1,373 research outputs found

    Sustainable Communication

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    Sustainable Communication

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    In dit mini-review zal ik op een praktische manier presenteren hoe communicatie zich verhoudt tot duurzaamheid en hoe communicatie in verschillende fasen kan worden ingezet om de duurzaamheid te vergroten en de energietransitie te versnellen. Het model, van A tot Duurzaamheid, geeft invulling aan de verschillende vormen van communicatie, van informatievoorziening over overtuigen tot dialoog

    Pathogen inactivation and regrowth in organic waste during biological treatment

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    After proper sanitation treatment, organic wastes such as animal by-products, e.g.catering waste, slaughterhouse waste and manure can be used as fertilisers and soil conditioners and thereby contribute to a sustainable society. However, organic waste may contain pathogenic microorganisms and can thus present a health risk to both humans and animals if not properly treated. In the present thesis regrowth potential of Salmonella Typhimurium, Enterococcus spp. and coliforms in organic waste at psychrophilic and mesophilic temperatures and the time and temperature combinations required for pathogen inactivation during thermal treatments was investigated. This was done with the aim to contribute to hygienically safe recycling of organic waste. Pathogen growth was observed in active compost material as well as in fresh cattle manure. The growth potential decreased with increased maturity of the compost. In thermal treatment of fresh cattle manure, a treatment temperature of 52°C and a retention time of 17.2 h or a temperature of 55°C during 16.9 h were needed to achieve the reduction targets set by current EU regulation in terms of bacterial reduction. However, this time and temperature combination was not sufficient to achieve the reduction target of 3 log10 for parvovirus as a thermoresistant virus. The inactivation rate of Salmonella Senftenberg W775 and Enterococcus spp. were found to increase with increased moisture content whereas the opposite relationship between inactivation rate and moisture content was observed for viruses

    How to make a difference

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    The war for talent? The relevance of employer branding in job advertisments for becoming an employer of choice

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    How to make a difference

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    Energy and Sustainable Communication

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    Immunstimulatoriskt DNA : vikten av bildning av sekundÀrstrukturer och CpG-motiv för induktion/inhibition av IFN-alfa med ODN relaterade till genomet hos porcint circovirus typ 2

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    Nucleotide sequences containing CpG-motifs are recognized as immunomodulators in pigs among other species. Phosphodiester oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), such as ODN H, have been demonstrated to be potent inducers of interferon-alpha (INF-alpha) in porcine blood mononuclear cells (poPBMC) provided they are pre-treated with LipofectinÂź. In the present study the IFN-alpha inducing activity of ODN H was demonstrated to be altered after addition of poly-G sequences at the 5' and/or 3' end and by increasing the number of nucleotides (nt) in the base-pairing sequence of the ODN. Alterations that facilitated the formation of secondary structures reduced the need for pre-treatment with LipofectinÂź. Furthermore, deliberate destruction of secondary structures by heat-treatment of ODN 2216 reduced the IFN-alpha inducing capacity of that ODN. Thus, results suggest that the stimulatory activity of the ODNs is dependent on secondary structure formation. Other ODNs are recognized as potent inhibitors of the INF-alpha production in poPBMC. The ODN PCV2/1 corresponding to a 20 nt long sequence from the genome of PCV2, has been identified as such an inhibitory ODN. Further, it was demonstrated that the inhibitory capacity of ODN PCV2/1 not depend on the presence of a central CpG-motif. Further, results from the in vitro studies show a significant difference between ODN PCV2/1 found in the genome of PCV2 from healthy pigs in Sweden and ODN PCV2/1S1, which predominates in pigs from farms with PMWS in Sweden. However, the biological significance of these findings remain to be elucidated.Nukleotidsekvenser i mikrobiellt DNA som innehĂ„ller CpG-motiv kan fungera som immumodulatorer hos bl.a. gris. För att efterlikna detta in vitro kan man anvĂ€nda sig av oligodeoxynukleotider (ODN). Vissa fosfodiester ODN, sĂ„som ODN H, har visat sig kunna aktivera vita blodkroppar sĂ„ att de producerar interferon-alfa (IFN-a) förutsatt att oligodeoxynukleotiderna förbehandlats med LipofektinÂź. Denna studie visar att den IFN-a inducerande förmĂ„gan hos ODN H kan förĂ€ndras genom tillsats av poly-G sekvenser till 5’ och/eller 3’ Ă€nden samt genom en ökning av antalet nukleotider i den basparande strĂ€ckan. För att undersöka hur den stimulatoriska aktiviteten pĂ„verkas av denaturering utfördes studier pĂ„ ODN 2216, som har förmĂ„gan att baspara med sig sjĂ€lv. Resultaten visade pĂ„ en minskning av den IFN-a inducerande aktiviteten efter denaturering vilket tyder pĂ„ att den stimulatoriska aktiviteten hos en ODN Ă€r beroende av formation av sekundĂ€rstrukturer. Andra ODN har visat sig kunna inhiberar IFN-a produktionen frĂ„n vita blodkroppar, till dessa hör ODN PCV2/1 som motsvarar en 20 nt lĂ„ng sekvens som Ă„terfinns i genomet hos porcint circovirus typ 2 (PCV2) hos friska grisar i Sverige. In vitro studien visar att det centrala CpG-motivet inte Ă€r nödvĂ€ndigt för den inhiberande förmĂ„gan hos ODN PCV2/1. Studien visar dock pĂ„ en signifikant skillnad mellan den IFN-a inhiberande kapaciten hos ODN PCV2/1 och ODN PCV2/1S1, som dominerar bland grisar frĂ„n svenska besĂ€ttningar med PMWS och saknar det centrala CpG-motivet. Det kvarstĂ„r dock att klarlĂ€gga den bilogiska relevansen av dessa fynd

    Energy and Sustainable Communication

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