12 research outputs found

    Design Principles for Engineering of Tissues from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Recent advances in human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) technologies have enabled the engineering of human tissue constructs for developmental studies, disease modeling, and drug screening platforms. In vitro tissue formation can be generally described at three levels of cellular organization. Multicellular hPSC constructs are initially formed either with polymeric scaffold materials or simply via self-assembly, adhesive mechanisms. Heterotypic interactions within hPSC tissue constructs can be achieved by physically mixing independently differentiated cell populations or coaxed to simultaneously co-emerge from a common population of undifferentiated cells. Higher order tissue architecture can be engineered by imposing external spatial constraints, such as molds and scaffolds, or depend upon cell-driven organization that exploits endogenous innate developmental mechanisms. The multicellular, heterogeneous, and highly organized structure of hPSC constructs ultimately dictates the resulting form and function of in vitro engineered human tissue models

    Closed-Loop Systems and In Vitro Neuronal Cultures: Overview and Applications

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    One of the main limitations preventing the realization of a successful dialogue between the brain and a putative enabling device is the intricacy of brain signals. In this perspective, closed-loop in vitro systems can be used to investigate the interactions between a network of neurons and an external system, such as an interacting environment or an artificial device. In this chapter, we provide an overview of closed-loop in vitro systems, which have been developed for investigating potential neuroprosthetic applications. In particular, we first explore how to modify or set a target dynamical behavior in a network of neurons. We then analyze the behavior of in vitro systems connected to artificial devices, such as robots. Finally, we provide an overview of biological neuronal networks interacting with artificial neuronal networks, a configuration currently offering a promising solution for clinical applications

    Understanding Retinal Development Can Inform Future Regenerative Therapies

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    Photoreceptor degeneration: genetic and mechanistic dissection of a complex trait

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