 1 e 224 no grupo 2. A face dental mais acometida foi a palatina. No grupo 1, 21 pacientes referiam queixas de aftas freqüentes, 35 sensibilidade dentária, 26 ardência bucal e 42 gosto azedo na boca. Naqueles do grupo 2 estas queixas foram observadas em menor número de pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: Os doentes com doença do refluxo gastroesofágico apresentam maior incidência de erosões dentárias, aftas, ardência bucal, sensibilidade dentária e gosto azedo que os controles e menor incidência de lesões cariosas em relação aos controles.<br>BACKGROUND: The gastroesophageal reflux disease, which has become highly and increasingly incident, may be manifested by typical (pyrosis and regurgitation) and atypical (pulmonary, otorhinolaryngological and buccal) symptoms. AIM: To analyze alterations in the oral cavity patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. METHODS: One hundred patients were studied being 50 gastroesophageal reflux disease patients (group 1) and 50 controls (group 2). All patients were submitted to an oral clinical exam and specific survey. Patients in group 1 were submitted to upper endoscopy, manometry and esophageal pH monitoring. RESULTS: The upper endoscopy revealed esophagitis in all patients, 20 erosive esophagitis, 30 no-erosive esophagitis and 38 hiatal hernia. Average pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter was 11 ± 4,8 mm Hg and of the upper esophageal sphincter 75 ± 26,5 mm Hg. In 42 patients of group 1 (84%) pathological gastroesophageal reflux was observed. Clinical exams revealed: dental erosions in group 1: 273 faces and in group 2: 5 tooth decays in group 1: 23 and 115 in group 2; abrasion in group 1: 58 and in group 2: 95; attrition wear: 408 in group 1 and 224 in group 2. The most damages was the palatine face. In group 1, 21 patients complained about frequent episodes of cankers sores, 35 of tooth sensibility, 26 of burning mouth and 42 of sour taste in the mouth. In group 2 the complaints were observed in lower number of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease present higher incidence of dental erosion, cankers sores, mouth burning sensation, sensitivity and sour taste than controls. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease show lower incidence of tooth decays as compared to controls

    Avaliação de serviços de saúde auditiva sob a perspectiva do usuário: proposta de instrumento Hearing health service evaluation under the perspective of the users: proposal of an instrument

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar a aplicabilidade de um questionário de avaliação do serviço, sob a perspectiva do usuário. MÉTODOS: O questionário foi inspirado no estudo conduzido pelo Hearing and Communication Group, e apresenta 18 questões nas dimensões: acesso ao serviço, avaliação da audição, atendimento personalizado, benefício para família, comunicação e informação, e competência profissional. Cada questão foi apresentada em escala graduada de cinco pontos. A casuística foi composta por 53 pacientes (ou responsável/acompanhante), que foram convidados, pelos profissionais da recepção, a responder ao questionário. Os dados foram calculados em porcentagem e a pontuação de cada domínio e a pontuação total foi estabelecida. A estatística inferencial foi aplicada, adotando nível de significância de 5%, a fim de verificar a influência das características demográficas no escore total. RESULTADOS: O escore para o domínio acesso foi 62,25%, para avaliação da audição foi 85,96%, para atendimento personalizado foi 82,05%, para benefício para família foi 68,57%, para comunicação e informação foi 79,13%, para competência profissional foi 97,39% e para o escore total 70,65%. Verificou-se que pacientes com menor nível de escolaridade, menor tempo de atendimento no serviço e os que já receberam o AASI apresentam resultados mais elevados no escore total do questionário. CONCLUSÃO: O questionário do presente estudo mostrou-se de fácil aplicabilidade no serviço de saúde auditiva, porém, é necessária sua aplicação em serviços de saúde auditiva em nível nacional para que a padronização e os critérios de confiabilidade e validade possam ser estabelecidos.<br>PURPOSE: To verify the applicability of a questionnaire for the assessment of hearing health services, under the perspective of the users. METHODS: The questionnaire was inspired on the study conducted by the Hearing and Communication Group, and presents 18 questions focused on the following dimensions: access to the service, hearing evaluation, personal attendance, family benefits, communication and information, and professional competence. Each question of this instrument was presented in a graduation scale of five points. The casuistic comprised 53 patients (or caregiver), that were invited, by the reception professionals, to answer to the questionnaire. Data were calculated in percentage, and the score for each domain and the total score were established. Inferential statistic tests were applied, adopting a significant level of 5%, in order to verify the influences of demographic characteristics on the total score. RESULTS: The score for the access domain was 62.25%, for hearing evaluation was 85.96%, for personal attendance was 82.05%, for family benefits was 68.57%, for the domain communication and information was 79.13%, for professional competence was 97.39%, and the total score was 70.65%. It was verified that patients with lower schooling levels, lesser time attending the service, and those that had already received the hearing aid obtained higher total scores on the questionnaire. CONCLUSION: The questionnaire used in the present study proved to be easily applicable in hearing health services; however, its application on national level is necessary, so that standardization and reliability and validity can be established